Lovin' The Homestead
I just refer to those as twisty lighty bulbsTanksHill said:Farm Fresh, I totally agree with you.
CFL = compact fluorescent lights.
Lori, that's a great idea.
It loos like all of the tomatoes have sprouted except the 9 with seeds I saved myself. Go figure. I will give them a few more days because the seeds are kinda old. Then throw in some more Roma's instead.
I got the kids out the door with now major issues this morning. No tantrums. DD 5yo ate some food. She is not big on breakfast. GF girl had a gf pancake with her eggs and bacon instead of toast. And ds ate two turkey eggs over easy with his toast and bacon.
It is just gorgeous outside today. It should hit the mid 70's and sunny. I'm sorry.
I think I am going to go get my errands run early so I can come back and work in the garden. I am thinking about direct seeding some green beans today. Oh, I also told dh that I was thinking about growing snap peas and shelling peas in the dirt between the fence and the driveway. So they could climb the fence. He was very receptive to the idea. Maybe I will run down the drive with the mower and then put some seeds in there as well.
aways so much to do.
have a great day!!!