TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Despite the growing nuclear crisis in Japan, health officials in California said they were doubtful that harmful radiation would flow 5,000 miles to the West Coast.

Jordan Scott, a spokesman for the California Emergency Management Agency, said nuclear experts had reassured officials in his office that there is no danger at this time.

Scott said they also have been told that, should a meltdown occur at one of Japans quake-damaged nuclear reactors, it is highly unlikely that we would see any effects of it here.


Gina don't worry too much. This is just a snippet from an article I just googled.......

just search----Japan nuclear effects California
and you hit a ton of sites saying the danger is very very low

just go read a bit and truly I believe all should be fine your way.....fingers crossed for all to be safe


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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:bun :bun :yuckyuck

oh yea I am way over in NC --got alot of land between us

Here is more Gina: just copies from Yahoo

Could radiation escaping from Japan's nuclear reactors drift across the Pacific and affect Americans in Hawaii, or even on the U.S. mainland?

That's highly unlikely. Gregory Jaczko, the head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said yesterday there's "a very low probability that there's any possibility of harmful radiation levels in the United States or in Hawaii or any other U.S. territories." And Hawaii's health department said air samples show radiation at normal levels. Still, Hawaiians are understandably nervous: Health-food stores in the state are said to have run out of potassium iodide, a compound that can help fight off radiation poisoning.


ALSO GINA you be real careful with those iodine pills etc.
I just read up on them and NOT everyone is recommended to take them and they don't 'truly keep one from radiation' etc. interesting to read up on those pills, but I guess it would help (?) if direct line of fire??


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
So, SO just called to ask when we would need dried kelp again. I told him, whenever we get feed next, which is probably in April. Apparantly, they have had aprox 80 people in today all screaming about iodine and dried seaweed and blah blah. They have no dried seaweed of any kind, including the bulk kelp, no iodine or iodide or anything remotely like it in the store at this point, because its all been bought out. and, people are apparantly having hysterics in the aisles when they find out that they are all out until at least tomorrow. He's buying two bags of the bulk dried kelp when it comes in tomorrow so we will have it for the chickens. We could care less about the radiation, and are more concerned about making sure the chickens stay nonbug free :) We've been adding the kelp to their feed since we got them last spring, and at this point if there was radiation they'd probably survive better than we would! :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
FarmerChick said:
:bun :bun :yuckyuck

oh yea I am way over in NC --got alot of land between us

Here is more Gina: just copies from Yahoo

Could radiation escaping from Japan's nuclear reactors drift across the Pacific and affect Americans in Hawaii, or even on the U.S. mainland?

That's highly unlikely. Gregory Jaczko, the head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said yesterday there's "a very low probability that there's any possibility of harmful radiation levels in the United States or in Hawaii or any other U.S. territories." And Hawaii's health department said air samples show radiation at normal levels. Still, Hawaiians are understandably nervous: Health-food stores in the state are said to have run out of potassium iodide, a compound that can help fight off radiation poisoning._______________________________________

ALSO GINA you be real careful with those iodine pills etc.
I just read up on them and NOT everyone is recommended to take them and they don't 'truly keep one from radiation' etc. interesting to read up on those pills, but I guess it would help (?) if direct line of fire??
lol, i posted before i checked my notifications :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hump Day, Uhh I mean Wed day. Let's not go there. ;)

I can't believe how of my clock I am. I was siting here reading and typing and looked at the time. It was 7am. My kids were still sleeping, they have to leave at 7:30. Wow, I can't believe we made it. Goes to show the really can hurry when they need to. Time change sucks.

Well dh and I have been watching the news together. You can tell he is in total disbelief of the chaos in Japan. It is so hard to comprehend the state of their lives. Kinda brings home the reality of natural disasters.

My Turkey Girl was supposed to hatch chickens yesterday. I have not seen any and the coop kinda smells. Unfortunately I never candled the eggs so I know I am waiting on some stink bombs down there. I find it hard to believe that with all of the eggs she was on none were fertile. I am hoping to find something when I go down this morning.

My dishwashers are fixed!!! Whoot. I have a Sears warranty on them and the man came and replaced all necessary parts and seals, soap dispensers etc.. That warranty was the best money ever spent.

I am on the fence about shopping today. I have hit my budget limit but there are a few things I would like to go out for. I hate that decision of putting things on my card, even if it is just for a week. I will re evaluate my list and see if I can put the stuff off.

Other than that just my normal gig. Not much else going on. I need to wash my pickup bed today. It still holds the remnants of my horse compost. How exciting is that???

have a great day, gina


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Funny, but its really hard to find a down hill slope around here that I can get my truck on. Dh is a bit more daring but I think I'll just wash it out on the lawn.

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