I went through some of those thoughts when I turned 40, or rather, I think it was when I was about to turn 40, actually turning 39 did it to me.
It ended up being a really really good phase of my life, and thinking about your purpose in life, where you want to be for the next 40 years, etc., can be a very good thing.
There are many books about the topic and I "studied" it for awhile, until I figured out a few things that I felt were important and then began volunteering. It set my feet on a very different path than what I had thought. But I would not have missed it for the world!
OMG!!! I have so much catching up to do. It will have to wait until tomorrow though.
Just got in from the desert earleer. I left my turkey hen on those eggs. I figured they were not fertile. Tom just never seems to know what he is supposed to be doing.
Well I found 3 dead hatchlings under the hen and two about to expire on the floor.
I quickly snatched them up and ran to the house. I have the brooder light and misc things needed in the laundry for the meaties next week. I got the light on and the two little ones warmed up. I thought one was dead. limp in my hands but dd saw it try to lift its heard. I immediately got a bit of sugar water into them. I have no idea why I used that I just went for it. Got them warmed up. The only thing I kept thinking was "should I put them in my bra?
So in the mean time I send the kids back to scour the coop for more survivors and then run into the elderly neighbor who was watching the birds. She had 3 more peepers.
The elderly husband called me. Turns out Tom was a bad boy and viciously attacked many poults after they hatched. I think he must have killed several. We also found one out in the field. So he is in bad bird quarantine tonight. Momma hen is on the nest with several more eggs and 5 little ones are in my laundry room.
so here are my questions. How do I know if the peepers are doing ok. I have never dealt with day old hatchings before. I know I asked about the temps and light before. It seems nice and warm in there. But the little ones are just sitting there. The two half dead are now sitting up and holding up their heads. The others 3 are kinda just standing around. Well sleeping now.
So is that all they do? And for how long? I don't want them to croak on me now.
I feel so bad for all of the babies I lost. That would have been one heck of a hatch. I should have stayed home.
I did have a nice birthday in the desert though. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes.