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- #2,081
Super Self-Sufficient
ha I think that cupboard under the stairs is just about the only organized space in my house. I love it when the space has a purpose and that's it. No clutter etc..moolie said:I keep coming back to this thread to admire. I totally have a thing for organization, I know--I'm a weirdo.
Unfortunately I have a lot of hobbies and things stored. I would need many cupboards.. Hey that's an idea. I could designate cupboards in the garage for stuff. One yarn, one fabric, one canning stuff. I would need a bunch of cupboards.

Let's see whats on my agenda for today. I need to do another batch of tomato sauce. Garden has put out some nice romas due to the high temps the last couple days. I am going to head to the farm stand for more seconds. I hope for 2 boxes today. I want to do diced tomatoes soon.
I have a bunch of those English Cuc's I am planning to use in dill relish. I think I will start the dehydrator with eggplant. I have several of the huge things and no idea what to do with them.
Cat needs to go to the vet at 10:30 for second round of shots. I think the vet hates me. I always ask what it's going to cost. I want to know exact amounts. When I took him in for neuter they had quoted me 200 bucks, shots, exam, neuter etc.. Then when the went over the bill its was close to 4 hundred. I said no way. They had added 100 bucks for flea meds and another 100 for a fecal and wormer. I said no to the meds and caved on the fecal and wormer. Which bit me in the ass because the fecal came back negative. So why did I need the wormer??? I suggested DE and the vet looked at me like I was nuts. So then I took the dog in and told them they could not clean his ears because I couldn't afford it. I said I was on a cash budget and they over charged me on the cat so the dog had to wait. They gave me the stink eye on that one.
The worst is that I know these items cost much less elsewhere. I just need to find a new vet.
So now I get home from taking ds to school. The dog opened the back door and the cat got out.

My chickens and turkeys don't cause these problems. And I get to eat them.

Still need to make laundry soap. That is high on my agenda today. The store bought stuff is a gonner.
I hope to go raid the pear tree at our friends again. Maybe can some pears tomorrow.
Well that's the excitement here. We need a yawning smiley.
I hope all our Right Coast friends have their rain boots on. I am so nervous for all of them. Storms are never easy especially when there supposed to be the worst in 100 years.

See ya all later.