TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
moolie said:
I keep coming back to this thread to admire. I totally have a thing for organization, I know--I'm a weirdo.
ha I think that cupboard under the stairs is just about the only organized space in my house. I love it when the space has a purpose and that's it. No clutter etc..

Unfortunately I have a lot of hobbies and things stored. I would need many cupboards.. Hey that's an idea. I could designate cupboards in the garage for stuff. One yarn, one fabric, one canning stuff. I would need a bunch of cupboards. :barnie

:woot TGIF!!!!

Let's see whats on my agenda for today. I need to do another batch of tomato sauce. Garden has put out some nice romas due to the high temps the last couple days. I am going to head to the farm stand for more seconds. I hope for 2 boxes today. I want to do diced tomatoes soon.

I have a bunch of those English Cuc's I am planning to use in dill relish. I think I will start the dehydrator with eggplant. I have several of the huge things and no idea what to do with them.

Cat needs to go to the vet at 10:30 for second round of shots. I think the vet hates me. I always ask what it's going to cost. I want to know exact amounts. When I took him in for neuter they had quoted me 200 bucks, shots, exam, neuter etc.. Then when the went over the bill its was close to 4 hundred. I said no way. They had added 100 bucks for flea meds and another 100 for a fecal and wormer. I said no to the meds and caved on the fecal and wormer. Which bit me in the ass because the fecal came back negative. So why did I need the wormer??? I suggested DE and the vet looked at me like I was nuts. So then I took the dog in and told them they could not clean his ears because I couldn't afford it. I said I was on a cash budget and they over charged me on the cat so the dog had to wait. They gave me the stink eye on that one.

The worst is that I know these items cost much less elsewhere. I just need to find a new vet.

So now I get home from taking ds to school. The dog opened the back door and the cat got out. :he I finally caught the cat. After laying on the driveway trying to coax it out from under my Freightliner. :th

My chickens and turkeys don't cause these problems. And I get to eat them. :gig

Still need to make laundry soap. That is high on my agenda today. The store bought stuff is a gonner.

I hope to go raid the pear tree at our friends again. Maybe can some pears tomorrow.

Well that's the excitement here. We need a yawning smiley. ;)

I hope all our Right Coast friends have their rain boots on. I am so nervous for all of them. Storms are never easy especially when there supposed to be the worst in 100 years. :hide

See ya all later.



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Not much going on here today. No hurricane, no rain, no wind.

Today was sunny 80 with a light ocean breeze.

I feel for all the east coast folks. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone.

Today I canned pears and dill relish.

Dehydrator it running with zucchini.

Fall plot is fenced. I am going to amend and plant tomorrow.

I took the kids swimming earlier.

Laundry still waits for me. I did get some soap made. Tomorrow will be washing day.

Not much else for me.



Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
TanksHill said:
Well I have been canning like a mad woman trying to keep up. Today I managed a few quarts of free pears and 6 pints of zucchini relish.

Which leads to the next project. :D

As some of you may remember last year, or was it early this year. Anyways I decided to clean out an area under my garage stairs. Dh and I decided to build some shelves to store my canning. Which every year seems to be expanding. This year seems to be no different.

When the shelves under my stairs were filled I had started stacking the new jars on open metal shelving in the garage area near this cupboard. Then I was concerned with the light and heat fluctuation because of the garage door staying open and such.

So to make a long story short. I know to late. :p I moved my buckets to the garage area and started building more shelves in the cupboard. It makes for a tight squeeze but I figure the jars will be in such a better situation it's worth it.

So here's the cabinet side I did last year. Almost all of the canning is from this year.


If feels good to see the shelves filling up.

What a fantastic job. Your shelves and the canning are wonderful!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I am not normally one to ask for prayers but today I need them. Not for myself but for a wonderful woman and family friend. K is the giving woman that teaches my children about horses and to ride. She started with a dentist appointment. They thought she needed a root canal. Now she is headed for a biopsy. The doctor believes she has oral jaw cancer. Yes she is a smoker. So sad. Many of you know I traveled this exact road with my dh in 2008. It's hard.

So, if you pray please pray. If you chant, chant. If you prefer to dance naked under the moon I will take that as well. Please just put some positive vibes out for our friend K.

I dont want to point the finger but for those of you still smoking, please stop. This is not a one in a million occurance. This is 2 out of 2 for us.. That's pretty rough odds. Your family will thank you.



Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
:hugs Gina, to you, to your hubs, and to K.

Cancer has touched so many I know, I hope your husband is doing ok a couple of years later.

(If you don't mind PM'ing me her first name I'd like to add her to my prayer list but I can just work with K if you'd rather not--God knows who she is.)
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