TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Well, I am up early today and catching up on everyone's posts. Lost of spring stuff going on around here.

My dh cam home at a reasonable hour on Tues so I headed toward the Chiropractors office. After a bit of ultra sound and an adjustment my back feels 99 percent better. It amazes me how much. I am still taking some ibuprofen for inflammation but there is no pinch any longer. After a week of pain and tears Im on the mend.

I think I am going to get my pilates DVD pack out and try to do some stretching exercises for my core.

Well, on the home front....
School is going well. Ds is in the middle of his Ca. Mission report. We bought most of the parts and pieces from the craft store. He is loving the construction of the building out of the foam core. I told him I will buy him more so he can build whatever he wants. The written part is going ok. I am still helping a bit but he is definitely more on task and cooperative.

We have a doctors appointment today for him. They will do a med check I think and see how he is doing. I think we are fine.

I started my 7 yo dd on the Omega 3's when I did son and I am really noticing some differences in her disposition. She is getting 2000mg per day and I noticed her skin is not so crusty any more. She seems to be a bit less dramatic. If that's even possible for a 7 yo girl.

On the house front. My dh is miserable with the new job. He is still working from the Chino office. The work is very easy for him because he is a bit over qualified for the job. He is doing his work and then finishing and doing things for other project managers as well. There is one thing that is just making him really mad. I think it's just the icing on the cake. They have given him a phone with a northern area code. It is really bothering him. He is not supposed to be working up north and I think by taking the phone it show he is conceding. If you get my drift. Every day he comes home and is frustrated. I just keep telling him we DO have options.

Yesterday I gave him the "If I was religious" speech. About maybe we just need to have faith and trust that there is a plan. That if we do go to Mo. it wouldn't be that bad. With his experience I am sure he could get some kind of job.

The other day his Dad drove him to the office. He needed to pick up the company truck they are providing him with. His dad asked if we were moving. This has been a taboo subject usually not discussed. DH said yes eventually we will move. His family is really wearing him down. They keep pointing ut the negatives and how far it is. I am a bit annoyed. His dad said "Gina really wants to move doesn't she?" My dh said yes, not sure if he also add that he wanted to go or that right now our finances are dictating the future. In our family I have come to call this," throwing Momma under the bus". Very often I am made out to be the bad guy, or girl. Whatever!! If thy cared we wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

This weekend is Mother's day and it looks like we will go to the in laws for a normal
Sunday family dinner. I am hoping if my back feels up to it I can spend my Sat in the garden. That would make Sunday at the in laws more tolerable. I have a friend who invited us over for appetizers and margaritas on Sat. This was a party I threw last year. It got a bit out of hand and I really don't feel like doing it again. Not sure how I will get out of attending. This is the husband who never has anything nice to say about us wanting to go to Mo. He drinks to much as well. blah blah blahhhhh!!!!!

Well I could use a re fill on my coffee and it's about time to start my day. I hope you all have a great day.



Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, such a bummer to be down.

I have always believed that when something is not working it is a sign, whether you call it a sign from God, the universe, whatever.....it is a sign to look for other opportunities. You guys will find your way and it may or may not be MO.....but you will find a happy medium somewhere somehow...you just need to have patience :hugs

Tell me about the Omega 3s you are giving your DD? I need to find some D3 and was going to order the fermented cod liver oil....but the idea of filling little capsules, well I have drug my feet, but it is probably the best product I can get.

Glad to hear that your son is doing better with school :thumbsup


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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Glad your back is feeling a bit better! Mine still reminds me to take it easy.

You know, my in laws do the same thing, trying to wear the DH and I down. For the longest time, heck, even now, I am the bad girl. The Black Sheep. DH has finally come to the realization that he doesn't need to live for them, or according to how they want. He is a much happier person for it, but its taken 10 years of marriage, and 30 years of his life to realize it. I hope the same happens for you. :hugs

Now, if you move to MO, we'll get to visit! :lol: Where are you looking to go, in MO?

Back to the Omega3's....I have some skin issues, and when I read about you giving them to DD, it made me curious....what exactly do you give?

Hugs to you for being strong! :hugs :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks to both of you. You guys are such good listeners. :hugs My dh has a very close family. We have gone with the flow for a long time. Working for his father was a blessing and a curse all rolled into one.

Yes I have always been the one to cause ripples in the pond. But you know what. My dh paternal Grandma loved me, she would often say I was the only normal one on this side of the family. The Auntie who lives in Mo. is my father in laws sister. That's just me asking for trouble again. She is the exact opposite of him. They love a simple modest life, no frills. And they don't want them either. They are happy and healthy and wouldn't want it any other way.

Pioneer girl she is in Seymour. It is about 40 miles east of Springfield. I just loved it there. The area is full of Amish farms and families. We have 2 or 3 properties right around her area we really liked. It is just hard to decide if we want to buy a house with barns and such or try to build. I have my eye on a property with a huge new metal barn on it. We have discussed building it out as a home. :fl It just all depends on what this Ca. house would sell for. :idunno

The omega 3's I started giving my kids is called Learning Factors'. vitamin shoppe carries it at a pretty good price. It is a peach flavored soft gel that is supposed to be chewable but my kids just swallow it whole. When son was diagnosed with ADD the doc recommended I up him from 1000 to 2000mg. She said I should be taking 3 thousand. Uggg... I hate to admit it, but even though I pump my kids and dh full of vitamins and supplements. I am the worst and take nothing.

When my brother was diagnosed with ADHD in the late 70/ early 80's my mom did the same thing. Mega vitamins, omega 3's etc... It seems like it has been the norm for quite a while. So my dd has been an emotional wreck since she was 2 or 3yo. I even went as far as to change the color of her room a couple years back. I was convinced there was mold or something in the walls. Anyways, I had her chewing a couple gummy omegas for a year or so. But then I read the label. It totaled out to be like 250mg a day. She has skin issues as well. So recently I upped her to the 1000mg pill. Then last week I bumped it up to 2000. I think she is just doing better. Seems more calm, not as many fits of anger or crying. I think the omegas just add all that good fat her brain needs.

I know there are many brands to choose from but this one was recommended to me so I went for it.

I dont know if this helps or not , just my experience.



Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Hi Gina, I'm praying everything works out for you and your husband.

I totally understand the issues with inlaws. I have that here - and of course anything that DH does that his family doesn't like, they are quick to blame me. Like when we moved away for 3 years and didn't speak to any of them - they all blamed me, said that was totally all my fault and not because they ran DH off the family farm and out of his own home. Of course, their reason for running him off to begin with was because he wouldn't agree to leave me. lol

So I guess that does make it my fault in some sense.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Aw, Gina, I feel for you. I am frequently thrown under the bus when it comes to the in-laws.
Glad your back is improving. Good luck with everything else!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Hey Quail...I am always the scape goat too....just part of the package I guess. It is a heck of a lot easier to dislike me than your sweet son.

I hope I learn a lesson form this and treat my future children in law with respect as individuals!

Thanks for the info G!



Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
I used to think I would treat future inlaws with respect as well...until I realized that our children don't always pick who we would choose for them, and realized how hard it really can be:>) Differences are so hard to overcome at times...and some really don't deserve any respect at all.
It took me alot of years to fit in with my Dh's family...I was not what they expected for him either:>) Over the years though I think they have come to the conclusion that maybe God chose the best woman for him, and same likewise:>) We all get along great now! There is hope Tanks!
Great to hear about the Omegas and how they are working out for your dd! That is good news!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Woo hoo it's Friday!!!!

Not only is it Friday but it a beautiful day and I am spending the day fluttering between the veggie garden and my house chores. Couldn't ask for a better day.

Last night I harvested my first beets. These are an heirloom variety I bought the seeds from Bakers Creek. The greens are great looking. I think this week I will trim some younger ones and make a wilted salad.

For dinner I made a baby green salad with maple walnuts, feta and my beets. The dressing was oj, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. It was fab. At least my son and I thought so. dh ad the girls were not all that convinced. The beets had such a mild flavor I may use them raw in the next salad. Yummm!!!!

This picture is Sophia comparing the size of the beet to her hand.


My next beets to pick are the ones that have the red and white swirls on the inside. I think those will be roasted and sliced. For artistic effect. :D
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