Hardly, I'd get another agent. Has Free run anyone by you yet?
The US has 6-18 million redheads with about half women. Surely a few dating potentials in that number....
Hardly, I'd get another agent. Has Free run anyone by you yet?
The US has 6-18 million redheads with about half women. Surely a few dating potentials in that number....
I'm going to allow Hardly to respond to you directly,
I had me no idea that thar waz so many redheads out there. I havn't herd frum Freelotion 4 a long time. I jist figgered that she waz a travelin all over the earth a lookin 4 an intended 4 me to declair 2. Cud B that she is a lookin 4 Redhen. I wonder watt ever happened 2 her. I am assummin that she haz go off an married her brother.
Thank U 4 readin my diary, an it is most pleasurable 2 write directly 2 U.
Deer season is a commin up, but Ill tell U rite now I aint a goin huntin with Ronnie Rubble again. Ronnie is a city feller an he wanted 2 go deer huntin in the worst way so I agreed to take him on his first hunt.
The day uv the hunt I checked his license an tags an such an everythin waz in order so off we wint. I tolt Ronnie that I waz a goin to put him in a tree stand an if he shot a deer that he better scrambal down his tree an get the deer tagged befor sum other hunter tried to claim it.
Well I got Ronnie set up in his stand with his rifle an such an I wint on 2 my own area. Just after sunup I heard a shot over that a way so I picked me up my gear an wint to see if it waz Ronnie who shot. Well, win I got me close to the area I heared the ahfullest argumentation a goin on that I had ever heard an I new that another hunter waz tryin to claim the deer. I got there jist in time to hear the other fellow tell Ronnie, Okay, Okay, Okay U can have the deer, but can I at least take my saddle off uv it!
Whoda thunk that he wood shoot a horse out frum under a rider.
Just to clarify....yes, I was out of town for a while, but unfortunately, I was not looking for a redhead. I did see one every time I passed a mirror, but not one for Hardly. My role is not as matchmaker, but as a screener for potential suitors. I am rather protective of our dear boy, Hardly, and any redhead must prove her worth to me before she can meet Hardly. Period.
We are still waiting for proof from Redhen that she can catch, clean, and cook a groudhog while carrying a toddler (she may substite a full-grown racoon) on one hip, and she must be barefoot. I did offer her the groundhog in my pasture. He is quite fat on the plants from one of my gardens....rutabagas, mangels, squash and pumpkin plants. He is so stout, he should be easy to catch and should be prime eatin'!
Applications are open to other redheads. The required task may change depending on the skills listed on the application.
Just asking, cuz I dyed my hair...and Hardly did send his regards to me via phone through Tallman while I sat next to Ernie in his hospital bed back in June.....
Did U ever stop 2 think how many times people do things win they have the proper motivational spirit inside uv them? Hears an xample uv watt I am a meanin.
After callin a square dance over at Reeders barn for the annualized Howl-O-Ween Dance, I waz a takin the shortcut home. Now this is a shortcut that ever one takes sumtimes, an it goes rite thru the semetary. Well I waz a walkin this hear shortcut path an I fell in an open grave. I tried an tried to get out, but I jist kudnt. So I jist set me down in the corner an waited until day.
Well sumwheres about midnite ol Spudder McClouth waz a goin home frum Headlys Still, an he waz a staggerin thru the semetary on the same path that I had been on, an he fell in the same open grave with me. Well I jist watched quietly as ol Spudder tried an tried to get out, an when he waz about to figger out that it waz impossable I heard my voice say from the darkness, It aint no use Spudder U kant get out.
Why not ask your friend Tallman to fix you up with a nice girl for a date? Does she really have to be a redhead? You might consider lowering your standards just a notch.....well, ok, it would be many notches if she is not a redhead....but you would be more likely to find someone to declare to.
What do they call a blonde who dyes her hair red? Artificial intelligence! She still might make a mean groundhog stew...