The Diary Of Hardly


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Still datein by letter.

Deer Mr. Diary

Today I helped old Ralph Gardner pick sweet corn and dig taters soz he cud take em to town 2 sell 2 his kusstoemers. He paid me rite on the spot an bein it is Friday an all I jist took that there money 2 town an watched me a picture show. The town merchants sponser a picture show once a month an tonite waz the nite. Every body sits on the grass beside Labels Everythin Store. His store has a wite wall an they show the show on the side uv it an the show can B seen real good by every body. So with the sound kranked up, an the picture show ready to play, I got me a large sack uv popcorn an sat back 2 watch it. Well Mr. Diary it waz exciting an I want 2 tell U about it. It waz this here show about a nanny who came to nanneize a kouple uv little kids. Well I new that this here waznt no regular nanny coz she came down out uv the clouds with her umbrellaa an landed on the kids door step. Her name waz Merry Poppins an when she got there things really started to POP! She took her clothes out uv her bag an popped them in the drawers all around the room, an then she took a miir out an popped it on the wall, an then she took a hat rack out uv her bag an popped her hat on it, an when she popped the toys back in the kloset the kids eyes all most popped out uv their heads, an then she popped the kids off to bed an after that she popped her self in bed coz she waz 2 pooped to pop.



Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
Deer Kcmoonshine, freepromotion, Dacs, Quale, Pace, Tallmann, an allz uv U who reed an sumtimz respond 2 my diary.

First uv all let me jist say that the Tallone said I kud tipe this hear message. Today is are big 4th vu July selebration at the picknik grounds an the Tallone haz gone down their 2 help get everthing ready for the dooins so cents he is gone he said I cud rite 2 U all directly so hear I am.

It's a goin to saddin me sum to go to the picknik grounds coz it will remind me uv my very first date with Hilda Lou that we didn't have coz uv the rain, but I'el jist have to handel it best I can.

I am rittin this 2 wish U all a Happy 4th uv July. I hope U have yurself a bunch uv fun, an I also hope that U take a moment to reflectize on the history uv are country, an them things that have made her great, an watt U an I can do today an in the future to make her better, an by all meens spend a few moments in rememberanc uv R people in - as well as those who have served in R military. 2 me, these are the sum uv the greatest people that R country haz ever produced.

Now git out there an shoot sum fireworks, eat sum blackberry pie, an have yurself a goodly time.




Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
I am rittin this 2 wish U all a Happy 4th uv July. I hope U have yurself a bunch uv fun, an I also hope that U take a moment to reflectize on the history uv are country, an them things that have made her great, an watt U an I can do today an in the future to make her better, an by all meens spend a few moments in rememberanc uv R people in - as well as those who have served in R military. 2 me, these are the sum uv the greatest people that R country haz ever produced.

Now git out there an shoot sum fireworks, eat sum blackberry pie, an have yurself a goodly time.
Thanks Hardly. I couldn't have said it any better myself. We owe our lives and the great country we live in to those who fought to win our right to freedom (and 4th of July picnics).

Maybe Hilda Lou will sneak in and surprise you. Wow! Think of it - fireworks and Hilda Lou and blackberry pie all in one day. Have a happy day, Hardly.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: No koment!

Deer Mr. Diary

The other day I waz in town at the feed store with my cuzin Klabe an sum uv the fellers were a talkin bout Woodstock. Id heard uv this festival before so I jist listened to the stories an such, but win we left, Klabe axed me about it. He said, Hardly, had U ever heard uv Woodstock befor? I said, Yeah, Iv heard uv it. Well, Hardly, he axed, Those fellers sure remember it I suppose they were there. I said, Klabe, theirs won thing I no for sure about Woodstock If you remember it, its a sure sign you werent there.



Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Mite try to go an see Hilda Lou

Deer Mr. Diary

The other day I waz a workin at my weekend job at the hardware store an a feller came in with a dog. This here dog waz wearin a leather harness type uv thing 2 wich the owner had a lease attached. The man with this hear dog wore very dark sunglasses an also carried a wite cane. Well I jist new that he waz a blind person an this dog uv his waz a seein-I-dog. I new this man wood need sum help so I started over to ware he waz, but then he did the most unusable thing. He picked up his dog by his harness an started swinging that dog round and round above his head. After he put the dog down, I axed, Kan I help U. He said, Nope, Im jist lookin around.



Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: I talked to a girl bout a date! I gotz to say she looks promisin.

Deer Mr. Diary

I waz down in the citty the other day to visit my cusin. I guess there is sum kind uv a lection a commin up coz the politeeshions are all gittin on T.V an axin everone to vote 4 em. I sort uv studied on it while I waz there an here is how it a goin. First I noticed that the politeesions are all puttin out ads that tell everybody that they can create jobs. Then the news comes on an they talk a bout how lots uv folks are lookin 4 work. I dont know how it will all come out, but I do no this most people this day an age quit lookin 4 work win they git a job.


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