The other day down at the feed store a bunch uv the fellers waz a talkin an the subject uv R political problems in Washinton came up. Well there waz all kinds uv stuff said, but nobody disagreed on 1 uv the subjects an that is the fact that we are in trouble an R elected offishells R no help at all. I didnt enter in on the discussions coz Im just a young feller, and I needs 2 be listenin and learnin, but it seems to me that R problem is the American voter. He an or she voted these here people into office. I can best disscribe watt Im a thinkin in a pairable uv my own words.
Won day a very nice gentleman waz a walkin down the street an came across a homelessized man a diggin in a dumpster. The gentleman jist kuddnt pass by an not offer 2 help this feller so he axed if he cud take him down the street an buy him a meal at a very fine resterrant. A little bewilderated at this the homeless man agreed.
As the two entered one uv the most wonderfull places in the hole country 2 eat, the gentlemen uv the two told the homeless feller that he cud eat watt ever he wanted an the bill wood be paid. The homeless gent looked around, waited a minnit an then said, Can I go out back an eat out uv there dumpster?
Seems 2 me that this is watt the American voters hav been a doin. The voter haz been eatin out uv the garbage 4 so long he or she just cant seem to brake the habit win the lection comes around. They seem 2 jist go out an vote 4 the one who promisses 2 dump out the most garbage.