Will Wheaton was on Eureka recently You can watch it on Hulu. Will was also on a couple episodes of Big Bang Theory. He was AWESOME as Sheldon's nemesis
Dang it Wifezilla and present company, the only show I have seen that you guys speak of if is the original Star Trak. I did battle my sister after school to watch Gilligan over Barnabas Collins though.
As for Eureka, it is a series on the sci-fi channel about an ordinary average guy sheriff who ends up on the police force of a town full of super-genius types with no common sense. Hilarity ensues.
good hilarity? or jokes that sail over abi's head?
i like smart jokes that almost no one else gets. i therefore miss most of the jokes in sitcoms LOL.
i also don't cope well with laugh tracks. are they high lighting where the jokes are because they just aren't sure the audience will catch it?
*goes back to her West Wing*
so my geek moment for the day: i have four panels of tulle. half of one got cut off for the waist. the other three and a half need attached. obviously, this means the longer tulle, once together, is 7 times the length of the waist so i just need to measure out seven inches, and scrunch it onto one inch of the waist