Tinnitus treatments



HHF, I am fighting with the VA right now to get my 95 y.o. dad's medical needs met by the VA. I can say that their audiology services here are about the only thing I can speak positively about. Question for you: Dad has ongoing headaches associated with L ear pain. Exam shows no signs of infection. I've noted that he has a lot of dry flaky skin in his ears, though audiologist stated that his ears were as clean as a whistle when she saw him on Wed. this week. He's had course of ?steroid drops, and most recently PO Amoxycillin and ciprofloxacin drops. No real changes. I've asked audiologist if there is something I can put in his ears, just to soothe, that won't be an issue for his hearing aides. She refers me back to his PCP, who then tells me I must ask the audiologist! I'm wondering if a bit of olive oil, or other oil might be helpful, but don't want to put anything in there that would mess with hearing aides.
He probably has some type of dermatitis in the ear canal. Its pretty common in older men, but a ear wax also acts as a moisturizer, so if he doesn't produce a lot of wax, that can also cause dry flaky skin. I usually recommend using hydrocortisone cream. Put a tiny dab on a finger or Qtip if the ear canal is smaller, and go around the opening of the canal, not too deep. If he wears hearing aids, only do this at night before bed after he's removed his hearing aids for the night. Hydrocortisone cream will moisturize, and of course is an anti-itch as well.

Why was he on antibiotic ear drops if he didn't have an infection??? For the dry skin?

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
He was placed on the Amoxycillin and the cipro gtts. as a last ditch effort... "nothing else is working... so... let's try this." He may have had signs of infection at the time. I honestly don't remember. But, at the last "look see" after the course of Amoxycillin and cipro, there were no signs of infection.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I'm a veteran and I can vouch for the hearing aid- they are wonderful! I did have a co-pay of $50 for them, but for a $6000 pair of hearing aids that was nothing. You also get free batteries and any other tools for maintenance of the aids. I lost one of them in my second year, and they gave me a whole new set (so now I have one available as an emergency spare). You can also get free glasses (fresh pair every year, with nice looking frames available). I've also gotten a CPAP with free supplies whenever I need them, a very good blood pressure monitor, and one of those paraffin moist heat thingies. All of these were free, or almost free.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 18, 2012
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Britesea, thank you for your service!



He was placed on the Amoxycillin and the cipro gtts. as a last ditch effort... "nothing else is working... so... let's try this." He may have had signs of infection at the time. I honestly don't remember. But, at the last "look see" after the course of Amoxycillin and cipro, there were no signs of infection.
Unfortunately for that specific situation, without seeing his ears myself, I'm afraid to comment further. I would still recommend the hydrocortisone though, in very small amounts, it will not hurt, and best case scenario will clear up the flakiness.

I'm a veteran and I can vouch for the hearing aid- they are wonderful! I did have a co-pay of $50 for them, but for a $6000 pair of hearing aids that was nothing. You also get free batteries and any other tools for maintenance of the aids. I lost one of them in my second year, and they gave me a whole new set (so now I have one available as an emergency spare). You can also get free glasses (fresh pair every year, with nice looking frames available). I've also gotten a CPAP with free supplies whenever I need them, a very good blood pressure monitor, and one of those paraffin moist heat thingies. All of these were free, or almost free.
So good to hear your feedback on your VA services! First question I ask my patients is whether or not they are part of, or qualify for, VA services. You have more than earned the help!


I can say that dealing with the VA services in Maine is totally over the top a bang head on brick wall experience.
I live in a "VA Desert" so to speak. One is an hour and a half into Pittsburgh, the other is an hour and a half into WV. The WV VA is atrocious.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I just got done with a telephone conversation with the ME. VA trouble shooter yesterday. He started his conversation : "So, I heard that you had quite a time at the Bangor VA yesterday." I said, "Oh, you HEARD about that! Yeah, I put on quite a show." I finished my conversation with him, stating that I had a letter sitting on my desk with lots of CC lines on it, and I'd reserved a line just for him. I said I'd sit on that letter for a few days, to allow them to get their act together. But, then, I'd be using lots of stamps to get those letters posted. In spite of my promised action, it was an amicable conversation. Nothing like EVERY single previous conversation I've had with the many folks in the VA who don't seem to give a rat's patoot whether they actually meet the needs of the people they are hired to serve.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Well, I'm really sorry you had such horrible experiences with the VA. My only complaint has been that my primary doctor belonged to the "Pill of the Month Club", but over the last few years, she has come to understand that I prefer to try to address my health issues with nutrition and exercise rather than pills and surgery. She has always been willing to spend as much time as necessary to go over the results of my blood work, or any new symptom that crops up (she actually spent almost 2 hours with me on our first appointment!) We discuss the various possible avenues, and she has come to respect my knowledge, just as I respect hers. She was as thrilled as I was when I was finally able to get off of the statin drug, and she was the one that suggested that based on my A1C, I could reduce the amount of my diabetic meds.

You aren't the first horror stories I've heard about the VA, but for me- I've been quite satisfied. I don't know if it's a difference of location or what.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Dad, with pace maker, frequent dizziness, low blood pressure, was forced to wear a mask for 3 hours. They treated his dizziness during that time with 3 juice packs and a pack of crackers since I'd kept him NPO for blood work, all while his O2 sats were 88%, AND HIS FASTING BS WAS HIGH. Dr. refused to let him remove the mask, and told me that I couldn't have a meter and strips to test his blood sugar at home b/c he's only a type II diabetic. This is just the tip of the iceburg.