Tinnitus treatments


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 10, 2021
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I am a little late to this thread, but I am an audiologist by trade so I'd like to offer what I know. Unfortunately there is no cure. Tinnitus is most often, but not always, caused by damage to the auditory system, either by noise exposure or aging. This may not yet appear as hearing loss, but can develop into hearing loss later.

There are things you can do to help reduce the perceived volume of tinnitus: minimize stress, caffeine, and sodium. Get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated. The sodium and hydration are particularly important because our inner ear, where tinnitus can be generated, is filled with fluid which has sodium in it. If you are dehydrated or consume too much sodium, this can increase the sodium in the inner ear fluid which can increase the tinnitus.

If hearing loss is present, anywhere from 60-80% of individuals who try a hearing aid actually experience considerable relief from the tinnitus.

If hearing loss is not present you can try tinnitus maskers. Most people who are bothered by tinnitus are most bothered at night when trying to sleep. My number one recommendation is an inexpensive box fan. It is loud enough to mask the tinnitus and often lulls you to sleep. There are more expensive masking options, like small stereos, that play a selection of sounds, like ocean waves, etc..

Another option is cognitive behavioral therapy. This essentially aids in lowering your emotional reaction to tinnitus, and is very effective. Unfortunately it is not covered by insurance.

Don't waste your money on herbal supplements as none of them have been proven to work. However this is largely due to lack of research, regardless tinnitus is caused by our auditory and neurological systems, and as I said, not curable. Try herbal supplements if you like, but more than likely you're throwing money away, unfortunately.

I hope some of this info helped!
I am using Tinniplex oral spray from
The health store and its fantastic!


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 10, 2021
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I never do get cramps. My husband does. Durned if I know why, he puts salt on salt, drinks pickle juice when he gets cramps, takes his vitamins.
Maybe he should up his magnesium intake. We increased ours and the leg cramps dissipate


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
My tinnitus and accompanying hearing loss appears to be genetic. My father had it, and so does my brother. The normal loss of hearing that most people experience as the age is greatly accelerated in us so that my hearing at age 69 is comparable to that of an 80 year old. I don't know if I will ever become profoundly deaf though- my father didn't. I find that my tinnitus gets worse if I'm dehydrated, so I try to drink plenty of fluids (I average about a gallon a day)