Sustainability Master
They tried that business with me for my diabetes. They told me I only needed to test twice a week since my diabetes was "under control." But I worked on my primary doctor and pointed out that if I test my blood sugar on Wednesday and Saturday, for instance, and the readings are acceptable, then I won't be aware that something I ate on Thursday caused my blood sugar to shoot through the roof. She agreed that people react differently to different foods-- I discovered by testing frequently that my body can tolerate small amounts of corn, whereas rice always causes high readings. Other people have found the opposite.Dad, with pace maker, frequent dizziness, low blood pressure, was forced to wear a mask for 3 hours. They treated his dizziness during that time with 3 juice packs and a pack of crackers since I'd kept him NPO for blood work, all while his O2 sats were 88%, AND HIS FASTING BS WAS HIGH. Dr. refused to let him remove the mask, and told me that I couldn't have a meter and strips to test his blood sugar at home b/c he's only a type II diabetic. This is just the tip of the iceburg.
So anyway, she finally agreed to write a prescription for daily blood sugar checks. I've given this advice to other people and they've been able to get the same results. The VA is just counting on lots of people meekly accepting what they say-- they save a lot of money that way.