Today's "to-do" list

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
patandchickens said:
aggieterpkatie said:
I posted a list last Friday but didn't get ANYTHING done on it, so I'm using the same list again!
LOL -- how thrifty of you! :)

Sounds like what i did! :lol:

1. Replace fence post I broke, then finish fencing that section. Done

2. Put in big post for last corner. Didn't even start, RU's decided she wants a bigger post than we were going to put in, and I didn't have time to work on it. :/

3. Mow some for RU. Done

4. Finish rest of fencing.

5. Put hydrant in field.
OK, tomorrow I'm not sure if I'm going to do much or not, it depends. But, if I do, this is my list.

1. Work in garden until it gets too hot (if it does).

2. Go w/hubby to canoe place, ask about selling our big canoe.

3. Make 2 loaves chocolate chip-banana bread.

4. Go to church picnic.

5. Work some on cleaning the house.

6. Wash a load, and hang out.

I figure that's enough.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
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35 NW of Green Bay, WI
Ok, you guys are getting way too organized, so now I have to throw my hat into this ring. I'll make it for the weekend, though.

- go Dollar General with 25% off coupon and get some more canning jars. DONE

- go to $5 store and get the oldest child some more summer clothes - nothing fits her and 10/12 kids are hard to find, and I refuse to dress my 8YO in hoochie-mama clothes. DONE
-watch my nephew DOING
-have husband weedwhack rained, so might have to do that tomorrow
-spray weedkiller under playset and everywhere else it needs it
-clean out by trees that were cut down by power company
-move some chips from power company (got for free!) under the playset
-finish sewing velcro on 4 castles for craft fair
-get individual price tags ready for craft fair
-find a #$%#$# :he tent for craft fair, since the one I was supposed to borrow is no longer available. GRRRRRRRRR - I don't want to spend $200 on a tent, but I don't want to lose my $50 vendor fee
-go to Breakfast on the Farm on farm where I worked in high school Done
-stay out of house while hubby is "reorganzing" guest room in preparation for total destruction down to studs and redoing
-stop at crash and dent store to look at dented canned/boxed foods (sometimes good, sometimes not so good :p) Yippee!!!! Great selection today and all the Capri Sun 100% juice boxes on sale for $1 each instead of $3.50/regular store or $1.50 at crash & dent
-fix business cards to have Etsy site and print a stack for craft fair
-get price signs finished for craft fair
-get gas in car and get bananas at Kwik Trip DONE - bananas looked horribe, which is a first

Yeah, that sounds like enough to get done for now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm glad that is for the weekend, and not one day! As for me, I'm not getting much done. I'm just too tired. And, I'm disappointed. My new bread machine doesn't have the same settings on it as my old one. It didn't cook my banana bread all the way thru. I have the first loaf finishing in the toaster oven. :( I'm wondering if I'm going to have to start making it in there, period. We all love it, and it's so easy to make.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Well it's a good thing I never got around to posting a list for my weekend, b/c I didn't get a heckuva lot done around here (rain, helping someone shear the sheep, taking dog to agility trial as spectator, watching a coupla hours taped off tv last week, etc). I did get a few flagstone steps laid coming down from the front garden, and a lot of weeding and compost-moving, and cleaned the house so as not to gross out the sheep-shearing friend :p

So my tentative list for Monday (pending realizing that there are other things I more need to do :p) is something like:

-- move sheep electronet DONE

-- spread fleeces out on sheets on lawn to dry more definitively no -- weather too showery

-- go to grocery store b/c we are flat out of apples and the kids want cocoa to try raspberry-cocoa smoothies :p, also go to milk store, also get some paint DONE except paint

-- move yet more compost, remove few more weeds, plant rest of beans no - lotsa weeding/pruning instead, though

-- paint dog agility boards no -- weather too showery

-- more weed/paver/gravel removal from future flowerbed

-- finish sorting old-deck-wood pile (good stuff gets nails removed and goes to reinforce sheep fences, bad stuff gets sawed into fits-into-stationwagon lengths for next day the dump is open)

But I will probably realize overnight there are different htings I need to do instead.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't get much done over the weekend either. I was exhausted, plus we kept getting pop up showers. But, I don't mind about the showers, we really needed them. We could still use a good, soaking rain.

OK, my list for tomorrow:

1. Put away a bunch of laundry.

2. Clean out my tack shed.

3. Weed the garden.

4. Work on cleaning kitchen w/hubby. (He decided to rearrange it.)


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I like this idea. Anything to help me stay on top of things. I did manage to get a lot of stuff done this weekend.

Tomorrow I babysit my grandson. Depending on his whims, I might get something done :p
Before grandson arrives,
1. let black mama hen and her chicks out.
2. water all animals
3 feed the dog
4. get eggs ready for sale (make sure all the eggs in the carton are clean ones)
After GS gets here
-Hang laundry
-vacuum house
-try to eat something
-start dinner

After he get picked up

Walk Blossom our pregnant goat, so she can browse
pull weeds
feed weeds to chickens, goats and rabbit
Feed grains to chickens and goats
sort copons and check sales
eat dinner
fall into bed dead tired


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
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New Brunswick, Canada
Okay... so apparently I need to add 'write my to-do list' to my to-do list :)

So here's my list for tomorrow, it's supposed to be raining so most of my plans are indoor:

1. organize coupons and write my shopping lists for Tuesday depending on the sales flyers.

2. dishes

3. finish one more portrait

4. go through my sewing patterns and pick a dress to make (I bought 200 sewing patterns on Ebay, from 1940-1970... I LOVE them), not making the dress yet though.

5. make a pair of baby shoes, list them on kijiji to see if they will sell, hopefully I can sell them on a regular basis.

6. put away all the laundry


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
It's fun looking over other peoples' shoulders and seeing what they do with their days :)

I've been a miserable failure today, myself, but the weather just hasn't cooperated (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Although I did get my pruning ya-yas out, big-time, without doing anything I too-seriously regret. I think. LOL.

Tomorrow, however:

-- buy paint (also don't forget to stop at milk store, I forgot today!) DONE

-- paint dog agility boards DONE

-- spread fleeces out to dry on deck DONE

-- do enough more work on garden steps to be able to plant the bulbs I lifted on Sunday and then realized I wasn't ready to relocate DONE, plus some extra

-- make dinner so it will be ready for husband to feed kids while I'm at dog class DONE (in crockpot)

-- either work more on paver/weed/gravel removal in E yard, or weeding in front yard DONE, also relocated obtrusively large volunteer spiraea I've been meaning to move for about two years now

-- 1 more load of compost and MUST PLANT BEANS

-- hopefully get deck joists properly attached.



Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score

log in to work
lose audio
log out and reboot modem
lose IP address
reboot again
log back in to work
lose all work systems
log back out of work
remove router
reboot modem
take a quick SS break before logging back into work...

*bangs head*

lose internet again...
call Comcast...
Get bill LOWERED! WOOT! limited basic cable and 20mbps d/l speeds!!! 45/month!
try to get connectivity resolved!

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