Wow Tommy, you have been one busy bee! The garden looks great...the chickens...great..and how wonderfull is it when the kids actually WANT to help!!! GOOD JOB!!
Thanks for sharing those pics with us. Everything looks so good.
Your son is adorable. I know you are proud.
I took one look at Shredder and said, ummmm basset or beagle?
You answered that for me a little further down. My neighbor has a basset mixed with who knows what. They are great dogs.
Do you have a special recipe for your pickles? If so you should post it in the recipe section. Those look so good.
My wife and I went garage-saling today. At the first one, I picked up about 15lbs of cucumbers for 8 bucks. Then at another one I picked up a bunch(like 30-40) canning jars of various sizes! I spent about 5 hours today making pickles....we ended up with 13 quarts, 9 pints, and one pint of various peppers(banana, jalepeno, and cayenne) that came from a bunch of freebie plants the nursery was giving away as late season.
Also picked up for a buck apiece: a small cast iron skillet , a pair of jean shorts, a pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans, and some shorts and sandals for the girls. All in all, a great day for bargains.
Oh by the way, my recipe is my grandma's pickle recipe...2 cups water and 2 cups white vinegar; but instead of 2 tablespoons of salt(thats her)I use 2 1/2 tablespoons of a pickle mix from Wal-Mart(I think its called Mrs. Worths).
hey Tommy, everything looks great. Those free bee pepper plants are sure paying off. Pickles look yummy. thanks for sharing the pictures. Have a great day.
On Friday I lost my best friend of 12 years, my dog Shredder. He was 12 years old. He never lied to me. He was never angry with me. He loved me without reservation. He was always there for me, my smiling "fat puppy with giant feet". My world is a poorer place without him.