Mountain Sage
That's what I was thinking too...getting it out in just the right time before comb is built too much around it but not pulling it too soon and risking damaging new comb. Should be a fun experiment and I hope you tell us about it and take some pics of it if you can...I find this all fascinating as all get out.
That comb hanger idea charms me because one of the reasons some folks don't like the TBHs is because the bees have to use so much time and energy constructing new comb on the bars but if one could find a way of uncapping that comb, removing the honey and rehanging the comb, that would be a neat thing.
That comb hanger idea charms me because one of the reasons some folks don't like the TBHs is because the bees have to use so much time and energy constructing new comb on the bars but if one could find a way of uncapping that comb, removing the honey and rehanging the comb, that would be a neat thing.