WA HOO FarmerChick


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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LOL yea every family has the moron...sorry but true HAHA

I do smile, don't barely listen, could care less, walk away and 'sneaky' give them the finger :cool:

truly I don't care for drama anymore. I guess my age, but then again, I was raised by my Mom who believed drama was no good and lived her life and stayed way out of crap that didn't involve her. Smart lady ;) so thanks mom :lol:

edited to say I have been telling Nicole to stay away from other's drama unless it directly affects her. Not to join in the drama. Who would think 6 yr olds have drama??? crazy world....I tell her to help others if you can, don't let others emotions latch onto to you and then ya can survive this crazy world..:rolleyes:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Wed. and all seems fine.
chilly this morning.

not in the mood to do much chores but want to find some fun today...lol

have to return boots I bought for Nicole. She says they are too tight....so will run off fast for a return.

soap work as usual.

:ya power bill is only $80. I like it that low :celebrate---I love the months that are under $100. I should be able to keep it that way thru Nov. Will use my propane fireplace soon. I have a full 100lb tank not used from last year so will be having a nice warm wonderful fire soon I think. House is 64 right now and that is a tad too chilly for me but it kills me to turn anything on....cause geez by 10 it is sunny and hot and the temp rises very fast in the house then. So will put on some socks :gig

I started checking into LED lights vs. regular christmas lights. We know LED saves money but for the cost right now it is cheaper to stay with my regular lights. heck they are paid for...and I found a site that said the difference between a 'normal decorated' home with LED vs. traditional lights, the diff. is about $10 for running those lights. Big deal. I know the LED cost more right now and since the others are paid, I am not switching just yet.

I am done worrying about the power company. I am as low as I can go right now. I use what I need, conserve where I can and now it is time to stop wondering where else I can save power.....except I am checking into putting my detached garage on solar. It holds 2 small chest freezers and 2 refridges. Also I plug in the camper on that and Tony uses the power for all outside things like the air compressor and battery charger etc. So I think it is worth checking into for a panel or 2 for the garage....will check with my neighbor who is the contractor and he can let me know if the cost is worth it etc.

so off to get a few things done.....everyone enjoy this nice sunny shining day :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I use led Christmas lights on the house. Lots of lights so it was worth it to switch. I had these while hanging icicle looking ones and the just kept breaking. So it was time for new anyways. @ years ago I bought several strands of the big colored bulbs The last year I bought a few more. I think it takes 10 0r 11 strands just to run the straight edge on my wrap around porch. I don't really notice a dif either way in the electric bill. They still charge me more to deliver the electricity than they charge for the elec itself.

Your garage on solar is a good idea. The think that's going to get you is the batteries. If that's your plan. They are spendy and have to be replaced every few years. Unless you guys can back feed the grid then you will just offset your cost for the whole house.

I wish I had some solar. Just no cash to get it on the house right now. whatever.

Well have a good day. I'm off to run some errands and get things done.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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wow G that is alot to do that porch in Xmas lights. Tony goes overboard, ya know the type, cramming too much light in one small area in the yard....I will try to back him off this year to a more tasteful level of lights :p

the solar...my neighbor is a contractor and we have chatted solar. But ya know I think this time I am going to call a solar business and have them come out. I want some real numbers, real idea of how this works, and real idea of savings etc...and that feeding back into the grid etc. I just don't know how it all really works so I will be buzzing someone to come to the house and give me some info...best I can do lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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is any phone calls from hubbys at work good? NO NO NO

He smashed off the end of his thumb. He says he is OK....I don't know just yet...lol....but he called on his way home from the hospital to say he is out for the day. So we shall see in just a bit when he gets home. GOOD GRAVY.....but at least all these emergency room visits are workers comp! :) saves me $150 per visit LOL

yikes yikes he is becoming a walking hazard to himself truly.

:rant but I bet that thumb will be throbbing like crazy tonight!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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:lol: yea G

he is home. Same worker comp Dr. for his foot...:p
he just missed major nerves. Doc said about 6 mos to get feeling back on thumb and fingernail should fall off and he has to go back to have dead tissue snipped off...etc. etc.

light duty of course....wow, I told him does this put a target on your back wtih all this injury and he said it shouldn't...but geez, hard times you don't want any big wigs thinking you are a walking injury and WC claim...ugh

goes back Frid. for Dr. to check. Thumb has giant bandage on it so he will have to baggie it for a shower in the morning LOL

I tell ya, he is starting to worry me. What's next ya know :barnie


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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So Tony survived. OW :p

light duty til Doc says ok to work....geez, sitting in a chair again. He said he will go crazy, I said shut up and do what they require you to do! :lol:

store sales were nice. I got Old Orchard juice for .60 per bottle, sells for $3.29. Could only get 5 cause they limit my internet coupons I print, but have to head out that way on Sunday so will stop and get 5 more. Cost today was $120. I paid $52. I did OK.
talk about in and out, no one shopping very early and being a farmer, I am always up early....so shopping done and over LOL

usual chores/soap

I cleaned out one fridge in the garage. Changed stuff over to the other fridge which was darn near empty but cleaned that one last week. So will totally clean that fridge. Pain owning crappola cause at some point you gotta clean it...LOL

got some bulbs I need to plant but not sure if I am in the mood to dig today. don't feel like getting dirty for some reason HAHA

Ya know the coupons are not that great lately and my pantry supply is going down even though, down to me would be a stock up for someone else :lol: :p I think heading into the holidays they limit the good coupons or something, buggers! :)

well off to get more things done........bright, sunny, beautiful nice day here. I thank the heavens for such great NC weather. Out of the 365 most are just darn good! :) I really like this state!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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hit the store and returned pants too tight for Nicole...ended up getting her 3 pairs that FIT...:lol: wow who would think finding pants would be so hard for a kid. Too big wasit, perfect legs. Way too long legs, perfect waist, lol..ugh

Nicole is over the top about Monday being Halloween...she is going to be a very ugly green witch, but with a pink and sparkle broom...haha

She wants to scare people this year....last year she was scared of the ugly costumes, now she wants the ugly scary witch to scare others LOL

Our town shuts down the main street. They go nutso. Great decorations, 2 of the big churches have petting zoo, live music, hotdogs, popcorn, jumpy inflate things and games etc. Truly it is chaos which is great cause the costumes are wild to look at while strolling thru town...and yea she makes a haul in candy.

riany, misty, cold, icky day.

got a sore throat. Nicole has the crud with a bit of coughing. Tony got his finger trimmed today LOL and he is OWing big time. Dr. said still on light duty. goes back Tues. He thinks it will about 3-4 weeks on light duty cause he did almost cut off 1/2 of that finger on a diagonal...ugh...so NOW MY fence is on hold also. See he promised, let me take down the existing fence and I will put up the new fence fast...ya right! :( I told him as soon as that finger is ready that fence goes up. I want my pool fence back for the yard and I want my livestock on my big pasture which I can't use right now.

so nothing much today but fight the chill and crud and a few usual chores.

everyone enjoy the evening! ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
off to Gander Mt. Hunting store this morning. Tony wants to check out crossbows. He has been wanting one so he is researching.
Musketloader started...he can't hunt. Actually his finger is pretty mess up at this point and it is throbbing to the max. He is super ticked about hunting. I said be thankful it should be healed up by rifle season. ugh

so we will eat breakfast out somewhere....then off to the store and home to do the usual chores. nothing much today. life will be on the easy side which is always nice. :p

COLD HERE---brrrr......can I say this? WHEN will spring get here? HAHA

I hear all these snow reports happening. UGH UGH I truly hope there is no snow over Thanksgiving for my mountain trip. But if needed it will be cancelled. I don't want windy mt. roads and snow and a camper. Don't work for me HAHA----if plans do get cancelled then I will do a ton of Christmas stuff around my area. Daniel Stowe Botantical Gardens puts on a spectacular display of lights etc. So plenty to do here but fingers crossed that snow cuts a break for my trip.

off to get things moving and hit the road....everyone enjoy this nice Saturday!

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