WA HOO FarmerChick


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
FarmerChick said:
I can walk! WEE

leg is sore, but usable. Will go slow today. It was nasty last night and I thought for sure I would be off this leg today, but it improved. Head is sore with bump but all in all, I got thru this nasty fall OK!!!!

Booked my April trip. Savannah GA. Sightsee and relax at Skidaway State Park. $28 per night. 15 mins. down the road from Savannah.

With a kid in school I have to follow her schedule for school vacation days. So I got the last site for her spring break....last site! WOW am I glad I booked this morning LOL LOL

State parks are so reasonable. I have 2 long beach trips, 1 week in Savannah and I broke over just $500--$520 total :lol:
$158 for 5 days at Edisto Beach in Aug.
$222 for 7 days at Hunting Island Beach in July.
$140 for 5 days in Savannah in April.

I long for the future when I can fulltime RV. Sell this home...hit the road and not look back. Nicole will get the farmland. Tony and I want to travel the USA for pure freedom...and I can't wait....but I don't want to wish my life away while waiting LOL

anyway must work on soaps. I am behind. I have to make as much possible as fast as possible. Inventory is monster huge....but sales are climbing. I think this year tho I made enough to truly do well into Christmas.

so off to get some stuff done, but on slow speed LOL

everyone enjoy this nice day!!!
Wow FC, looks like you have a few great, relaxing trips lined up there. Vacations?? What are those?? We don't do it. I wish we did, but with the farm...well...a vacation is when I get sick enough to go in the hospital for a few days! LOL Sad but true.
You had a fall?? What happened ? Glad to hear you are ok. Be CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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hey Just

yea for 15 years the farm held me hostage also. I know. To get away for a short weekend meant ALOT of prep work before leaving, and good thing we had his parents who are farmer types and they could easily feed critters etc. And it was never truly relaxing. Worry about what I left behind and what I might come back too :p

Since shutting down the income farm my relax status has soared! Since I never could take good vacations in so many years I am going hog wild booking vacations now!!

I crave change of scenery now.

We truly needed it for our own mental health :lol: :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Situations like this TICK ME OFF!!

hubby is on light duty cause of finger.

(I haven't seen it cause it has been wrapped...but last night he changed the dressing. HOLY COW! The finger is disgusting. Chewed up, swollen still, black and oozing. Looks like it went thru a meat grinder. I didn't realize it was that nasty. Dr. put him on stronger antibiotics cause it looks like it wants to get infected. Last night his thumb was a tad red. Hmm...he goes back Tuesday and he will check it til then and be cautious)

I didn't know til last night, but work put him on his regular line. Yea. And he didn't say NO. When he went in supervisor said he needed to run his line and he said fine. And when he got home last night he had a 'face on'. I said what is wrong---he said he mashed his finger hard on the line and it throbbed like hell. Took me a minute---uh, your line? You are on light duty per Dr. He said he didn't refuse cause he wants to keep his job and stay low level. UGH UGH

truly ya know. I said a few things, but he gave me that look. I thought I better back off. His job is obviously important to this family so I let it rest.

Told him Tues he must tell this Dr. they put him back to work and he mashed his finger. Then Dr. can say again...light duty.

I jsut want to scream ya know. I hate situations like this!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what is right. Tell job hell no I am on light duty or just what he feels he needs to do with his work situation? Scratching my head on this one.

On a lighter note, today will be a pretty Carolina day. Easy stuff. Small fast projects. Pick up and 'fluff' the landscape a bit. Nothing hard. Usual chores. Might take Nicole and Tony out to lunch for a treat to get away for a bit.

everyone have a fine day!!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Having a great day.

hit the store and got great deals. ---cost $140---PAID--$55 --one of my best buys for sure and pantry is stocking alot more! :)

Told hubby we could make it years as long as he can hunt :p

I did rotate thru older items and did donate to my local food bank. It will be used vs. me not getting to it so my donations make me smile.
low cost plus giving, can't go wrong on that combo! :)

Leg sore, head a bit sore, but well improved...but OW, I do know when I move that I did take a big fall. :D

everyone is fine in my world....hope everyone is doing well.

off to enjoy this fine day in the Carolina!!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hi Karen!!!

Did you fall?? I missed it. I hope Tony's finger is on the mend. The work thing is a pain I'm sure.

I'm back from camping and have Trailer duty today. And laundry of course.

Have a great day.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
hey G so glad you got away on that camping trip. Hope you had a blast!!!

yea his finger is mending but icky. when I saw it the thing looks like it went thru a meat grinder. ugggggly for sure.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
what a pain last few days.

Tony sick. Went for his blood work ended up throwing up in drs. office. I believe it is those super antibotics. His system is wiped out.
So he is off antibiotics for a few days til he goes to the dr. next appt tomorrow on finger. hopefully he can stay off them if finger looks decent.
We ran around a bit to hit his Dr. for bloodwork, I got my drivers license renewed, hit the post office and bank and was going to hit a few stores to check some stuff and he got more sick again. Had to pull over while driving home so he could puke. UGH. but Dr. gave him no puke meds and we hit the pharmacy and got those and they made him feel better. He stayed home from work today. He looks miserable but on the mend he thinks.

He just feels crappy. Dr said not sure if it is antiobitics or the stomach bug. I think the drugs cause Nicole and I are fine so.....

I tell ya it sucks some days. HA HA and I am not the mushy/mushy caregiver type at all. He is driving me nutso. I need him moving and helping, not puking and miserable. :lol:

Waiting on Charter cable to come. between 8-10. ho hum. they better hook me up and I better be able to lower my bills! :)
so we shall see.

I was going to buy a new artifical Xmas tree this year but going to hold off. My old one is just too darn nice still. Had it for 15 yrs and in perfect condition but every time I hit the store I see those beautiful new trees with lights built into them and I want one....lol....but I can justify spending money on a new one cause this one is way too good still. So getting my Xmas decorations at hand and waiting for the day to get things outside and up. Too soon just yet but worth getting them ready for easy install.

well off to get a few things done while waiting for cable guy.....waiting for cable guy....oh the irony HA HA


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
I hope hubby is feeling better soon.....for YOUR minds sake !LOL I DO know that one. Yesterday morning I was in the dining room, when I hear... " honey??"( in a whining voice) Coming from the bedroom where hubby is. I said...yes dear..and he replied...Im not feeling well, the window is open, and I cant reach it and I am cold... :rolleyes: To which I replied... The window is less than 4 ft from the bed, you have long arms...so close it. MEN! Jeesh...a few minutes later he comes stomping down the hallway in his house robe, pouting, and says... It is your fault, I am sick, you wouldn't close the window...ummm, really?? The one HE opened?? LOL He was joking..and just poking fun at me..but seriously....MEN!! LOL
Sounds like you BOTH need a good relaxing few days to heal. I hope you get it. Take care....get better.
Oh, and I am excited to get the decorations up as well....I love decorating for Christmas!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there I am new to journaling but, just thought I would pop in and say Hi.

I tell ya it sucks some days. HA HA and I am not the mushy/mushy caregiver type at all. He is driving me nutso. I need him moving and helping, not puking and miserable.
I'm not much of a caregiver either. Thankfully my husband usually wants to be left alone when he is sick. But, there are times when it is just to much for him. I know it is superficial but, I will usually find some kind of treat for him when he is down. Just to show I want him to get better. I order him a pizza. We don't do that very much we usually make homemade. And I HATE spending money on out food when we could make it here at home ourselves. But, I know it is his comfort food. He knows how much I hate it too. Which hopefully shows him I care. :rolleyes:

I really hope your guy feels better soon. I'll say a prayer for him. Hand and foot injuries are terrible.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I hear ya loud and clear! Men are crazy when not feeling well. Honey, close the window, Honey, open the window I am hot....HONEY HONEY

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