Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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DH was written a ticket ( which he was speeding a bit) for over the number on the radar.
Like 2 or 3 over! Pushed it from a simple ticket to a 4 pointer by doing so, and tripled the fine :rolleyes:
Ticket was written by an officer that comes from a well known and corrupt area.

Good news? The police chief was fired, and the next day the officers resigned, The department was then dissolved.
So the ticket will be written off.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Bubblingbrooks said:
DH was written a ticket ( which he was speeding a bit) for over the number on the radar.
Like 2 or 3 over! Pushed it from a simple ticket to a 4 pointer by doing so, and tripled the fine :rolleyes:
Ticket was written by an officer that comes from a well known and corrupt area.

Good news? The police chief was fired, and the next day the officers resigned, The department was then dissolved.
So the ticket will be written off.
I was written a ticket for doing 76 in a 55 mph zone (right before I stopped driving) and I was actually doing 67!. That made it a very expensive ticket. We called the officer and he "fixed" his error but we still had to go to court. But by that time the record showed "67" on the ticket and the judge was irritated we were even there since I did not dispute 67. But the officer told us we had to go and dispute it because of the error. The judge would not reduce the fee. :hu
I was only upset because I was following a line of cars all going 67 and they chose ME to pull over. Later when I insisted on going only 55 on the same road, motorists would pass me, honk and give me the bird!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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savingdogs said:
Bubblingbrooks said:
DH was written a ticket ( which he was speeding a bit) for over the number on the radar.
Like 2 or 3 over! Pushed it from a simple ticket to a 4 pointer by doing so, and tripled the fine :rolleyes:
Ticket was written by an officer that comes from a well known and corrupt area.

Good news? The police chief was fired, and the next day the officers resigned, The department was then dissolved.
So the ticket will be written off.
I was written a ticket for doing 76 in a 55 mph zone (right before I stopped driving) and I was actually doing 67!. That made it a very expensive ticket. We called the officer and he "fixed" his error but we still had to go to court. But by that time the record showed "67" on the ticket and the judge was irritated we were even there since I did not dispute 67. But the officer told us we had to go and dispute it because of the error. The judge would not reduce the fee. :hu
I was only upset because I was following a line of cars all going 67 and they chose ME to pull over. Later when I insisted on going only 55 on the same road, motorists would pass me, honk and give me the bird!
SD that is pretty much what happened to me...that little twit was trying to pass me, then seen the cop, and stopped dead stop in the middle of the road in front of the officers car so he could come after me. I would hate to see that girl out somewhere right now :/ I'd have to walk up and slug her.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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:lol:I took a citizen's police academy course when I was a "leader" of a neighborhood watch group. Very interesting! We learned the side of things from the police officers.

They did tell us a few things to avoid tickets. They said that any minor thing wrong with your car makes them start checking it out, because so often people who drive around with something wrong don't have registration. We did a "ride-along" and you'd be surprised, they are reciting all the license numbers they see to a computer and getting reports on all of you as they go about. But they pay no attention to minor things and are using that to find the real bad guys driving around.

I used to brake when I saw a police officer when driving, and they told us that is the worst thing to do. It makes you look guilty. Take your foot off the gas if you are going too fast but don't brake. So in theory, that girl did the exact opposite thing they told me to do!

They said they usually pull over and ticket people who show two things on their car, such as registration overdue or a mirror missing as well as making a minor infraction. So make sure all those things are always perfect on your car. Those tend to be the criminals with the cars like that.

They told us there was no such thing as police letting people "go" five mph over the speed limit but they generally would only ticket you if they thought they were gonna catch you doing something else if you were going that slow.

Other times, it is just luck. They swore up and down there was no "quota" of tickets they were given to give out, but rather would be directed to certain areas. The officer who ticketed me did tell me that he "was directed to get people to slow down on this road." So that told me, watch for speedtrap. The guys who taught the class wanted to be detectives and hated traffic duty. If you think about it, it is a pretty nasty job. They did have some interesting stories though, some not fit for prime time.

After the class, I've made sure I kept my car non-political and without identifying distractions because I noticed those drew their attention and created mental pictures as well. I have a "plain car" now and even though hubby drives it, we don't put any stickers or anything on it except very very universal themes, etc.

I did tell the officer who ticketed me that I was only following the flow of traffic. He told me "sorry."


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah I have worked in law enforcement and by all rights...she who stopped in the middle of the road.....should have been the one ticketed. That is DANGEROUS!!! Also why I did not slow down...beside the fact I did not think I was speeding :/ I sincerely thought he was after that idiot :hu That's why I am so PO'ed! I'll never get over this so blatant injustice. I have gotten tickets prior and just paid them off...because i was guilty, no sense trying to lie, but this time..THIS ticket...they are gonna hear about this one!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
It's raining. I have a TO DO list a mile and a half long ALL of it OUTSIDE, and it's raining.... :barnie I am just in a very complainy mood lately, but dang it, nothin is working out!!! I may just go take a nap :/

I did find out why the insurance has dropped us, which is the reason for my long TO DO list...trampoline, and no rail on the deck. I don't suppose the rabbit on the front porch, or the old removed fireplace helped either, but, I've been busy with EVERYTHING else. :rolleyes:

Trampoline was supposed to be gone already. The idea was/is to take the frame apart for a greenhouse frame, and use the net part for a tarp. Hasn't been done yet. *sigh* The rail on the deck....I didn't really want a rail on it, but...whatever, guess I HAVE to. LOVE how folks just tell me how to run MY house these days.

Is it just me? or do insurance companies, laws, taxes and crap seem to be getting ever so more picky and annoying these days or what?! Yeah I know it isn't just me, but dang, I just want to be left alone to my own business to do things the way I want. It's why I bought a home!! Geez guess that idea of freedom was naive huh?

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