Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hey little miss sunshine, here's a little Annie for ya: :hugs

The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!
When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And grin,
And say,
The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
Tll tomorrow
Come what may
I love ya
You're always
A day
A way!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
There's a cop in my CNA class and he told us:

1 - they stop everyone on minor infractions entirely to run your ID. They catch TONS of bench warrants that way.

2 - there really is NOT a quota. At least in his county LOL. And just like any job, some people are awesome and some are jack asses. That's just people.

3 - so few people are polite to cops that manners get you further than anything else. They might still have to write the ticket, but they will notate to waive certain court fees because you were nice to them.



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I don't even wanna think about it anymore :rant I despise cops now :/ I did before to a degree but that's beside the point :p

I got the brooder coop run fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the chickies have 10X more room to roam and eat some darn grass because they're killin me on the FEED!!! :lol: I have 19 out there ranging from 4-8 weeks old. Lots of roos for the freezer in a few more weeks :drool I gave away a roo yesterday because I just didn't want to slaughter one and he was raping my ducks and I am not ready to slaughter yet...waiting for a cooler day. I think Monday will be good for the other 3 older boys. anyway........FINALLY had a decent day. On Friday the 13th no less :rolleyes:

Everybody has been friday the 13th CRAZY today. All the be carefuls and the omg it's Friday the 13th going on just makes me wonder what folks really have between their ears sometimes. Probably toilet paper.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
I don't even wanna think about it anymore :rant I despise cops now :/ I did before to a degree but that's beside the point :p

I got the brooder coop run fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the chickies have 10X more room to roam and eat some darn grass because they're killin me on the FEED!!! :lol: I have 19 out there ranging from 4-8 weeks old. Lots of roos for the freezer in a few more weeks :drool I gave away a roo yesterday because I just didn't want to slaughter one and he was raping my ducks and I am not ready to slaughter yet...waiting for a cooler day. I think Monday will be good for the other 3 older boys. anyway........FINALLY had a decent day. On Friday the 13th no less :rolleyes:

Everybody has been friday the 13th CRAZY today. All the be carefuls and the omg it's Friday the 13th going on just makes me wonder what folks really have between their ears sometimes. Probably toilet paper.
First date with the missus was on a Friday the 13th. Still trying to figure out if there is any reality to that Friday the 13th stuff... :D


Apr 4, 2009
Reaction score
Wow- my insurance company has never come out to actually look at my house. As far as I'm concerned insurance companies will end up running our lives- home, auto and health. (I love my insurance company, though- USAA)

Lousy that the driver who stopped in the middle of the road didn't get the ticket! I can't believe that. My cop SO also told me the never brake when you see a radar because they can see the front of the car dip and know you were braking.

It's raining here, too. For the 6th day in a row. :barnie


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I hatched and sold some poults, been working on the garden, sold some chicks, got another side job, am making cheese/yogurt/butter today, have niecey and DD out of school now, picked up mulch(free) for the garden yesterday, and more milk. I got the trampoline torn down, the pipe taken down, and need to work on the deck railing, and shed cleaning for storing a few more things, and have 9 days to do it before insurance folks are to come back out and reassess everything :/ I'm WORKING my tail off to get this stuff done, and working around kids...who are supposed to be helping a bit, but uh....I'd rather just do it myself :lol:

My life is a circus. I should charge ya'll admission :lol:

Love yas!!!! :frow I'm still alive Jamie ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Don't know how I missed all this!

I was given a ticket years ago for my registration being expired. It was my hubby's fault-he was supposed to renew it, and forgot. I was on my way to DMV. I had the renewal slip filled out. I had a check made out. I was a mile away from the DMV and I was stopped! And, hit didn't matter to him that I as heading to DMV and had everything all made out, he gave me a ticket anyway and told me he could have impounded the vehicle. Since then, I've renewed my registration myself!

I was also given a ticket a few years back after I was in an accident. I never talked to the police officer-I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. But, I had had a car come over the center line. I swerved to miss them and hit the only patch of slush on the road. I ended up hydroplaning, and lost control. I hit a tree head on, doing about 50 MPH. I fought that ticket and won. I asked them if the next time they preferred for me to hit the car head on and have someone get killed.

OK, here's a true story. My BIL's (DH's brother) wife's brother is (was?) the mayor over where they lived. My DH's cousin was a police officer. And, my DH's BIL was the judge. This happened when my BIL and his wife were dating. He was stopped for speeding. First thing the officer notices is the last name. So, he asks, are you any relationship to Nick? BIL replies, that's my cousin. Then the officer notices the business card from the judge. So then he asks, why do you have Judge's Cs card? BIL replies, that's my BIL. Then the officer asks, where are you heading. BIL replies, to the mayor's house. The officer gives him back all his paper work and tells him, get out of here!

Oh and WBF, our homeowner's came out and inspected our house too. I hate it that someone can just come on my property like that and walk all around when I'm not home. And, we needed to get rid of the large pile of branches by the driveway (firewood), put permanent supports in for the deck, and put the railing back up. Never mind that this was in February, the ground was still frozen, and there was snow on the ground. And, they don't come back out and inspect, they want you to submit photos. I don't think my hubby has done so yet.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I killed a huge snake today in my coop :/ cousin to the other maybe? I dunno :hu Stupd snakes are going to be SO bad this year. Maybe the other one bled to death. I hope, because I am about sick of them already. See snake...see what the chickens think of them :lol: Snakey was 5.5 feet long.


This ferocious hen got out of her ash bath to come pounce and went to shaking this snake corpse :lol: Then all the others decided she had a good idea :lol: That was so funny, yet so sad and pathetic. Brave chickens!! :lol:


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