Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Oh...and I got ANOTHER couple of calls about the goats...looks like they'll be leaving soon :D I have them sold to a guy when he gets his shed built, but NOW I get two more responses to my ad :hu I guess who ever shows up with the cash first will get them. I hate to not hold them for the first guy...but I guess I could ask for a deposit. Thus far I haven't required one. I want to make sure they get sold though, because I DON'T want them in the garden this year, and I don't want to put more money into fencing just yet. I do plan on replacements in the Fall. There are four folks interested in them. What would you all do?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hold an auction, and whoever bids the highest gets them?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
since you liked the initial guy id give him a call let him know youve had alot of other interest in them and will need a deposit if he wants you to hold them, (none refundable) and you need a pick up by date too (given the main reason yourselling is so you dont have to worry about your garden gettign goaties in it) youll need them gone no later than (insert date of first outdoor planting) after that he will be given notice and 1 week or he forfiets his deposit and youll pass them on to the next buyer.

(this way you have a guarente that your not going to be holding them for this guy untill next fall, plus hes monitarily invested so not likely to "change his mind")

if he refuses to put a deposit on them you can then move on to the next person on the list...

right now your essentially feeding HIS goats for free because hes not ready for them...so you need to know hes absolutly taking them otherwise your the one loosing out.

if he does put a deposit down let the other interested parties know that right now there on hold untill such and such a date, however if anything changes ill let you know.

i go through this with pups...
if someone wants me to hold a pup, they have to put down a deposit (at least 1/2 of the purchase price)
i will then hold the pup untill 12 weeks at the longest. after 12 weeks they have to pay a "keeper charge" of $1 per day to cover food, time ect. they are also responsible for the cost of any additional shots and dewormings after 12 weeks...

it just ensures people are serious and im seeing alot of these kinds of clauses in breedrs of all kinds of animals contracts these days...makes me think theres alot of no-shows and when your dealing with live animals, thats just not acceptable.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah i think I need to call him because I just got another email about the goats this morning. I don't want them here for more than a few more weeks because I need to focus on the garden and chickens. Plus if he wants them I need to get the girls bred, so he needs to cough up some cash for me to be willing to hold them and so I can pay the stud fee for them.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Mayo and Ranch dressing is DONE, breakfast is done, and milking is finished. Bread is about to be started, and I need to gather eggs. Then off to the bank and to do errands I forgot I needed to do today :/ Then I have a few more things to catch up on. Feelin' lazy :p

I candled the eggs in the bator yesterday. Had to toss 7 of 38 for infertility/lack of development. So I have 31 to lock down that look really good. I have those sold upon hatch :D Then I get to clean out the bator and start all over again :woot

A couple more dry days and I'll be able to get started on tilling so I am hoping to begin Wednesday with that and get the chicken coop cleaned out good and applied to the garden then as well. Then I'll clean out the goat barn and apply it too. HOPING for a good garden this year :D :D

With the buns bred and due Valentine's, the goats and chicks sold already, egg production and sales up, and plants started, I am looking forward to Spring with a great start so far!! I am muchest pleased ;) Praise God for ...well...everything :lol: Looks like the lil' farmlette will be very productive this year :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yes Buffy it is :) I got a good bit done today.

The neighbor kid came down and stayed for a few hors and we all(her mom, me, and her) had a really long talk. PRAY we got through to her!!! I sure hope we did. I feel bad for her having lost both parents in the last few years, but she is acting out in a very bad way. She gone and got the smack down for that attitude today though...whew...glad that aint my momma :hide

I got everything done but the bread that was on my to do list :D I'm a bit tired though.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I have a friend I let have some chickens before she paid for them. The deal we made was $50 for like 11 chickens, which was a GREAT deal. Now she s avoiding me because she doesn't have the money to pay for them. So, I called tonight to check on her to see how she's doing....they are losing their house. So I ask what she's going to do with all her chickens......she's taking them with her. :/ Now....I don't think she's trying to take advantage..maybe...I hope not, but how would you handle it? If she's moving and doesn't yet even know where she's moving and has to be out in 2 weeks.....I want the dang birds back. She has lost several to predators, which is pretty much gonna happen around here, but the ones she has left, she hasn't even been able to take care of properly. And avoiding me because she owes me a little money?!?! :barnie I would GIVE her the darn chickens before it cost our friendship if I knew they were in a good place. *sigh* What would you do?


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Write the money from those hens off, but that's just me. If she's really in need, you do a good thing, if not, things have a way of working out.