Two turkeys are out in the brush right now, they didn't come in. Three of them did, and when I usually put them up it was storming bad and I couldn't get to em to catch em. Think they'll be alright?
If they can find shelter they should be okay. How old are they? If under 8 weeks you might wanna get an umbrella and flashlight and retrieve them. Young ones tend to chill pretty easily because they still can't regulate their own body heat well.
Okay! We got them! Me and Mom went down and charmed them out of the weeds, they did voluntary. Its a good thing because I can't get in there to where either was at
Thanks sis I WILL give her a hug from you! She'll love it
I will be baking a bunch today. I'm trying to get in my head what to use to package breads in for the farmer's market that won't allow them to go stale, and won't make the loaves sweat if their still a little warm. I'm thinking paper sacks I'll have to look for something better at Sam's Club next time I go, but for now, paper bags will have to do, as I can get those locally. I plan on going tomorrow with at least 10 loaves of various types of breads, and maybe even do some Italian breadcrumbs as well. I gotta make some money this week!!!!! I have to go add these things to my list at the Extension office today.
It's gonna be a long day, and if bread doesn't do well, I'm gonna have a freezer full of it :/ I need to start some sourdough as well. I think that'll sell pretty well.
to your Gramma. Glad they found out what was changing her mood! Hope you have a good visit.
on the rain!
on the bread. I think it will sell well! People love fresh bread. Only trouble I see with paper bags for the loaves is people's suspicious nature - they want to see it, to make sure you aren't selling them the 'bad loaf'
so do you need to register to sell produce/bread/jams and livestock in order to sell at flea/farmers markets? special permits and stuff?
I should probbaly call the extnsion office and see whats what but you know all about this stuff too and i like you! lol, i HATE talking on the phone or to strangers lol.
Pinky, you have to get a permit from the extension office to sell at the Farmer's Market. You can't sell at the flea market that I'm aware of..not sure how it's going to pan out at the Farmer's Market. According to Tennessee state law, you have to have a kitchen inspection and all kinds of crap, no animals in the home EVER, a kitchen that can be completely closed off etc. etc. so I dunno still if I can or can't do it. There is some sort of permit you have to have through the health dept. or something from what I'm reading. I have no idea how the Amish folk got away with it, but even they have since been made to quit selling bread and canned goods. *sigh* Freakin beaurocratic red tape :/ They want our tax money, but won't give us a way to create a job...makes no sense.