Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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SSDreamin said:
Wow, that is so great WBF! What thoughtful neighbors!

I'd be happy if my neighbors just waved back when I wave at them :lol:
My neighbors that are young, ignorant teenagers like to mock bock at me and poke fun...so a wave would be good for me too :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Maybe you all should just move down here by me ;) They are incredibly sweet folks here, and yes, Jamie, if you EVER get down here, we'll have a big block party and shut this section of the road down and throw some big chunks of meat on the grill and introduce you to everybody :D

I'm gonna have a bunch of kids today, neighbor kids, and I have a ton of yard work yet to do. They'll probably help though, and they love being outside anyway, so it's not a big deal. There is just SO much to do I don't even wanna get started this morning. I called time and temp when I first woke, and it is already 78 degrees, so not like it is really cool to begin with, which makes me feel REALLY lazy this morning. I'm still sore from yesterday too. I did go check on the fire...it's still smoldering from yesterday even though it was hosed down at dusk. I have 2 more logs to burn out and then 2 stumps. That may be all I bother with today.

Still no oinklets yet. :( The ducklings are enjoying swimming around in her water dish though. Those little stinkbaits keep getting out of the fence! I don't have time to fix it right now, so they better be able to run from stray dogs :/ Thankfully I did get rid of a couple strays a few weeks ago, so there is only 2 left roaming around, so they should be okay.

I gotta get something going. I can't just sit here all day online :p I'll see you all later :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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What gets me is all this garbage talk about Chic-Fil-A and gay people. WHO really cares?! And THEN.....THEN people want to drag MY Jesus into it :barnie For WHAT?!?! What did He do?! :rant All Jesus ever did is LOVE everybody! Tell me WHERE in the Bible does it say God hates gay people? Where? I want to read it. I'll tell you where...NOWHERE!!!! It says He hates homosexuality. Since WHEN is A gay individual, one single gay person, the equivalent of ALL of homosexuality? That'd be like me being THE white girl. It's such a MORONIC arguement!! He hates the ACT of being homosexual, the deed itself, the lusting after same gender...and guess what....a lot of gay folks hate that too, because it makes their life difficult in a lot of situations. I have cousins, friends, acquaintances...and a suspicious few farmyard animals...that are gay! Big fat whoopidy doo!!! I'm a big fat sinning jerk, that still curses sometimes, and I have countless other faults that would probably take at LEAST 36 hours just to type out....but nobody hates me for it(most days)! GAH! The point is...it just makes me so ANGRY when Jesus gets the blame for every lopsided, closeminded, ignoramous, stupid thing people believe in, whether it be gay rights, or stupid chicken sandwiches from a Christian company. For crying out loud, how is it HIS fault?! Leave my Jesus out of it. PEOPLE are responsible for their own beliefs, individually, and you just can't talk sense into dumb folks no matter how hard you try. Just leave my Jesus out of it. HE LOVES GAY PEOPLE TOO, because GAY is NOT a person, it is a single charachteristic of SOME people that does NOT define that person in his/her entirety. I wish people would just get it straight or shut their pie hole, they're making Christians look bad :smack

End rant. Sorry, just HAD to get that off my chest. :/

ETA: I'm a big fat sinning jerk, that still curses sometimes, and I have countless other faults that would probably take at LEAST 36 hours just to type out....

Just wanted to say, without the One, who is getting all the trash talk about Him, I would be a worthless nobody. All of my sins are forgiven, through the love given me by my Savior, and for that, I am forever grateful. I just can't stand to hear some of the things people say about Him sometimes. It truly makes me wanna SCREAM. You can get away with talking about me, you can talk about my family...you can even get away with talking about my momma(careful though) but when it comes to THE ONE who saved my sorry lowdown good for nothing butt.....just DON'T go there without being willing to get an earfull out of me :old


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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OMG i think i love you!!!

All Jesus ever did is LOVE everybody! Tell me WHERE in the Bible does it say God hates gay people? Where? I want to read it
THIS!!!! gah! why cant people get it...

theres no "ifs" and "buts" in LOVE...love is love is love and Jesus taught LOVE...didnt matter if it was to a pagan prostitute, a roman soldier, a homeless guy or that dude down the stret who kept looking at him in "that way" lol...he was a wise man who taught LOVE unconditionally...

i also dont belive any good just loving god would condem someone for loving someone of the same sex, to the same fate as someone who murdered 12 people in coldblood...
i have a problem beliveing this aparently wise being would disreguard ANY truly good person based on who they are attracted to (assuming the person on the other end is a consenting adult)
i also personallydont think this being woudl condem that person to hell for acting on it or not changing or even being proud simply because there told "its a sin"...sure your bible may say its a sin...but you realy think go holds grudges?! realy?! lol

Cindi...THANK YOU for being a "sane" person of faith!
the christian fellowship needs more people like you! REAL people who dont follow "i "love" you" with "but your going to hell"
people who KNOW there not perfect, but they are GOOD people and that good will overrule all the sily things in the end...
people who have faith that god realy is just and loving and not some pompous ass sitting on his cloud just aiting to smite people like flies because they call himon a different extension lol

I LOVE god...
i just have a problem with some of his followers :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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:bow Very well said! I have family members and friends that are homosexuals. And, while I believe it to be a sin based on the Bible, that doesn't mean I'm a homophobe. Nor does it mean I hate them. I'm told to love them, so I do.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Oh boy........ I'm catching it now on FB for posting a shorter version of this. Unfortunately I'm getting lip from some of the folks i go to church with :hide I'll try my best not to be snarky... I'll try my best not to be snarky..... I'll try my best not to be snarky ......I'll try my best not to be snarky.... I'll try my best not to be snarky............


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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I just want the discussion to be factual, not emotional. Chik-Fil-A is not anti-gay. Any gay/homosexual person can walk in order a sandwich (which are awesome for a treat once in a while) and will be treated with the utmost respect and care like anyone else (umm, sounds like a good Christian attitude, eh?) :/

The issue is the owner openly states his Christian beliefs and how he lives his life PROUDLY! He donates to Focus on the Family, which has been involved politically with the anti-gay marriage politics. That's where the hate against him begins.

If Chik-Fil-A, the company, discriminated, the Fed's would be all over them. Someone I trust mentioned (but I did not verify) was than one of the most successful franchises was owned by an openly gay man.

Anything is being used by the media to distract us from the poor economy, ......

Many of my gay friends think this is tempest in a teapot, so I wish people would think first, talk second.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I agree Jamie, distract the masses at all costs...that's the flaovr of the week...wonder what next week will be?

I have a fellow church member trying to tell me God didn't create gay people :hu I'd like to know who did then?! Any comments?

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