Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
im suffering "new mommy" sundrome lol. no sleep the night before last becoase of rubies labor, and last night i never actally got REAL sleepbecause every time i hears a squeek a nise a bump a rattle i was out of bedlike a jack rabbit to check o them lol.
Tonight should be a little easier...and by modey i should be relaxed enough to sleep full through the night again LOL.
a combination of caffine and watermellon is keeping me going LOL! adrenalin ran out about 7am yesterday morning! :p

Cindi...since we have met...in real life...am i a figment of your imagination or are you a figment of mine?!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Girl, you need to get some SLEEP :lol: ya can't even type :p I hope they are easier on you tonight hun :hugs :hugs


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The internet is a figment of my imagination, not just you Pinky ;)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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*yaaaaaaaaaawn* *streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch* Good mornin' everybody. :)

I have no clue what I am doing today, other than working around here and hauling a load of steel. I don't have kids to watch today...so I might get some things done :D I need to be making some money...*sigh* I went to an interview yesterday, wasn't much to it :/ I dunno if it will be worth much anyway at 15 hours per week...maybe just enough to knock me out of anything full time. We'll see..one day at a time.

Facebook is on my temporary boycott list. People are trying to start a bunch of mess and emotions are running high on certain topics, so I am exiting stage left for the time being. Avoidance is the best policy after honesty :lol:

School starts back here the 6th. That's 10 days away. DD still has no decent shoes, maybe sometime within that time frame we can go shopping for some. I'm letting the house phone go, since we have never heard anything back from our appeal and can't afford more kids right now anyway. It really is sad that we got turned down. We'd be a great family for some kid who has nobody else. I guess the state doesn't need foster families too bad. It still really gets under my skin how it all went down, but oh well...we're broke, and it is probably for the best for US, maybe it is for the kids. :/ I dunno why it bothers me so much...it would've just been a boatload more work for me, and I keep trying to tell myself it's a blessing in disguise, but it doesn't feel like a blessing when I really think about it :( I dunno why I even still think about it :lol: It just makes me angry/sad/frustrated. :p Maybe I'm just CrAzY ;)

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today! It's Friday, and the end of the work week for a lot of folks, so it should be a good day :) I'm gonna have a good one, one way or another ;)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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I think the strife is a symptom of the economic anxiety the country (and all the related stuff to it)


Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2012
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Wannabefree said:
*yaaaaaaaaaawn* *streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch* Good mornin' everybody. :)

I have no clue what I am doing today, other than working around here and hauling a load of steel. I don't have kids to watch today...so I might get some things done :D I need to be making some money...*sigh* I went to an interview yesterday, wasn't much to it :/ I dunno if it will be worth much anyway at 15 hours per week...maybe just enough to knock me out of anything full time. We'll see..one day at a time.

Facebook is on my temporary boycott list. People are trying to start a bunch of mess and emotions are running high on certain topics, so I am exiting stage left for the time being. Avoidance is the best policy after honesty :lol:

School starts back here the 6th. That's 10 days away. DD still has no decent shoes, maybe sometime within that time frame we can go shopping for some. I'm letting the house phone go, since we have never heard anything back from our appeal and can't afford more kids right now anyway. It really is sad that we got turned down. We'd be a great family for some kid who has nobody else. I guess the state doesn't need foster families too bad. It still really gets under my skin how it all went down, but oh well...we're broke, and it is probably for the best for US, maybe it is for the kids. :/ I dunno why it bothers me so much...it would've just been a boatload more work for me, and I keep trying to tell myself it's a blessing in disguise, but it doesn't feel like a blessing when I really think about it :( I dunno why I even still think about it :lol: It just makes me angry/sad/frustrated. :p Maybe I'm just CrAzY ;)

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today! It's Friday, and the end of the work week for a lot of folks, so it should be a good day :) I'm gonna have a good one, one way or another ;)
It feels awful to get so bombarded on a forum--or FB--that you run away. On another for sale forum I was a pariah for telling a man he should stop breeding rabbits because he said he had so many he was turning them loose outside. One guy was like "They're his pets outside!" Ha! Pets with rampant parasites, disease and disappearing one by one nightly to predators! But I just didn't respond until the thread got buried and nobody cared anymore. I guess telling someone they shouldn't abandon young rabbits in their yard--which is basically the woods--makes me a bad person lol.

You just gotta say your piece then duck and hope nothing hits you as it flies by!

School IS starting soon. I have like twelve billion things to get done with the 4Hers before it does. Ugh.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score

We don't have that restaurant up here, so no idea what all the fuss is about, but I totally agree with your sentiments.

We're all sinners due to personal choices, we're all flawed and fall short, and regardless of how some people choose to catalog sins (so that some are worse than others) all sin is equal in God's eyes--from "little white lies" to murder, and everything in between. Christ ate with all and stayed in the homes of sorts of sinners, and loved everyone--exhorting each person to give up the sinful lifestyle, not loving the person any less. Sin is an action, a decision, even a thought in some cases--but not a whole person.

It took us years to find a church that didn't lay a guilt trip on people for not being perfect, which is remarkable considering Christ's actions here on earth and the fact that the church is supposed to be made up of "followers of Christ". Can't believe the things I've seen, words I've heard, people I've seen hurt by "believers" over the years. Our current home church is all about the infallibility of the Word, about fellowship and love. It's filled with real people, who have fallen but who have been helped back up again. And it's the only church I've ever attended that really takes real missions seriously--not just sending people to far away lands to "convert" people, but missions that make a difference in the lives of people in our community and around the world.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
im sorry that the drama llamas are attacking
i dont have the paitents to avoid so i just hit "hide" on people who i like but are currently annoying me and block on te downright disrespectfull people who have nothing good to contribute EVER and ignore them...they get frustrated after a while of whining in comments only to see them deleeted a few hours later and eventually give up.

those folks are showing their true colors, and if those colors are ugly...they dont need to be a part of your rainbow...just hide/ignore/block and in real life "well you have your opinion and i have mine and thats the beauty of being given thoughts of my own and free will by the creator, and living in a country where im allowed to express such" then either ignore them or be overly nice because nothign freeks a person out mroe than someone being NICE to them even whe they dont agree lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Facebook has just gone so petty and vindictive for people. DH and I chose to de-activate our accounts for now. Better off that way. Not having to see the drama that goes on there.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
i think the internet in generla has made people "meaner" before the internet you wanted to picka fight verbally bash others ect you had to have the testicular fortitude to do it to the persons face....
now the internet has made it so that you never realy HAVE to face the person your "picking on", a faceless media outlet where, for those so inclined they dont HAVE to br brave enough to say it to a persons face.

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