Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Did the dog have its rabies shot? A few years ago I heard about a bunch of people that had to get the shots because of a kitten that everyone was playing with-turned out it had rabies! That would be my only concern w/getting bit. If not, it needs to be quarantined for 10 days, or at the very least have an eye kept on it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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id ask to see the rabies cert...its best to start post exposure shots within 10 days if hes not UTD...

i swear lady do you ever actually take a moment to breath?! lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I do take time to breathe! I'm breathing right now and can breathe while doing a bajillion other things :lol:

I'll keep check on the dog. I don't wanna make unecessary waves. The risk is slim. They are good neighbors...if it aint broke...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ditto to that. I know someone who almost ended up having to get the shots because they got bit and the dog's owner couldn't find the certificate. Asking is for your own protection, and your friend should understand that.

Years ago, I had to report a friend when their dog bit my daughter. I didn't want to do it. She didn't realize the dog had a bone and it was food aggressive. But, the bite got infected, so I had to take her to the doctor's, which meant I had to tell them she got bit, which meant they had to report it. And then my friend had to quarantine her dog. She wasn't happy, but at the same time, she understood that I hadn't wanted to report it, but had had no choice under the circumstances.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I just think it is kinda silly. Truly the dog was protecting it's turf. I was in it''s yard. A lot of dogs would do the very same thing. It doesn't mean they are rabid, just means they are very territorial. If the dog shows any signs of rabies in the next several days, it's not like they'd try to hide it from me. I just don't see getting a uppity bossy third party(the government/health dept.) involved if it isn't necessary. I'll wait it out. ;)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You are a good person WBF. Just keep an eye on that bite for infection.

A few years ago we had a dog that we could NOT keep confined. He'd get out of the yard, out of the house, off of a chain (even though I HATE to ever chain a dog). We tried anti-jump harnesses, a 5 lb weight on the end of a tie that would, theoretically, keep him from jumping the fence. NOTHING worked! We live in a fairly rural area, but people like to use our dead-end road to walk or ride bikes. A lady came walking down the road one day, pushing a baby stroller - and wouldn't you know it - the dang dog escaped. He ran out to the road and tried to chew on her shoe. Didn't actually bite her skin, but definitely grabbed the back of her shoe. She panicked, dropped her cell phone which self-destructed on impact - the dog ran off, and I felt horrible.

I tried to pay for her cell-phone and a new pair of shoes and she wouldn't hear of it. She simply said 'you've got a great watch dog and it wouldn't be fair to hurt him'. In fact, she begged me to not punish the dog. But, we eventually had to have the dog put down because of his antics. What do you do with a dog like that? Totally loyal, totally protective, and totally uncontrollable. I've never quite gotten over having to destroy a dog that was simply smarter than me....

I guess the point of that story is - Stuff happens and sometimes the relationships you have with people are worth so much more than any 'payback'.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
FEM you GET me!! :hugs That last line says it all!

My dog has nipped a kid in the face, my friends kid, who was trying to "milk her" while watching cartoons in the floor :rolleyes: My friend never made a huge issue. My little buddy still hates my dog, but stuff happens. The kid is autistic, was 13 and over 6 foot tall at the time. i left the room for half a second. Dog felt threatened when he did something he shouldn't have, and she startled and lunged. He got up screaming at her and she cowered like a big baby. It HAPPENS.

My friends dog that got me today...the furry little troll...didn't even stick around to finish the fight :/ He bit and ran off...a bit and run accident :lol: I'm not worried and not his first victim. He has nipped the UPS guy too...HATES them :lol: If anything comes of it, we'll square up between US, not us and "authorities" same as my friend did with me. I paid the kids doctor bill to get checked since it was scratches on his face, and he did need to get it checked, because my dog licks her butt A LOT :p and I was afraid of infection, so we squared up with them. It's what good neighbors do :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
WBF, not trying to get you to report them, just be sure you take the proper steps to be sure YOU'RE protected. Under the circumstances, there's nothing wrong w/asking them for proof of rabies. My neighbor's dog bit me a few years ago and I asked them for proof of rabies. They had no problem w/producing it, and I never reported them, it was just one of those things. If they hadn't been able to, we would have worked something out to be sure the dog was kept confined for 10 days rather than reporting it. I honestly didn't think it had rabies, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I've been bit a few times, and the only time I can recall that it was ever reported was when it was a strange dog. (I was walking to school and the dog came out of it's yard into the street and bit me!) W/my daughter, the only reason I reported it was because I had to take her to the doctor, and I wasn't going to lie. Nor could I have. It was very clearly a bite mark and if I had tried to hide it, that would have only made the situation worse.

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