Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Denim Deb said:
WBF, even though this seems like the worst thing that could happen to your friend, remember, God is STILL in control. And, while we can't any good in this situation, God has a reason for it. It may be it's the only way he'll meet someone who will help him in his Christian walk in a way that you never could.:hugs



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I know. It still stinks like a sack of wet goats though.

I had a good looooooooong bible study in Matthew, particularly Chapter 13. It helped clear my mind. The whole situation is still frustrating, but I know how to take action now and still be in the right. Yesterday I just wanted to clobber the absolute crap out of some people, which woulda been SO wrong, but woulda felt soooooo good :/ I have some things to do today, which will keep my butt and mind busy so I don't snap over this mess, and then tomorrow I'm going to go have a chit chat with a few folks and see if we can get some charges dropped and people out and back on the right track to proceed in the direction they were going. Today I will pray about it some more. I need time to calm down still anyway. It takes a lot to make me mad, but once I'm there.....I aint moving anytime soon and NOBODY wants to mess with me. I won't do anything to go to jail myself, I'm too smart for that, but they have me ready to pull some strings of my own, and I know WAAAAYY too much for them to push me any further. I'll see to it tomorrow some people realize just that, and if they don't want to cooperate then...I'll drop so much crap on their day they'll smell it for years to come, and I'm not one to just talk about it. Some people in this town have made the little quiet girl VERY ANGRY! I have listened to everything going on, and sat back and waited for some people to do the right thing long enough. I am in a position to rain on some parades around here and all I have to do is tell the truth. Prooving it is no problem whatsoever. They have underestimated me, shame on them.

In other news....I'm broke :lol: Gotta haul a load of steel today to get gas money for the rest of the week. The neighbors have been tight on cash too and I gave my last $25 to them for gas in their car the other day. Now they need my truck today to take "Ma" to the doctor, she can't get in the car with her leg brace on. When they get back, I'll load it down with steel and take that off to refuel it, and theirs.....hopefully. Then I gotta make bread, ranch dressing, banana bread, and dinner. I'm thinking fried chicken :drool

Right now though....gotta feed the animals and get my mind right :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:hugs Sorry things are going so bad lately. I hope it gets sorted out without to much hassle! :hugs

Mmm... fried chicken :drool DH begged me for it, so I made that for dinner on Sunday. I even pulled out the big cast iron fry pan and did it the right way! ;)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Um we had taco salad :p

We made $75 today split three ways so not too bad. We're going to work on it again tomorrow. We actually got enough for a few loads, but didn't load it all today so we have a jump start on tomorrow. I didn't get anything else done besides putting up some turnips and greens a friend gave me, and dinner, and a couple errands. :hu My new glasses were making me want to hurl for most of the day, and my eye is sore. Something about the axis in my left eye changed and they are trying to correct it. Alls i know is my eyeball hurts and I'm walking like a drunk :/ On the up side, no headache yet :D

Anyway....tomorrow is another load, errands, and getting my meanness out. I hope I can keep my mouth under control when talking to those folks. Either way though..somethings gotta give.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
Um we had taco salad :p

We made $75 today split three ways so not too bad. We're going to work on it again tomorrow. We actually got enough for a few loads, but didn't load it all today so we have a jump start on tomorrow. I didn't get anything else done besides putting up some turnips and greens a friend gave me, and dinner, and a couple errands. :hu My new glasses were making me want to hurl for most of the day, and my eye is sore. Something about the axis in my left eye changed and they are trying to correct it. Alls i know is my eyeball hurts and I'm walking like a drunk :/ On the up side, no headache yet :D

Anyway....tomorrow is another load, errands, and getting my meanness out. I hope I can keep my mouth under control when talking to those folks. Either way though..somethings gotta give.
Taco salad works....


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score

Wanna has had enough! For two weeks there has been too much estrogen, and it has caused a severe overload of testosterone to overflow into the last week. Therefore, Wanna is exiting the building for a couple of days. I am going to a hotel, beside a river, hidden in a hillside on the backside of nowhere, with abunch of women from church and we're gonna party like school girls, stay up late, eat things our thighs wll hate us for Monday, curl up with our blankies on the back deck and giggle the night away, bible study, sing, have a good time,with NO CHILDREN, NO HUSBANDS, NO COOKING, NO CLEANING, and absolutely positively NO WORK! And best of all.....no cell service, no internet, no "civilization" to speak of, and noooooooooo WORK( I think I mentioned that, but it's worth mentioning again and again :D )!!!

IF I decide to return :p I'll be back Saturday afternoon. I have a young lady coming down to make sure my animals are taken care of, and the household stays together while I am away. I am SO READY TO RETREAT!!!!!!!! Now i just gotta scrape up the cash to pay and go :lol: NO problem, I got a load of steel to haul off tomorrow, and the roommate is paying his rent, and the hubster will get his check the next day so he can take care of whatever comes up whilst i am OUT! I have been CRAVING a break!!!! Tomorrow I got to cook a bunch of crap to take with me, and wash and pack my things. AS SOON AS I get back....I am the chef for a cookout on behalf of roomies birthday. So it looks to be a pretty nice weekend ahead. If it doesn't rain, I'm goin fishin while I'm there :woot I'm thinking of taking a little camp stove to cook on on the river bank, at least for breakfast :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You GO girl! Retreat for all of us!

Seriously, if anybody deserves this - you do. Have a great time and don't even give a thought to anything else while you are gone!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
it ounds positivly PERFECT! go, have fun, enjoy and RELAX! youve earnt it. :D

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