Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
The same people did that near us last year, it was great! Glad you enjoyed it!!!! They broke one last year too (Im illiterate to the type though) :D


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
WBF, the clinic sounds so cool.

Many years ago a friend and I took Mustangs fromthe BLM program and gentled them for some folks who adopted them. It was always so cool to see a terrified animal become calm and confident around people.

I'm glad you got to experience that clinic - next time call me - I wanna go! :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
My neighbor down the road has 13 horses, the ones across the street have 2, the others down the road have 4, then another family has 3 or 4, then yet another family has about 5. My uncle has 3. I don't think there would be any shortage of horses to ride around here. I have been invited to ride on several occassions, I just haven't.

Deb, I'm not really "afraid" of them, just leery. We had a crazy nag QH/Arabian when I was a kid, VERY bad manners, way too high strung, and never properly trained. I have been bucked, never bucked off, but full out toss up on her back for nearly a quarter mile before I could get her to calm down, at which point she layed down and tried to roll over me and I jumped off :/ Then another took me in a shed and tried to buck me into the rafters so she could get back to her colt. I've been kicked, stomped, stepped on, and run away with so many times.... I know first hand how dangerous they can be. If I could ever get a GOOD horse to ride, I'd ride again. My daddy trained a mustang that I used to love to ride, she was incredibly intelligent and gentle. I'm just too old for all the bucking and stupidity. The last tme I rode I was about 22 or so, and rode my daddys horse. I started riding at about 10 or so and mostly rode as a teen and mostly crazy nags nobody else would ride :rolleyes: Maybe I have just been on the wrong horses :hu


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Well deb, looks like I'll be riding again soon. Long story short, I found a friend and a bunch of horses that need to be worked a bit, so.....looks like I'll be helping with that on weekends some in the next little while.

Right now though....I am down in my back again :rolleyes: I have no idea what I did, but it took me nearly an hour to get out of bed, after a rough nights sleep. I have a pinch between my shoulders, which makes it a bit difficult to move my arms and neck certain ways, and then I have a couple spots down middle and lower back that feel pulled or something. :/ My neck sounds like gravel crunching :lol: Uh...that's probably not good though huh? Grrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeat :p Anyway.. Church was just out of the question this morning. I'll try to go tonight. I missed the bus so to speak this morning because i couldn't get my big butt up. I don't like missing church :(

The cookout yesterday was good. Everybody had a good time, and everybody got well fed. Well...except for me :lol: Someone used my bread knife for who knows what and so I was afraid to use it to cut my hamburger bun open to fix me a burger. Soy cooties would have made for a not so good time, so I waited till we got back home to eat. We had baby wipes to clean our hands, but I was concerned that it wouldn't be enough for cleaning away any potential soy cooties. :hu I think it made A feel bad, but I wasn't chancing it.

I am having to deal with the teenager down the street with some MAJOR issues she is having lately. Her mom is about ready to kill her, so I rescued her from her wrath and she's staying a couple days with me and give her mom time to calm down. Maybe I can help get her head screwed on straight and get her back on track. WHY do I always get stuck with GIRLS though?!?! I can't stand teenage girls!! I know I used to be one, but I wonder if I was ever REALLY that stupid? These kids today have wayyyy too many distractions/temptations and not enough raising. I don't think I was that bad, but I don't think it's all their fault either, it's different from when I was growing up. It's a headache trying to talk to them though. Some things never change, they still know it all, and grownups are still dumb and boring. I just find it difficult to handle all the crying with these girls. I KNOW I was never a crier, and it's weird. Poor kid turned the hydrant on last night and I was like......uh...no need to cry now, you did it, tears won't change it, suck it up and let's talk about it like adults since you want to be one so bad :hu Maybe I'm just mean :lol: But for cryin out loud, the kid is 17!! She truly needs a good spankin but she's too old for that. :rolleyes: *sigh* I love all these knuckleheaded brats, but is it just me or do they seem to get "slower" every year? Kids seem extremely immature these days for their age.

DD15 and I are currently at each others throats too, because I can't make her understand I do things for a REASON, not to turn her little world upside down, but sheesh everything is just always about her these days, no matter what, somehow I am doing whatever I am doing just to be mean to her and/or embarass her or make her uncomfortable or somehow upset her. :th And I keep getting the line "I'm tired of sitting around this house with nothing to do" and "You always say no, and never let me do anything" nevermind she JUST had a friend over, and part of her attitude issue was that I was taking her home before the cookout. But the cookout wasn't for us, by us, or paid for by us, so I was NOT being rude and bringing an uninvited guest along like some had already sprung on the guy. So. In short, I am evil and live for no other reason than to make my dippy child miserable. I should truly be ashamed. ;)

Just shoot me now. :lol:

What's really funny, and truly the only thing that keeps me going sometimes,ESPECIALLY with these kids, is knowing that next week...these problems I have right now, won't even exist anymore, they'll be over said and done. Long forgotten, and I'll have a completely new set of challenges to aggravate the mess out of me. :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Good for you for being there for them. I don't know if I could handle that. I think I'd be ready to break them in 2. :hide


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
Good for you for being there for them. I don't know if I could handle that. I think I'd be ready to break them in 2. :hide
Tis why I vent HERE, so I DON'T just choke them out :gig DD had me so mad yesterday I almost made her stay home, and warned her IF she so much as dared to pout/mope around the picnic in front of our friends for attention, she'd be sent to sit in the truck for the duration and I would NOT bother to hurry on account of her or even fix her a plate :p I think part of her problem is losing her Papaw, and her boyfriend, and her new pet is now deceased(dunno what happened there :hu) but STILL, time to learn to cope with all of lifes ups and downs without being a troll about it for weeks on end. The other part is just stupid teenage hormones and can't be helped. One day....she'll be grown well adjusted and out of here :fl

The other has entirely different issues. She has no male role model, and doesn't understand how to act(or not to act) around men. She was in a very horrible situation in her younger years, and has taken several setbacks, also has A.D.D. and just generally confused and immature. At 17, she is still not as mature as DD15 in a lot of ways. Those two are closer to the same level, and this kid will be 18 in 8 months!!

I am just so afraid for these kids to be turned loose at 18, they aren't well equipped! While I have a little breathing room time wise with DD, I don't with the neighbor kid :( It's scary!!! I love them BOTH like they are my own flesh and blood, and I worry that they aren't anywhere close enough to ready to handle real life sometimes.

But yeah, I want to choke them sometimes, and would if it'd do any good, but it won't, so I refrain ;)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Well the kiddo goes home today. Mom has calmed down, and Gran misses her, though she's just two houses down and has been in and out all weekend :hu

I gotta get this house clean since i can't haul steel. Kinda thankful for the rain, my back still hurts anyway, but I'd be out there regardless :hide

Laundry is started, and since the yard sale is not going yet, I am going to list a boat load of crap on Ebay.

Today is court for one of the guys, but I'm not going. Maybe I'll hear what happened and what's going on to text his mother. I dunno. :hu

Anybody wanna come help me do the most dreaded chore of cleaning the house? I just wanna bake some brownies and a cake :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Central Pennsyltucky
Here's a deal for you... You clean my house, cook cobbler for dessert and finish up the chicken in the crock pot (still not sure what I want to do with it, lol), and I'll come to your house, clean, lock the girls in the closet if need be, and bake brownies. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'd be more than willing to come over and let you clean while I make the cake and the brownies. :hide