Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
:weee Thanks everyone :) I'm baaaaack...for a while. Although I have a lot to do this week. Gotta get DD ready for school :/ and get a few things wrapped up. I need to help with VBS this week too, and will be doing that, and putting in more apps. So I'm here...kinda, but not really :lol: Today is shopping day for DD and I am DREADING it. She's so picky it is murder going shopping with that child. At least we did find a store she likes a while back and most of the things are her "style" so maybe it won't be SO bad this time. I am just NOT getting stuck in a car with her and her Mamaw...we'll take mine :D Anyways...just checking in to say hi :frow and then I'm off to do a to do list full today. Hope everyone has had a great week so far!! I have ;)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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WHEW! What a week! I have the two 7 yr. old nieces for the weekend, and DD is at a friends house, coming back to have a sleepover shortly. I made enough homemade pizza to HOPEFULLY last through tomorrow so I don't have to cook. DD has been on a rampage about her hair :rolleyes: so I got rid of her for a while :lol: She got a new cut, and can't get it to "do right" and then she went to get a shower and knocked the shower curtain rod down in her face and pitched a tantrum. She has a tiny little mark where part of it barely scraped her forehead and threw another fit when she seen it in the mirror, so yeah...she had to go. Yesterday was hair appointments and VBS again. ALL the girlies got hair feathers :D Tomorrow is the VBS finale at night church. The kids are anxious to see who gets a pie in the face. They took up money all week Boys vs. Girls and if the girls raised most, the pastor gets the pie, and if the boys did, our children's church facilitator Ashley gets the pie. I personally would like to see my prissy friend Ashley get it just because she's so prissy and funny, Bro. Jason won't be as much fun he'll just eat it and say thanks :lol: Anywho, made burger and hot dog buns this week successfully. The okra is overrunning the garden and shading the massive cuke vines. The corn is looking good, and I am still putting a lot of things in the freezer and canning. I was gifted a half bushel of green beans, but with VBS couldn't get to them, and so the goats had a nice snack :/ I FINALLY got my living room rearranged this week, got pictures hung back up, got the kitchen cabinets cleaned out and things rearranged in there, got the spare bedroom cleaned up, and it has been made more boy friendly, though at the moment my girly girls are in there mucking it up again :) It has been an incredibly LOOOOOOOOOONG week here. We got DD's school clothes shopping done, and now we're waiting for the supply lists to see what else we will have to get. First day of school is Friday and I cannot WAIT to get rid of everybody for a whole day to ME ME ME LOL! I know that sounds awful, but when they're here...I am CONSTANTLY needed for SOMETHING and I am just looking forward to being me again for a WHOLE DAY of peace! :weee Now...watch DH not have to work now that I said that :lol:

Hope everything has been well with everyone else! :hugs


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Why does ME ME ME ME ME sound awful?

I think it sounds sensible :D


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
pinkfox said:
i 100% agree with abi!
*nods wisely* There you go then. Wannabe, you are officially granted wonderful selfish ME TIME.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Well Im back as well!! :woot

Good to know your back and I roomed with a boy from Warren County, Tenessee. He was nice too....


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Awesome Jamester!! :hugs Glad you had a good time!

Tonight was the finale to our VBS :( I'm gonna miss all the kids who weren't regulars :hit We did have a wonderful time though. They sang all of their songs and the nieces looked like they really enjoyed it :love In fact, the niece who lives next door cried and didn't want to go home...I had to promise she could come over in the next few days to help me bake cookies and threaten to take her brother to the beauty shop for a hair feather in his hair to get a teary eyed giggle out of her. She told me she wants to come live with me, poor little thing :( She's so sweet, we did our hair this morning for church and I fixed hers up really nice and put some little clips in it for her and she just loved the attention :) We had so much fun, and she wanted to stay SO badly, I felt bad for her. The two younger ones stayed with my mom after church this morning for a few hours until night church, and they had a blast there too. She LOVED the big dinner after church. I wish her mom would start taking them, but I told her she could go with me any time, and I think her mom is going to let her go Wednesday night with us, so maybe she will start coming regularly with us. She made several new friends that are already regulars there too, and then niecey girl goes with us a lot as well and those two are close. They started to squabble a bit by this afternoon, but not too bad considering they just spent the better part of 4 days together. They're bestestest frainds :lol: So stinkin cute!

OH and the pie in the face was a HUGE hit! BOTH of them got it, and the kids LOVED it!! The children raised over $300!!! One sweet little boy said he didn't care who got the pie as long as the children who benefitted from the collections got their school supplies :love The whole thing was to raise money for children in Africa for school supplies. We have made up 30 packages, and the kids raised so much that we will be able to make several more now! YAY KIDS!! I am so very proud of our little ones and their willingness to give, it never ceases to amaze me what these kids can accomplish with things such as this and their beautiful giving spirit. God is good! It was a great day :)

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