Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
moxies_chickennuggets said:
:lol: As a military wife for 15 years...soo many years ago....we learned to make family where we found it. As far as my own family....I find it best to let sleeping rattlesnakes lie. Don't mess with them. Better not to agitate the waters. Confrontations aren't going to fix anything either.
So true. I have great neighbors and friends, I've always been closer to friends and neighbors than my family :hu
Yeah...no worries :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
McNeal, Arizona
Hugs :hugs i been thru it with my Dad, i didnt speak to him for 7 years, he was such another word for donkey...... He was a drunk and totally out of control, now he don't drink and is fine :thumbsup:), he was very abusive when he drank.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
The American Dysfunctional Family......we try to be normal....hide the bad stuff from people.....and make it work. Unfortunately, it is just a vicious cycle.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
AmericanHomesteader said:
Hugs :hugs i been thru it with my Dad, i didnt speak to him for 7 years, he was such another word for donkey...... He was a drunk and totally out of control, now he don't drink and is fine :thumbsup:), he was very abusive when he drank.
Are we kin? :lol: Sounds like my old man, except he's just a dry drunk. He's stil very controlling. He's fine most of the time..ya know, when things are going his way :rolleyes:


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
McNeal, Arizona
Wannabefree said:
AmericanHomesteader said:
Hugs :hugs i been thru it with my Dad, i didnt speak to him for 7 years, he was such another word for donkey...... He was a drunk and totally out of control, now he don't drink and is fine :thumbsup:), he was very abusive when he drank.
Are we kin? :lol: Sounds like my old man, except he's just a dry drunk. He's stil very controlling. He's fine most of the time..ya know, when things are going his way :rolleyes:
LOL could be!!! I was so happy when my dad gave it up he is a totally different person now.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
AmericanHomesteader said:
Wannabefree said:
AmericanHomesteader said:
Hugs :hugs i been thru it with my Dad, i didnt speak to him for 7 years, he was such another word for donkey...... He was a drunk and totally out of control, now he don't drink and is fine :thumbsup:), he was very abusive when he drank.
Are we kin? :lol: Sounds like my old man, except he's just a dry drunk. He's stil very controlling. He's fine most of the time..ya know, when things are going his way :rolleyes:
LOL could be!!! I was so happy when my dad gave it up he is a totally different person now.
UGH I wish mine was. I thought for years if he'd quit drinking we'd quit getting beat. Boy was I WRONG! It got worse :p Now he's just an old control freak. He'll be 70 tomorrow. Sad as it is to say...I'll be relieved when he's gone because as long as he's around the family will be like this. It was bad growing up, but it's not really getting a whole lot better. My sister...is just like him now. *sigh* Stupid cycle!! :barnie


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
McNeal, Arizona
Wannabefree said:
AmericanHomesteader said:
Wannabefree said:
Are we kin? :lol: Sounds like my old man, except he's just a dry drunk. He's stil very controlling. He's fine most of the time..ya know, when things are going his way :rolleyes:
LOL could be!!! I was so happy when my dad gave it up he is a totally different person now.
UGH I wish mine was. I thought for years if he'd quit drinking we'd quit getting beat. Boy was I WRONG! It got worse :p Now he's just an old control freak. He'll be 70 tomorrow. Sad as it is to say...I'll be relieved when he's gone because as long as he's around the family will be like this. It was bad growing up, but it's not really getting a whole lot better. My sister...is just like him now. *sigh* Stupid cycle!! :barnie
I know its hard my dad just turned 71 on the 18th, im glad i made my peace with him before he is gone, the lord teaches us to turn the other cheek even when it gets slapped. We had custody battles over my step daughter, mt DW ex was a piece of work, i even got escorted out of the court house once lol. I raised her from when she was 3 years old, she is now 21 and thinks of me as her dad. It can be very tring at times with custody issues, we will be praying for you, a smile goes along ways, so we just sent you one :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
AmericanHomesteader said:
Wannabefree said:
AmericanHomesteader said:
LOL could be!!! I was so happy when my dad gave it up he is a totally different person now.
UGH I wish mine was. I thought for years if he'd quit drinking we'd quit getting beat. Boy was I WRONG! It got worse :p Now he's just an old control freak. He'll be 70 tomorrow. Sad as it is to say...I'll be relieved when he's gone because as long as he's around the family will be like this. It was bad growing up, but it's not really getting a whole lot better. My sister...is just like him now. *sigh* Stupid cycle!! :barnie
I know its hard my dad just turned 71 on the 18th, im glad i made my peace with him before he is gone, the lord teaches us to turn the other cheek even when it gets slapped. We had custody battles over my step daughter, mt DW ex was a piece of work, i even got escorted out of the court house once lol. I raised her from when she was 3 years old, she is now 21 and thinks of me as her dad. It can be very tring at times with custody issues, we will be praying for you, a smile goes along ways, so we just sent you one :)
Thanks :hugs My niece thinks of me as her mom. She's just 7 though :lol: She knows she shouldn't be being raised by grandparents though, and the old man is MEAN to her because he sees her mothers ways in her. He's not as bad as he was with s, but still. It's just so stupid it drives me crazy! Maybe eventually she'll be here with me though. They physically can't take care of her, it'll wind up her taking care of them, and that is a burden unecessary for a young person. *sigh* God's will be done.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
McNeal, Arizona
Wannabefree said:
AmericanHomesteader said:
Wannabefree said:
UGH I wish mine was. I thought for years if he'd quit drinking we'd quit getting beat. Boy was I WRONG! It got worse :p Now he's just an old control freak. He'll be 70 tomorrow. Sad as it is to say...I'll be relieved when he's gone because as long as he's around the family will be like this. It was bad growing up, but it's not really getting a whole lot better. My sister...is just like him now. *sigh* Stupid cycle!! :barnie
I know its hard my dad just turned 71 on the 18th, im glad i made my peace with him before he is gone, the lord teaches us to turn the other cheek even when it gets slapped. We had custody battles over my step daughter, mt DW ex was a piece of work, i even got escorted out of the court house once lol. I raised her from when she was 3 years old, she is now 21 and thinks of me as her dad. It can be very tring at times with custody issues, we will be praying for you, a smile goes along ways, so we just sent you one :)
Thanks :hugs My niece thinks of me as her mom. She's just 7 though :lol: She knows she shouldn't be being raised by grandparents though, and the old man is MEAN to her because he sees her mothers ways in her. He's not as bad as he was with s, but still. It's just so stupid it drives me crazy! Maybe eventually she'll be here with me though. They physically can't take care of her, it'll wind up her taking care of them, and that is a burden unecessary for a young person. *sigh* God's will be done.
Yes things will work out for you, don't let it get you down, god always come's thru for us, and i know you know that :) keep your chin up.