Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You gonna let her raise the baby, or make her into chops?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Chops of course :D I'll have a bttle baby piglet :) It's a cute little bugger too, black and tan like a little porky snouted doberman pincher :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'm sitting here, up, alone, watching a thing on psychopaths :/ It's weird. T.V. is a strange talking box with lots of funky ideas. They're trying to show how babies know right from wrong by their reactions, and they have tendencies toward more positive things. It makes me wonder what makes a person go nuts later in life, or how a person can have no empathy. Child abuse is said to be a large factor, but I dunno if I buy that. I turned out okay. My sister is a different story, but I have sometimes too much empathy to the point I take away from self to give to others. We come from the same parents, have similar DNA, and I just don't see how two extremes could come from the same situation and biology. Not that she has ever killed anybody, but she's very definately missing a couple marbles. I watched another thing on God earlier, I think faith is just as big a factor as abuse or environment. I dunno, I thought it was interesting, but has a few holes in the theory IMO. Anyway blah blah blah ramble ramble :p I need to get in the bed, but like last night, not looking forward to waking up to another backache. I'm okay once I have been up a bit.

I forgot to tell ya'll earlier, I may be babysitting shortly. A tiny baby girl...again with the girls :lol: Anyway, her mom went to work and she's looking for a sitter for about 20ish hours a week, so I'm taking the job if she hasn't found anyone yet. The good thing about a baby, is EVERYTHING is NEW, I love that stage of life. You put in good things and don't get anything but love back out :)...well and poop, drool, and upchuck, but still.. SO NOT like teenagers where you put in good things, expect good things since they're potty trained and all.. and get drama and smart mouth out :p It will be a refreshing change. The last time I babysat a little one, the kid got attached, and I got to see her get married and go off to college last year :love I got to skip the teen stage with her :woot and just got the good parts. I could raise a million if it were that easy :lol: Either way I am looking forward to the smell and sounds of a baby around the house again :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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haha, Erin's journal finally made me remember i started mealworms too. They're doing good. I just never updated to let ya'll know :rolleyes: Let's see....what else have i forgot to update about lately..... :p


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2012
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Glen, Ms
I hear ya on the family thing. My brother and sister are as different from me as daylight and dark. Totally different in lifestyles, personalities and thinking. I have an uncle who lives next door and was raised like my brother, he's the same way. We all grew up in the same house and none of them will even drink raw milk. They think I'm crazy to WANT to live on the family farm and raise what I eat, live simple and help others when I can. They all just look at me and shake their heads.
My sister is very successful, lives in the city and even though I love her to pieces, when talking to her it's like talking to an alien. Raised in the same house and you'd swear we were from different PLANETS! lol

She says I'm a "chronic under-achiever" and that I should be rich with my upbringing and thinks I'm a lunatic for living simple.
She lives in a five bedroom mansion with a bathroom bigger than my living room and she's never been married and no kids.

It takes all kinds I guess. :idunno

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And I'm the odd one in my family. Maybe it's because I'm the only one born in Jersey, or, if the Mason Dixon line were extended, born below it. :hu


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'm a black sheep too. :hu I have always been a black sheep in my family, first one to do everything on my own, first to leave home, even though my brother is nearly 3 years older, first one to get married, first one to move away from our hometown, first to stand up to the old man, first to get over it too....seems like I have had to show everybody else how to move forward, and they hated me for it for a long time. It's kinda dumb. I don't care though, it's their limitations, not mine :p Most of who I used to be though I don't even recognize anymore. I was very rebellious, and I'm not who I was then. Not even that I was particularly bad, but I wasn't particularly good then either, not for my own standards. I still stick out like a sore thumb amongst my immediate family. I have pinpointed a few things that I probably inherited from some family members, like my grandma not being afraid of anything and so willing to take risks, also loving to travel no matter the reason. :hu From my other grandma I got my "gift" of being outgoing and talking to strangers(used to drive mom nuts) and ability to sell ice to an eskimo :lol: I dunno where everything else comes from, I'm not much like either of my parents or my sister. My brother and I share a thirst for knowledge, and a slightly above average IQ, but it pretty much ends there. We have different interests, though he does follow mine a bit at times. Like he is getting into gardening now, mostly studying(and will for a year or so before he does anything same as I did) and wanting to make his land work for him, rather than the other way around. He got pretty deep into finance after I did and it has served us both pretty well. Sounds silly considering I'm currently broke, but at least I don't owe everybody :p We were taught that credit was "the only way to make it in this world, and take care of your credit score." :lol: So anyway...there I go rambling again...

I slept like a fish out of water last night. Flopped around all night. Stupid dreams. I went to jail over a speeding ticket, redneck judge sentenced me to 4 months in jail! :smack I dunno who those other two folks I was with were, but I was ready to kick their butts because they were making fun of me that I had never been to jail before. I was highly upset and refused to go to my cell. Considering everyone else had guns and I was unarmed, that was not the best idea I ever had, even in my sleep :rolleyes: On the bright side, with all that activity while I "slept" apparently my muscles didn't have enough time to get stiff overnight, so my back is not hurting as bad this morning. Heckuva price to pay, I coulda just taken an aspirin or something instead :/

I need to get some things done today, weater and back permitting. I'm sooooo tired though I don't even know where to start. :th

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Anyone have a get out of jail free card for WBF? Then, the next time she goes to jail in her dreams, she can get out so she can get some sleep!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I got's a piglet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :weee Momma is SO MAD! :lol: I bout got eaten :p I snatched that piglet up and ran through the brush with it and didn't stop till I got to the house, with it squealing allll the way :lol: Ya'll should seen meh ;) I was like greased lightnin' and my buddy made sure he was in front of me the whole way :rolleyes: :gig

It's a boar :/

I got to babysit today for a while too. That baby is sooooooo kyooooooot! Perfect skin, head full of black hair, fat as a little bear, and smellin like brand new life.....and then I had to change a stinky diaper, which wasn't so cute, but it was worth it :D I fed her and got her to sleep and then handed her back to great grandma ;) She's precious!

I also found a better price on feed at te Co-op in MS. I got a couple bags. Now I gotta go back tomorrow and get some milk replacer for the oinklet. Right now, he's getting powdered milk with a little karo. The other piglets ate it just fine so I hope he takes to it well. I think he was just fed before we found him, he wasn't hungry then. He wouldn't latch on, just licked and sputtered a bit.

Today was good, tomorrow is pig death for the momma. She may not come back around since we stole her oinklet though. But if she does....I gots a lil somethin for her big mean butt and it aint candy :p

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