Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Perfect. Hard work is your only guarantee to keeping your head above the water. Thank God you have survival skills. Hope DD has good luck with the vehicle. Teach her about regular maintance. Personally, I'm beat too.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And I'll bet she's learned more from you NOT buying her a vehicle than if she had a brand new car. Way to go, Sis!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
We went to the store and came back this afternoon and she was out there sitting in her car. Bless it LOL! She is proud of it, and YES she WILL appreciate it MORE because it was her little butt jumping through hoops at minimum wage for over 80 hours that paid for that car, which has her own personal sweat and discomfort burned into her brain from hours of restaurant table bussing traumatic experience and she will love it till the wheels fall right off the dang thing :lol: She is accomplished, and she has more self worth and self esteem attached to that accomplishment than any of those kids whose parents bought them a new car off the lot without butt prints in the seat. DD has her own new car smell, old french fries and a dusty dashboard and nothing smells better to her right now ;) I am so very proud of my kid for working those nights she wanted to quit and sticking with it to stack her pennies for this major first step in life. And she can say with her head held high, yes it's older, and used, and other people made the butt prints in my seats first, but it is PAID FOR IN FULL, and I did it myself! I SO wanted to help her get a better car, but I am SOOOOO glad that we didn't! She'll learn more and have more confidence when she's finally on her own this way....but it really is hard to not help sometimes! SHEESH! I want to put a new transmission in it for her...but I CAN'T bring myself to even offer to...it'll serve her better to do it on her own. Thankfully though, that should be a good while away yet. It really isn't all that bad like the seller said it was, at least not that we have experienced. Besides, I gotta get my wheels turning right at the moment before we can worry about hers.

Water pump went out on Trucky :hit I will have to get on it and get it fixed. I may make this a DIY job. I'm just not sure yet though. We are somewhat limited on tools, and it is in a really tight spot under the motor....I'm not so sure I can handle this one, but it won't keep me from trying it first. My mechanic loves for me to bring pieces to him anyway :lol:

So much more happened today, but I can't remember all of it....seems like today lasted a week. OH, but we did get our unemployment back pay junk and got the bills caught up :p and I did the farmer's market this morning. And......put up a boatload of okra...and that's all I remember.

I have a BAD hurty painful bladder/kidney/UTI thing going on UGH! I feel like garbage, chugging cranberry juice, and taking garlic to fight the infection...may wind up caving in and going to the doctor if this doesn't start doing some good SOON. I drank a half gallon of juice before I could EVER pee today...may be TMI there but, well I don't care :p I feel sick and weak and wanna whine because I'm tired :lol:

And yet...tomorrows chore list awaits without notice of my discomfort :hu

I guess I may see you all tomarro :frow


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I put up more okra today, about 4 gallons. And I cooked dinner, fed animals, made bread, set some eggs, got tomatoes ready for market tomorrow, and laid around like a lump feeling like someone kicked me in the back half the day :( I know........I'm a slacker :p

DD has had me laughing SO hard over this car. First, her daddy took her down the back road to drive it a bit and came in white as a sheet...I HAD to say I told ya so on that one. He has in the not so distant past aggravated ME about taking her driving. I told him I taught the other one, this one is yours!!! She scares the mess out of me :p She hugs the ditch, and knows NADA....bless it, she does NOT pay attention. She came in after the drive, said it wouldn't start back up and she needs to roll her windows up...the child never put it in park, it was in neutral :lol: :hide Then she was standing in the kitchen looking all serious and you could clearly see the gears turning in her head, and she asks, so what's the "N" mean...I told her neutral...her response..what's that? so then I explained it, her response..."Well that's stupid, why is it even there?!" :lol: Mind you this is the SAME KID I HAD DRIVING A STICK SHIFT WHEN SHE WAS 9....ya think she retained anything? :th Then she asked what's the "U" mean? DH and I looked at each other and said huh? The "U" PRNUNDL.....she was saying PRNDL like a word so she would remember...country accent got the best of her that time :lol: We all cracked up, and she said "Ohmahgawd...y'all quit makin fun of me!" Oh what fun to have a teenager :lol: I am SO glad I have taught her to laugh at herself too and not get offended, I think she laughed more than we did once she realized her mistake ;) We ALL get along so much better now that we're all on the same team :) I love my little familia :D

Anyway........I hope my kidneys feel better tomorrow because I HAVE to get some things done....and this UTI is killin meh :barnie

I hope everyone had a great day today! :frow


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Oh and I shopped around this morning till I found a reasonable deal and ordered the part for Trucky :D She should be back on the road by next week. We are gonna DIY it, me and hubster as a weekend project. It'll be SO MUCH FUN :D


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You buyin' stock in Ocean Spray yet? So sorry you're feelin' poorly. UTI's suck in such a big way...ugh. Don't let it get outta hand cuz I know you know that kidney issues are nuttin' to fool around with. You're stronger than the average bear though and I know you'll keep on keepin' on - but try to find some time to rest - you slacker!

Glad you got the truck part. Nothin' says love like a romantic meeting under a truck, lol!

Congrats to DD on buying her very firswt car. That is a milestone in her life that she'll always remember.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri
WBF, have you tried D-manose for your UTI's? My mom's doctor (dermatologist, not urologist--go figure) told her to take it for her frequent uti's, and it really seems to help. It's a natural sugar that makes the bad bacteria sluff off instead of attaching to the bladder, sort of like cranberry does, but amplified. Google it, and see if you want to try it. You can get it at a natural health store.

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Man I really need to catch up, feel like I've been gone for years. Happy you are doing well WBF.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
fem, yep, buying stock now ;) Neighbor told me to try AZO, may pick some up sometime tomorrow. If that doesn't work I will be looking for the D mannose. I am feeling a good bit better on that note though :)

We're down to one car ow :lol: And EVERYBODY IS WORKING.....so I get stuck at home tomorrow while I am supposed to work, because my schedule is flexible.....guess I can work in the house and yard though. Lord knows I need to :/

Corny, catchup! You HAVE been gone for too long :p Glad to see you back lurking around here again :D

I hope y'all had a good one! I did, got to play with my Amish kiddos for a bit and got a ton of stuff knocked off the to do list, and more bills paid and I bought a niiiiiice ginormous tool set :D :D :D Can't wait to play with it!! But.....I'm tired :lol: so glad I ordered it online or I'd be admiring it, picking up all the pieces and trying to find something that needs fixing :lol: I am such a tool geek :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Long day yesterday, to end a long week, so we are skipping conventional church today for a day of rest AT HOME! We just had a big breakfast of bacon and pancakes with some sliced up oranges on the side. DH got the animals fed while I cooked, and DD slept in a bit. She didn't get off until 9ish last night. She was supposed to get off later, and I am pretty PO'ed at her boss right now. She made her leave early, knowing she had to wait on a ride to get there, KNOWING where we live and that it takes almost a half hour to get there....and then fussed because DD was standing out in front of the restaurant. THEN to top it off, she offered to take her to the end of the road :th The end of this road winds up on a main highway, no street lamps, no nothing for at least 2 miles each way except for a few scattered bars.....yeah, sure, take MY 16 year old CHILD and dump her out in the middle of nowhere at 10 o'clock at night, with drunks leaving the bars, in the pitch black of night, and make her wait for 20 or so minutes on her ride. What could possibly go wrong? That woman is lucky DH picked my baby up last night and not me :somad :smack What really pees me off royally, is this woman has a granddaughter that is friends with my DD who also works there, and she'd NEVER in a million years ask something like that of her precious grand nor even give it a thought. And if anyone else asked that of her granddaughter she would rightfully go off on them in an instant. People don't need to be picking on my kid y'all.....somebody is about to get their head knocked off...I am trying to forget it, and cool off, but I want to sooooooooo badly go up there and slap some sense into that woman, and I want to make DD quit, and it's just an impossible frustrating situation right now :/ I dunno what to do, or what would be right, but they have got the mean protective momma stirred up in me right now and they best watch their step as far as my kid is concerned :rant

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