Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Just BUY the canner! Return the saw if he says ANYTHING!!!!
I answer to no one now but, my DH would never tell me no.

I answer to no one now but, my DH would never tell me no.

I took 7 one gallon bags of frozen tomatoes out this morning and this evening i had 6 pints of chunky salsa and 7 pints of BBQ sauce. Plus I made a thick stew in the crock pot for supper.
110 ten oz jars of tuna. 16 were bloodline raw packed for the dogs. The other 94 were all smoked and about half has jalapenos.
Also have 18 brined and smoked tuna bellies going in the freezer. Mom always mistakes them for the smoked salmon that's common out here.
I like the 10 oz jars. Works very well with the older cookbook recipes I've been trying. Many call for 10 oz cans. More than enough for sandwiches or casserole.
My brother's have gotten jealous of Mom and Dad. They only just realized that I've been canning some for them each time. 50 jars would be more than enough for just us.
I froze them because they were ripe and I didn't have time to process them. I just washed, quartered, cut out the core and any bad spots and chunked in a bag.When you worked up those tomatoes, did you thaw them, and drain the whey? Tell me how you handled them to make the process easier. Run under water to slip the skins, or did you just let them thaw for a bit to slip the skins... or leave skins intact??? Do you consider that freezing the tomatoes makes them overall easier to process?