Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
I canned 5 pints of green pepper - onion relish. All day cook down of tomatoes into sauce is now working. Then will can. Dehydrating peppers, plus worked up & froze eggplant, made stuffed peppers which will soon be vac sealed & frozen. Made cheese. Been a busy day!
I am now possessed with the baked beans in one step! the OLD All American canner book says to partially cook beans, add sauce, then put into a #3 can.
Told you it was old! At any rate, seems that everything points to partially cooking beans first. if your sauce was already cooked and thick, then I can see where adding both would work, especially with pressure and time. You could heat and eat or dump into a pan and bake/broil a short time for that wonderful baked in top/sides. Hey, that's the best part, anyway. It also says put bacon in first and a little more on top before sealing that can & processing. (Same for pork & beans) We'll get it figured out! I can see some attempts here next week.
I am now possessed with the baked beans in one step! the OLD All American canner book says to partially cook beans, add sauce, then put into a #3 can.

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