No. Just wet and squishy mud out there now. Blew thru in about 15 minutes.Rammy, you have been busy. Laura missed us completely. I hope you don't have any damage.
Right now Im canning white beans. Trying 2 different methods. First method was straight dry in the jar about 2/3rds cup. Thats going right now.
Maybe soak them first, then can in half water and half BBQ sauce. I'll think on that. I've been cooped up in the kitchen with a trail to the garden to get more, to can more, back to the garden to get more, then can more........I'm thinking like you -- all at one time, BBQ beans. Sadly, I've only seen instructions to do them first, then can. Well, seems they'd be too cooked ?? Maybe 1/2 cook beans, add sauce, then process?
Gotta be a way! I suspect the water wouldn't lessen enough. You know they do lose moisture when baking and thicken up --![]()
They canned just fine. The dry pack that I put 2/3rds in and filled with water then pressure canned plumped right up and filled the jar.Rammy what worked best, canning dry or soaked beans? How do the white beans can up, is that the same kind as in pork n' beans? I like baked BBQ beans, but the juice in pork n' beans is not very tasty. Wonder if i could can the white beans in half water, half BBQ sauce? Ever try that?