Food Guru
The last of the 121 (yes, one stinkin' pint left that didn't fit in the canner...
) pints of catfood are on the stove. The previous 80 jars all sealed! 
Tanks, I freeze the chicken fat in small portions. Sometimes, if it comes off a pan of cold broth, it goes into ziplocs in thick slices that I can break a little bit off when needed. Mostly, it goes into little cups with herbs and garlic powder for tossing with veggies for roasting. I have thrown some into soapmaking if I have lots and if it is very white and doesn't smell chickeny, it is not as yummy. I like to use it in biscuits and pie crust when making those for things like pot pie. It will make a flakier crust or biscuit if you mix it with good lard, since the chicken fat is soft and will not make the air pockets that bits of a harder fat will. But I have been known to use all chicken fat, just have all ingredients ice cold and work fast so that the fat is not too incorporated, but there are at least a few chunks remaining.
Some freeze it in icecube trays for 1 oz portions.

Tanks, I freeze the chicken fat in small portions. Sometimes, if it comes off a pan of cold broth, it goes into ziplocs in thick slices that I can break a little bit off when needed. Mostly, it goes into little cups with herbs and garlic powder for tossing with veggies for roasting. I have thrown some into soapmaking if I have lots and if it is very white and doesn't smell chickeny, it is not as yummy. I like to use it in biscuits and pie crust when making those for things like pot pie. It will make a flakier crust or biscuit if you mix it with good lard, since the chicken fat is soft and will not make the air pockets that bits of a harder fat will. But I have been known to use all chicken fat, just have all ingredients ice cold and work fast so that the fat is not too incorporated, but there are at least a few chunks remaining.
Some freeze it in icecube trays for 1 oz portions.