I'd like to make a few points about possibly misdiagnosing ADD.
When I began art college, we were told by the professors that creative personalities tend towards lack of focus, easily distracted, easily bored, novelty seekers and sometimes lazy. We were told that we would need to overcome those natural tendencies and force ourselves to focus, finish, listen, etc. The entire freshmen class was warned about this. It was like they were mind readers with this incredible insight into our personalities!
We were not a class of ADD, although a methodical person might have thought so. Highly creative cream of the crop, but with all the bad aspects that come from that.
When I began art college, we were told by the professors that creative personalities tend towards lack of focus, easily distracted, easily bored, novelty seekers and sometimes lazy. We were told that we would need to overcome those natural tendencies and force ourselves to focus, finish, listen, etc. The entire freshmen class was warned about this. It was like they were mind readers with this incredible insight into our personalities!
We were not a class of ADD, although a methodical person might have thought so. Highly creative cream of the crop, but with all the bad aspects that come from that.