Woodland Woman
Almost Self-Reliant
Both of my youngest daughters have ADD. I have found only one thing that really works. Diet. They are on a diet that eliminates all artificial colors, artificial flavors, and most preservatives. In the beginning of this diet some fruits are eliminated but later tested back in. I home school. If my kids eat something off diet they will not be able to focus on or finish their school work. Every new concept introduced during this time which will last 4 days will be forgotten and need to be retaught. Now when they stay on their diet they are able to focus and complete their school work in a timely manner. They will remember what they have learned. I had them tested last year and they both scored in the top percentile. Guess what? When they are on this diet they don't have ADD but let them have something off diet and we have melt downs, discipline problems and are unfocused and sound like Lady Henevere's friend.