What is a Zombie?

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
So... you have succeeded in saving your property from the Zombies, then what?

:th What would be the outcome after the Zombies all die off?

Beekissed wrote;
Children, old people, mothers, husbands.....trying to survive on your fields. So hungry. Children crying and barely able to walk from hunger.

Would you shoot them? Would you share, knowing it could mean the death of your clan if you gave into the hungry hoards?
What would the aftermath look like, as each family begins to use up the things that they have stored? Just curious......ummm...sounds grim. :caf

How do you rebuild society after such an event as this?


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Beekissed said:
I'm wondering how you folks will grow your foods and keep animals for food when you may have to protect them 24/7. I know you have guns and ammo....many people do.

Could you protect your stores from the US army? In the past, armies just confiscated private stores....could you fight them ALL off?

I read a book once about a nuclear war and some communities and peoples that survived and one group was trying to grow some oats wheat to feed their horses and themselves.

Their guard alerted them to all come running one day and asked, "What do I do?" and pointed towards the field....it was full of extremely emaciated people on their hands and knees eating the grains.

Children, old people, mothers, husbands.....trying to survive on your fields. So hungry. Children crying and barely able to walk from hunger.

Would you shoot them? Would you share, knowing it could mean the death of your clan if you gave into the hungry hoards?
As to your first question, yes you will have to guard your food and crops 24/7. That is why in these instances a single family would be doomed. The only hope for most will be to combine a few families, or a small community and provide common defense and security.

Communities will have to set up a defensive perimeter and turn refugees away. To quote a recent article on SurvivalBlog, "The ugly truth is, most citizens of the USA are going to starve to death after a society crash. It's simple arithmetic. There will not be enough food for everyone to live. Even if most of them last through a whole season until the first harvest, there is no chance that the first [post-collapse] harvest is going to be bountiful enough to sustain everyone. "

"These are going to be US citizens, mothers and fathers, sons, daughters, and grandparents who are desperate and begging. If begging stops working, they will get hostile and dangerous. Maybe very dangerous.

I know this is a very disagreeable topic, but almost every refugee is doomed and you are powerless to change that fact."

Unfortunately, that is the reality of the type of situation that we are discussing. It's not something pleasant to think about, and to be honest, I don't know how I would deal with such a situation. I pray that it never comes to this.

The article quoted above is titled "Community Crisis Planning for Societal Collapse", and it appeared on SurvivalBlog on Monday, the 23 of this month. It is quite well written and is worth checking out. Here is a link to it .


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Koxx, that is the unpleasant, uncomfortable truth people do not want to talk about. Would you, could you, shot someone who was going after you and your supplies or crops?

For me I guess it would be a case by case basis kind of thing.

If I just let a hoard take all my stuff or eat all my crops, what good would it do in the long run? The horde would eat for a week or so and then they would have to find someone else to steal from.

Left alone, I could take care of my family and some friends and THEN teach others, donate seeds, etc... If you take my seeds, my ducks, my food stores, could they replace it? Grow more? Breed more? No.

Would I let someone else doom me and themselves? Doubtful.

Ever take a red cross swimming rescue class? A flailing desperate person can take you both down. You DO NOT let them pull you under. It wont save them if they do.


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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Old Sew'n'Sew said:
So... you have succeeded in saving your property from the Zombies, then what?

:th What would be the outcome after the Zombies all die off?

Beekissed wrote;
Children, old people, mothers, husbands.....trying to survive on your fields. So hungry. Children crying and barely able to walk from hunger.

Would you shoot them? Would you share, knowing it could mean the death of your clan if you gave into the hungry hoards?
What would the aftermath look like, as each family begins to use up the things that they have stored? Just curious......ummm...sounds grim. :caf

How do you rebuild society after such an event as this?
What would the aftermath look like after each family uses up their stores??? I would like to think that they don't get to that point, simply because they've aquired the skills to rebuild them with their own garden labor. Planting and harvesting, preserving in various ways, rotating your stock. Sadly, many many people do not have these skills, and when the beef jerky and cans of ravioli run out, they'll become another member of the Golden Horde.

Rebuild a society? One day at a time. Slowly, as the dust settles and the major danger has all but passed, people will start to seek each other out and rebuilding will start there.

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
North Central WV
Pioneergirl wrote:
Old Sew'n'Sew wrote:
So... you have succeeded in saving your property from the Zombies, then what?

What would be the outcome after the Zombies all die off?

Beekissed wrote;

Children, old people, mothers, husbands.....trying to survive on your fields. So hungry. Children crying and barely able to walk from hunger
Would you shoot them? Would you share, knowing it could mean the death of your clan if you gave into the hungry hoards?.
What would the aftermath look like, as each family begins to use up the things that they have stored? Just curious......ummm...sounds grim.
How do you rebuild society after such an event as this?

What would the aftermath look like after each family uses up their stores??? I would like to think that they don't get to that point, simply because they've aquired the skills to rebuild them with their own garden labor. Planting and harvesting, preserving in various ways, rotating your stock. Sadly, many many people do not have these skills, and when the beef jerky and cans of ravioli run out, they'll become another member of the Golden Horde.

Rebuild a society? One day at a time. Slowly, as the dust settles and the major danger has all but passed, people will start to seek each other out and rebuilding will start there.
Soo... in other words the ideal conditions would have to exist in order to properly get back on our feet?
I would think that would include peaceful conditions and cooperation, and even obedience to some kind of governmental laws?

Also how do you plan ahead for sickness old age and death? Repopulation anyone? I am past childbearing and will be having no grandchildren, and I already have arthitis which very much limited my ability to work in my flower gardens this year. Just sayin' it still looks pretty grim.... :barnie

Is this STHF you are talkin' about by any chance Biblical in nature because that what I think I'm hearin'?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I don't think anyone is looking at this thing as being apocalyptical, for if they were they would be factoring in world wide earthquakes, 1/3 of the green things dying, 1/3 of the fresh water supply is poisoned, 1/3 of all the oceans will turn to blood and the creatures would die. There would be pestilence, severe weather conditions, famine, etc. The very air will be as poisonous fumes. For 1/3 of the time, the sun will be darkened, also the moon....try to grow a garden under those circumstances? Forage in the woods for food? Be able to provide feed for livestock? Sure.

They would be under a one world government and could only buy food if they had the mark, the government would allow no private food supplies(that is in the making right now....they want to ban small farming, gardening, etc. in the name of food biosecurity).

There would be no freedoms that we enjoy now, you will not own your own firearms, there will be a total collapse of society as we know it today. If you do not take the mark, you will be hunted down and put to death. There would be nowhere you could hide as the government has sophisticated methods of finding you....heck, they can see every inch of this earth via satellite.

I think the folks who are prepping for SHTF scenarios are thinking a more mild type...sort of like a depression era economy.

If not, and they are thinking apocalypse, they are making the wrong or futile preparations. I really don't think anyone here can possibly fathom the utter despair and destruction of those days, nor prepare your physical person or your environment for that.

So...I'm thinking we are just debating a economy collapse, are we not?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Wow Bee! I am glad I am not the only one thinking thataway! No a biblical apocolypse would be worse than we could possibly prepare for. I for one am preparing for the events that will start to come before that and like have come in the past. Call me nuts, but that is what I am preparing for. The world isn't going to end in one day and there will be enough to deal with before that time. As for dealing with that time .........


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Yep....my personal page has how I feel about prepping in those times. But...we won't get into that or this fine thread will be closed and we won't get to find out how people are going to fight off the zombies, will we? ;)


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Is this STHF you are talkin' about by any chance Biblical in nature because that what I think I'm hearin'?
Since I am an atheist, that would be a no. I am talking about an American version of the Weimar Republic. The economic and social parallels are so similar.

Anyone else read this?

I read it about 15 years ago. I need to reread it.

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
North Central WV
Whew! 'wipes brow with back of hand' I guess I was wrong then to think of that.

You know if The SHTF was that, :)hide apocalypse) I woulda said don't worry because I already know that the meek will inherit the earth, and I don't think any of them will have guns.

Seriously though we have been in the great Depression part ll since 2008, and some have been devastated terribly, I know personally several who have lost their jobs and homes, most of these were in construction, and they did not turn into and never will turn into Zombies. I trust people.

A very dear friend who has wife and 4 children, who used to build only large mansions for the wealthy, now sometimes does remodels in public housing and he has sold his house to move to a less affluent part of his town, but they are still just fine. Home is where you are not the the McMansion, eating out every evening, HD Flat screen, lastest gadget, etc. comfort zone.

I was in the Ohio Valley last week and looks like business as usual and looks very prosperous, not an excess of for sale signs there.

On Sunday I tried to take our visiting speaker out to eat at Denny's ( this was in western Maryland) and the place was packed and the waiting list for a table was at least an hour, so we changed to a upscale place with a chef and more expensive, that was almost full also, ( our guests loved the subtitution) that place was doing a brisk business too. The point is: glass half empty or half full??????

Zilla says:Since I am an atheist, that would be a no. I am talking about an American version of the Weimar Republic. The economic and social parallels are so similar.
It does appear that way does'nt it.

Sooo... How long would something like that last and what would a aftermath look like?
Would it be the same as now or a different form of government/ economy then now?
I can't think of one myself, because they have all been tried throughout history and failed as Wifezilla has so accurately pointed out.?

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