What is a Zombie?


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Beekissed said:
Most people out there can't bear to kill a chicken. Could you kill a starving child?
A starving child? No. In almost all cases one more child to feed would not cause my family to starve. Even 200 people trampling down my garden would not be shot, because by then it would be too late to save the garden.

Could I forcibly turn back 200 starving people before they got to my garden, probably not, but I would darn sure try. That is why it would be important for communities to band together and deny entrance to refugees. It would be cruel, but no more cruel than letting them in, only to condemn the community to suffer the same fate.

I doubt that, were I one of the refugees, that I could sit passively and watch my family starve. I would probably rather die at the end of someone's gun, than to not attempt to get food for them. So I can easily imagine what protecting my families and my communities resources might entail. I hope that we never find out for sure.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Nope. I'd be just as likely to offer myself up for nutrition....Lord knows I have plenty to offer. No food stores justifies killing starving masses just so you can survive a few more days, weeks, months.

The key is not surviving...the key is living well.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
Beekissed said:
Everyone talks big about shooting armed or even unarmed marauders that would seek to steal your stores....but what if it were not just men with weapons? What if it were masses of people who were so hungry that they no longer recognized the threat of guns?
And maybe some of them wouldn't care if they were shot - recall the saying "suicide by cop"...if you were starving to death, what would you have to lose by storming a place...? :/


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Beekissed said:
masses of people who were so hungry that they no longer recognized the threat of guns?
And that is my definition of a zombie...

Could I kill a starving child? No. Not and live with myself.
Could I open up on a horde coming down my driveway. Yes. If I didn't see any kids (if there even were any left by that time)

I'm hoping to get to the point that most of my preps are hidden so that only my immediate family (DH, kids, myself) knows where they actually are. If TSHTF and there are roving hordes, we won't have an actual garden, but a stealth one, supplemented by wild foods. The canned & dried goods are hidden, the lamp oil used rarely. I don't know yet how I would protect my animals, other than a rabbit or two & a few chickens. It's hard to hide a 150 lb loud mouthed goat.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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That would be one of my worries if any of this happened - the goats. While not THAT large, they are still large and definitely something that others would desire to have in their stomachs. I'm sure I would need to 'off' some of them, but I would need some for myself for milk, too. They are harder to hide and they are a definite pinpoint to other foods.

So who is going to dig a bunker back out in the woods?? LOL.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
Would you shoot them? Would you share, knowing it could mean the death of your clan if you gave into the hungry hoards?

And that's the rub... and reason for the topic
But nobody answered the question. :) I know you would say, "It all depends..." but if it were an immediate situation like this book described and you had to make the decision to kill that 4 yr. old that was trampling on and eating your hard earned crops before they were ruined.....would you kill them? Could you?

Everyone talks big about shooting armed or even unarmed marauders that would seek to steal your stores....but what if it were not just men with weapons? What if it were masses of people who were so hungry that they no longer recognized the threat of guns?

Most people out there can't bear to kill a chicken. Could you kill a starving child?
Probably no but going along with my views........

Children and the old have an immediate pass into the community unless they are a racist, spread dissension etc. If they make life miserable by being miserable then bubye.

Do I think there will be gangs of orphaned kids? yup. They can live within a common sense sort of society where the laws are basic but absolute, than no worries.

Now if a hungry horde descends or tries to steal what is rightfully mine, I could easily see a situation where all the tall folks get it and the kids get adopted out.

And Bee -- The situation you described about shooting a kid? My buddy had to do so in the middle east during her 2nd deployment. either the kid or them. She came home..

She still has nightmares.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
Nope. I'd be just as likely to offer myself up for nutrition....Lord knows I have plenty to offer. No food stores justifies killing starving masses just so you can survive a few more days, weeks, months.

The key is not surviving...the key is living well.
That's awfully jaded ma'am :(


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I call it realism. What good is surviving if you have compromised your core values to do it? By living well, I mean being able to live with yourself after you have managed to survive.

I call it "jaded" when people talk about shooting any and all people who would threaten their existence....particularly when those peoples were put in that position by something beyond their control. Its not like they decided to get off the couch one day and walk over to your house and steal your food...these people would be driven by hunger and a desire to live as strong as your own.

To you folks zombies translates into the "have nots" in an emergency situation. You seem to feel quite smug about prepping for a disaster and planning to guard your hoarded things.

I'm here to tell you that life turns on a dime and it may very well be you that is the "zombie"....someone bigger, stronger, smarter could come along and take all your marbles. Then what? What will killing those people have gotten you? Another day or two? Then its your turn.

The best one can ever do is to plan on living until living doesn't make much sense anymore if you have to do bad things to keep on doing it. I plan for a life after this one, so I don't really get into this whole "surviving" a catastrophe thing...but I must say that the posts about it all are kind of sad and a little amusing.

Suburbanites with guns and hoarded food stuff...gonna hold off the masses..... :rolleyes:


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Children and the old have an immediate pass into the community unless they are a racist, spread dissension etc. If they make life miserable by being miserable then bubye.

Do I think there will be gangs of orphaned kids? yup. They can live within a common sense sort of society where the laws are basic but absolute, than no worries.

Now if a hungry horde descends or tries to steal what is rightfully mine, I could easily see a situation where all the tall folks get it and the kids get adopted out.

And we are talking about several different scenarios. Some abandoned kids..easily handled. A cohesive family asking for help? Easily handled. A gang of thugs? Easily handled but in a completely different manner.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
I call it realism. What good is surviving if you have compromised your core values to do it? By living well, I mean being able to live with yourself after you have managed to survive.

I call it "jaded" when people talk about shooting any and all people who would threaten their existence....particularly when those peoples were put in that position by something beyond their control. Its not like they decided to get off the couch one day and walk over to your house and steal your food...these people would be driven by hunger and a desire to live as strong as your own.

To you folks zombies translates into the "have nots" in an emergency situation. You seem to feel quite smug about prepping for a disaster and planning to guard your hoarded things.

I'm here to tell you that life turns on a dime and it may very well be you that is the "zombie"....someone bigger, stronger, smarter could come along and take all your marbles. Then what? What will killing those people have gotten you? Another day or two? Then its your turn.

The best one can ever do is to plan on living until living doesn't make much sense anymore if you have to do bad things to keep on doing it. I plan for a life after this one, so I don't really get into this whole "surviving" a catastrophe thing...but I must say that the posts about it all are kind of sad and a little amusing.

Suburbanites with guns and hoarded food stuff...gonna hold off the masses..... :rolleyes:

Obviously you are spoiling for an argument so the ignore button is being pressed from this point on. :)

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