What is a Zombie?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Well, you've got it wrong again. I am neither jaded nor spoiling for a fight....just injecting a little realism into these scenarios you all like to play. Sorry I upset your house of cards, Boyd! :)

If you would rather I not spell things out in real terms for you then that can be arranged....play on! ;)


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I call it "jaded" when people talk about shooting any and all people who would threaten their existence....particularly when those peoples were put in that position by something beyond their control.
Here is the part where we completely disagree. If you have money for hair die and new jeans, you have money for canned and dry goods in case of emergency. If you have money for a new car, you have money to fill up propane tanks, fill the freezer with beef, and get some chickens.

There are always SOME people who get in a situation through no fault of their own. Those people are a SMALL MINORITY. Most people IGNORE reality and then whine when things blow up in their faces. Heck, I used to be that way when I was young and stupid. I finally pulled my head out of the dark recess of my backside.

Anyone who wants to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the ill-prepared and clueless, go right ahead. Anyone who wants to think worse of me for only helping the TRUE victims or those willing to help themselves, go right ahead.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Beekissed said:
I call it realism. What good is surviving if you have compromised your core values to do it? By living well, I mean being able to live with yourself after you have managed to survive.
Realism? By compromising you core values, do you mean your family's survival? If it is a matter of taking the life of someone who's action would be the cause the death of my family, I can live with a lot.

Beekissed said:
I call it "jaded" when people talk about shooting any and all people who would threaten their existence....particularly when those peoples were put in that position by something beyond their control. Its not like they decided to get off the couch one day and walk over to your house and steal your food...these people would be driven by hunger and a desire to live as strong as your own.
I don't call it jaded, I call it my family's survival. Once all of our crops are eaten, our animals slaughtered, and stored food has been distributed, and everyone is once again hungry, do my family and I then join the "zombies" and raid the next farm. Once all of the farms and food are gone, what then? Each other?

Beekissed said:
To you folks zombies translates into the "have nots" in an emergency situation. You seem to feel quite smug about prepping for a disaster and planning to guard your hoarded things.
No. "Have nots" and zombies are not the same, at least in my books, but maybe they are to other people. My "strategy" (for lack of a better word) includes putting back more than I think that we will need so that we can help those in need. If I can supply fresh water, some rice, beans, or some medical aid, I will. But only up to the point where it starts to endanger my family. Smug? Not even close. Sure, I do have a "plan", but it is as fallible as I am. I can only do the best that I can to see my family through tough times.

Beekissed said:
I'm here to tell you that life turns on a dime and it may very well be you that is the "zombie"....someone bigger, stronger, smarter could come along and take all your marbles. Then what? What will killing those people have gotten you? Another day or two? Then its your turn.
Yes it does, but does that mean that we don't even try to prepare? Yes, there will always be some bigger, and definitely smarter, but I can only work with what I have. That is why it is important for communities to come together and try to rebuild on a local level and to mutually support one another.

Beekissed said:
The best one can ever do is to plan on living until living doesn't make much sense anymore if you have to do bad things to keep on doing it. I plan for a life after this one, so I don't really get into this whole "surviving" a catastrophe thing...but I must say that the posts about it all are kind of sad and a little amusing.

Suburbanites with guns and hoarded food stuff...gonna hold off the masses..... :rolleyes:
People have always had to do things that they would rather not to survive or to ensure the survival of their family. Some people choose not to do so, and that is certainly up to them. It's just a good thing that the feeling isn't rampant through the species or none of us would be here today. I do not suggest wanton violence or indiscriminate killing, only doing what you are forced to do, to survive.

For some, survival isn't important. I can accept that, but they usually change their tune when it actually comes down to them or their family starving. When that happens, their high ideals usually go out the window and they become part of the threat to those that actually did prepare.

I wish you well in your decision. :lol:


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Why can't zombies make a quiet peaceful transition to homesteading and gardening???? :(


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
When that happens, their high ideals usually go out the window and they become part of the threat to those that actually did prepare.
I wish you well in your decision.
And what makes you sure that I am not prepared? Something tells me that my experiences in life and my current circumstances makes me far more prepared than mere preppers who have resided in gentle society and comfort.

Being prepared is a relative thing, really. I don't think anyone is really ever prepared for what one will do in one circumstance or another.

I think those that have minimal experience in actually doing without, killing for food...and I mean continually, not just a chicken here and there, that have never really had to do without the niceties in life for an extended period of time are largely unprepared for just what this kind of scenario would bring.

As you don't know "my decision" as you call it, I can't imagine what you refer to....I know what I am or am not willing to do to protect some meager stores that won't last long. But this does not mean I have made a decision to not prepare.

Let's just say that my preparations don't involve the same things as yours and I'm sure that I will be able to withstand quite a bit before I have to resort to stealing your Raviolis....... ;)


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
Beekissed said:
Let's just say that my preparations don't involve the same things as yours and I'm sure that I will be able to withstand quite a bit before I have to resort to stealing your Raviolis....... ;)
My raviolis? Surely you jest! Nobody would EVER stoop so low as to steal a mans' raviolis. Well, at least not the over stuffed type. :D


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Why can't zombies make a quiet peaceful transition to homesteading and gardening?
Some will...and so will not be zombies. Others will decide it is easier to steal. Some will just be desperate but could be turned to "non-zombie" with a little support and direction.

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
:pop I am just arrived here today so I'm going to jump right in here.

I ask before about what would the aftermath look like? what kind of an economy or government would prevail?

That is why it is important for communities to come together and try to rebuild on a local level and to mutually support one another.
This seems to be the most popular scenario. Is this what will work? Have any of you tried it? Do you have a community other than this virtual one? Sounds like the Amish, only with guns!!!!!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Unfortunately, you have a point.

In the past, communities were more dependent upon one another for trade and barter, thus good relationships with your neighbors were essential. People used to care for their own elderly and their own children, families all lived on the family farm and helped each other through adversities.

Now we barely know our neighbors and many people do not like the neighbors they have. People are not friendly or as moral as they used to be and the newer generations have a "its all about me" outlook on life. Families are split three ways to Sunday and the family farm is about a thing of the past.

Its a little naive to expect that, in the face of danger or emergency, that these people who are not anyone you would want living in your home will buckle down and be helpful, be grateful, nor be willing to learn. If they haven't in the past~ and I can't see any big event will change basic personality traits~I can't imagine they will adjust to the "importance of community".

ETA: I know this sounds like a "jaded" perspective, but in order to be truly prepared, one has to expect the worst case scenario and provide for it, not the best case scenario. These puzzling questions sound like arguments to some but, if they make you think and challenge yourself to work out this problem even deeper, it will not be said in vain.

I've spent a lifetime challenging my friends and family to use problem solving skills....they may be your best asset in times of need. Developing that part of your mind is a must if one is to truly be self-sufficient.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
In the scenario that we are currently discussing, where there is a complete societal collapse, the short time answer would seem to be a sort of quasi-socialism/capitalism mix. Someone, be it the mayor or sheriff, would have to gather community leaders and basically take control in order to keep the local situation from spiraling into anarchy.

Inventories of food, fuel, and other necessities would have to be accounted for and guarded from looting, as well as a method of payment worked out to compensate the owners for their goods. I'm not saying that these things should be taken by force, but a farmer with 80,000 pounds of corn in his silo isn't going to be able to use all of it, so a method of compensation would have to be agreed upon and the food distributed through out the community. The same would go for other commodities.

For those able bodied people in the community receiving goods, a method of payment, possibly in labor to help the farmer in planting/harvesting could be worked out, or helping neighbors plant gardens and water collection/purification projects.

There are many, many other things to be worked out. A way to compensate the police force would need to be devised, as well as a way of communicating with the area residents, dealing with any refugees, etc. Those communities with the best chances of surviving would be smaller rural towns away from large population centers. It would not be pretty, and it would not be fun, but it could be survivable I believe in these small communities that had the resources and strong leadership available.

The lone wolf type survivalist wouldn't last long unless he leads a hermits life, and even then the chances of remaining undiscovered and surviving would be slim. Even the mountain men of the 1800's had to come into to town from time to time.

Personally, I don't see this type of scenario happening (but I do admit is could, as it has happened in the past so it probably will again). I can easily see a sort of an extended 1930's depression, that goes on for quite a long time though. Especially since we have dug such a large hole of debt, and we have no manufacturing base left.

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