Almost Self-Reliant
Chicken thighs were on sale so I finally made this! It was very good, even if my oven over cooked it. I made sure to brown them really well like you said. But the marinade got pretty black in the bottom of the pan, so maybe I overdid that part. Then after 20 minutes when I checked, the meat thermometer jumped right up to 190!Sort of, lol. I checked with a meat thermometer in a thigh at the 20 minute mark. I think chicken is supposed to be 165 to be fully cooked. At the 20 minute mark it was 162. I turned the oven off and left the chicken in there - checked it again about 10 minutes later when I had everything else pulled together and it was over 170! (still juicy!) Carry over cooking is real, lol. But, it also might depend on how long you brown it on the stove top first. I made sure it was really well-browned on all sides so that might have helped

I keep a separate thermometer in the oven from when we were having problems with it a few years back. That thermometer read 575!!!

But anyway, the flavor was great. Our son (visiting from SF) didn’t eat his blackened skin, but DH and I both ate ours, and he even went back for seconds. I will definitely be making this again!