Those pictures look like they came from a scientific article but they're worthless on their own. See, it's not the result that makes the scientific method so valuable---it's the disclosure of the method. I can think of many things that could cause the testis of any animal to change and I would want to see the Methods and Materials section of the paper to rule out some of the obvious ones. For example, were the rats the same strain? At what age were they sac'd? Etc, etc.ThrottleJockey said:There is plenty of information avail. and have been plenty of studies conducted that prove them to be unsafe. The problem is that these studies were done long after it was too late to matter. There is virtually no way to live without consuming these poisons or something that already consumed them or a product containing derivatives of them.
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All You Need to Know About GMO
Let's look at another couple of examples of the FDA failing the people for big business, aspartame and fluoride....I'm sure we all know about aspartame so lets focus on fluoride. If you want to believe what the FDA and CDC claim about it, fine, just don't read the recent Harvard study Harvard Fluoride Study I wonder why it is in our water even though the FDA has never actually approved it for consumption? I know, I've just got my tinfoil too tight....Still trust the government not to lower your childrens IQ? Then you certainly don't want to ask me about our institutions of public instruction....
The article you posted states
It's true that sometimes genes from other species are inserted into certain food crops but it's not always the case. And it's implied that all genes from bacteria and viruses are a problem. But what about the many substances we extract from plants and use as food or medication? Those are produced by non-human genes and they don't harm us. While this article isn't totally wrong, it isn't compelling evidence either.GM plants, such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and canola, have had foreign genes forced into their DNA. The inserted genes come from species, such as bacteria and viruses, which have never been in the human food supply.
So I'm sending you back to the drawing board. Pick up a book on genetics while you're at it. Right or wrong, it's good to understand genetics. And ifi it turns out you're right about all of this, you'll be better able to convince others with your new knowledge.