You have GOT to be kidding me............


Off to other pastures
Jan 20, 2010
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I never said that 12 year olds should be having sex. I just said that they are, whether their parents want them to or not. You can stick your head in the sand and say "Not my child" or you can deal with it.

The choice is yours. Sometimes being a parent means facing truths we would rather not face.

As much as you feel you are a "hands on" parent, you cannot be with your child 24-7. Kids are also known to climb out windows, lie, skip school, and just be endlessly devious.

Were none of you ever young?


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
redux said:
I never said that 12 year olds should be having sex. I just said that they are, whether their parents want them to or not. You can stick your head in the sand and say "Not my child" or you can deal with it.

The choice is yours. Sometimes being a parent means facing truths we would rather not face.

As much as you feel you are a "hands on" parent, you cannot be with your child 24-7. Kids are also known to climb out windows, lie, skip school, and just be endlessly devious.

Were none of you ever young?
Always one to argue huh? I guess people really don't ever change.


Off to other pastures
Jan 20, 2010
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freemotion said:
Hey, redux, do you like to hike? Just wondering....
Do I like to hike? What an odd question. No, I am more of a swimmer.


Off to other pastures
Jan 20, 2010
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ohiofarmgirl said:
redux said:
I think abstinence is overrated. It is a nice, quaint idea but it is not grounded in the reality of human biology.
Biology? thats what we should base our decisions on?? biology is why we have self control and some of us think its a virtue.

here's what i got from abstinence:

1. respect for myself
2. no worries about getting STD's
3. not knocked up
4. (*looks over at husband* ) The Big Man..

the generation who told women to just run right out there and hump away didnt do us any favors. please do not dismiss abstinence as some "quaint idea." some of us think its rooted in biblical principals that work.

sex between consenting adults is natural. between 12 year olds? shameful.
Self control is a virtue indeed but most teens have not mastered it. Hence, the need for protection. As far as I recall,. marriage does not prevent pregnancy or STDs. Plenty of married people find themselves with a postiive test. It happens. Not all spouses practice self-control, I guess.


Off to other pastures
Jan 20, 2010
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Dace said:
redux said:
I never said that 12 year olds should be having sex. I just said that they are, whether their parents want them to or not. You can stick your head in the sand and say "Not my child" or you can deal with it.

The choice is yours. Sometimes being a parent means facing truths we would rather not face.

As much as you feel you are a "hands on" parent, you cannot be with your child 24-7. Kids are also known to climb out windows, lie, skip school, and just be endlessly devious.

Were none of you ever young?
Always one to argue huh? I guess people really don't ever change.
Change? Do I know you?

I apologize if I offend. I didnt' realize that opinions were not welcome in this forum.

You can all agree with each other if that is what you need. I am out.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
redux said:
I never said that 12 year olds should be having sex. I just said that they are, whether their parents want them to or not. You can stick your head in the sand and say "Not my child" or you can deal with it.

The choice is yours. Sometimes being a parent means facing truths we would rather not face.

As much as you feel you are a "hands on" parent, you cannot be with your child 24-7. Kids are also known to climb out windows, lie, skip school, and just be endlessly devious.

Were none of you ever young?
Hmmm....nope. I rarely lied, NEVER climbed out a window, NEVER skipped school, and was rarely devious. Never smoked anything, never got drunk....actually, never drank as a kid, even when my parents offered us a small glass of wine with an Italian meal. I lost my virginity on my wedding night.

Nope, not all twelve year olds are rotten. It is not a given. And some kids do certain things, their parents find out, deal with it, and the kid actually LEARNS from their behavior. Imagine that. Hm.

I'm sorry for all kids who do not have good, hands-on parents. But I know people from very abusive families who still turned out to be good people. And I know kids from very good families, with parents who do everything they can, who turned out to be little snots in spite of their parents efforts and good examples.

So why is the question about hiking odd? Seems normal to me. Just a question. You remind me of someone. Someone who likes to hike and argue.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
redux said:
I think abstinence is overrated. It is a nice, quaint idea but it is not grounded in the reality of human biology. What everyone seems to forget is that sex is natural and normal. What screws kids up is their parents freaking out over something that the human species was designed to do, and the ensuing judgement and shame that is attached to a perfectly healthy act. They need to learn to protect themselves, not to fight nature.
Just a reminder.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
redux said:
I never said that 12 year olds should be having sex. I just said that they are, whether their parents want them to or not. You can stick your head in the sand and say "Not my child" or you can deal with it.

The choice is yours. Sometimes being a parent means facing truths we would rather not face.

As much as you feel you are a "hands on" parent, you cannot be with your child 24-7. Kids are also known to climb out windows, lie, skip school, and just be endlessly devious.

Were none of you ever young?
Yes, I was young once. And I am trying to not repeat history, or make the same mistakes my parents made. Sex was not something you talked about when I grew up. In my house we talk about it. I was not taught, per se, to make choices at a young age. I have taught my kids to make choices. I was also not trusted, and I had little to no self esteem. Also things I have worked on changing. I trust my kids, and I have worked very hard to make sure their self esteem is intact.

No, I can't be with them 24/7. I can trust them to make good choices, by instilling in them values that we hold important in our household. Morals. Loving yourself, and not giving into peer pressure. Sure, my kids will make mistakes, and we will deal with them. but in giving them a strong solid upbringing, hopefully they will make good choices where it really matters. I truly believe that they will. Or I could totally shirk my parental responsibilities and give them a condom jsut becasue they might be wanting to have sex. Ummm-NO. It is my job to parent them.

Redux, interesting name choice. :/


Off to other pastures
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
miss_thenorth said:
Redux, interesting name choice. :/
Thank you. My hair is red, and I love ducks..soooo

Just back to say that. I will leave you all to agree with one another.

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