Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I remember the year that we wired extra branches on to a self-chopped tree. That little Charlie Brown tree looked great when we finished with it, lol.

DH got up this morning at 4am because he couldn't sleep. When he forgot to turn the alarm off I also got up at 4 am. No way I can go back to sleep after jumping out of bed to the alarm blaring. But, I gotta say that I did good, lol. I was self-defensed and ready to rumble....maybe because I was already having a dream that somebody was trying to kill me. What a strange dream...

Got to town early. Got grain and groceries and was back home by 9am. DIL got off work at noon today so guess what we did? Not hard to figure out, lol. She's my partner in crime and we went fishing. Caught 30 fish between us. Bluegill, perch and crappie. Nice variety and a whole lot of fun. There were a couple young boys fishing on the next pier over and couldn't catch anything. We gave 'em some worms and some tips and they started having fun too.
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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Fishing is fun, but I haven’t gone in years. I’m gonna have to take time and go. That means buying fishing stuff and getting a license. But what I’d really like to do is go crabbing. Haven’t done that in years either!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yesterday was the first time I went fishing at this park that was a little ....odd. I was out there before DIL and the only one in the area at that point. A guy drove up, parked right beside my truck (in an empty parking lot), got out and came to the first deck. There are 3 decks in this pond - all right beside each other - I was on the one in the middle. He walked down by the 1st deck and fell in the water. He didn't go very far in, but he got his feet and jeans wet. (At that point I got my "piece/peace" of mind paraphernalia out of my bag and into my waistband.) Then he walked around behind me and went past the last deck and was messing around by the water. I couldn't keep him totally in my line of sight but I could catch glimpses of him. As I noticed him moving behind me I turned my back to the water, pretending I was messing with my line, and was watching him pretty closely. He was never real close to me and wasn't aggressive acting - but just really sketchy. After that he walked back up to the trail and back toward his car. Then he turned around and did the same exact thing again. So weird. Never spoke or even made eye contact - he was just acting guilty of something, lol.

As he's going back and approaching the parking area I see my DIL driving up. The guy starts walking toward her car with his hand out - like trying to stop her. She's pretty savvy so she didn't get out. By that time, I'm up at the parking area - hand on my "peace of mind" still tucked under my shirt and walking toward her. I'm still about 15 yds from her so I yell out "hey, about time you got here" and the guy heard me and noticed that I was behind him, so he walked the other way. As soon as we got her unloaded and down to the decks, he walked back to his car and left. I dunno if he was up to anything or not - but I guess in this instance it pays to be careful. I wonder if he had set some trot lines or something else that was illegal and was trying to be inconspicuous, lol. He wasn't! Might all have been my overactive imagination, but I was glad I carry my "peace of mind" piece, lol.

When I go out there to fish and there are other folks - I make it a point to greet them and let them know I'm there. I don't want anybody to feel like they're being snuck up on.

Doc appt. today for DH with the "movement specialist Neurologist." By this time tomorrow I'll be well into my 4 hour drive to get the grands!!! Maybe by late tomorrow afternoon we'll be at the park fishing!

Gotta get outside - goats probably think I've forgotten 'em by now.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Yesterday was the first time I went fishing at this park that was a little ....odd. I was out there before DIL and the only one in the area at that point. A guy drove up, parked right beside my truck (in an empty parking lot), got out and came to the first deck. There are 3 decks in this pond - all right beside each other - I was on the one in the middle. He walked down by the 1st deck and fell in the water. He didn't go very far in, but he got his feet and jeans wet. (At that point I got my "piece/peace" of mind paraphernalia out of my bag and into my waistband.) Then he walked around behind me and went past the last deck and was messing around by the water. I couldn't keep him totally in my line of sight but I could catch glimpses of him. As I noticed him moving behind me I turned my back to the water, pretending I was messing with my line, and was watching him pretty closely. He was never real close to me and wasn't aggressive acting - but just really sketchy. After that he walked back up to the trail and back toward his car. Then he turned around and did the same exact thing again. So weird. Never spoke or even made eye contact - he was just acting guilty of something, lol.

As he's going back and approaching the parking area I see my DIL driving up. The guy starts walking toward her car with his hand out - like trying to stop her. She's pretty savvy so she didn't get out. By that time, I'm up at the parking area - hand on my "peace of mind" still tucked under my shirt and walking toward her. I'm still about 15 yds from her so I yell out "hey, about time you got here" and the guy heard me and noticed that I was behind him, so he walked the other way. As soon as we got her unloaded and down to the decks, he walked back to his car and left. I dunno if he was up to anything or not - but I guess in this instance it pays to be careful. I wonder if he had set some trot lines or something else that was illegal and was trying to be inconspicuous, lol. He wasn't! Might all have been my overactive imagination, but I was glad I carry my "peace of mind" piece, lol.

wow! sounds like under the influence perhaps. just falling in right off the bat... perhaps he was also going to ask for money and didn't really know how and felt bad or ... i dunno... some people can get really messed up from certain drugs.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
It was just such an odd situation that it definitely caught my attention. This park is fairly active on weekends and in the evenings on weekdays - but mid-day on a Monday - not so much. I've fished alone there before and never had an issue. Where we fish is at the end of the area where you can drive into so there's no driving by. If people park there it's usually to access the walking trail or to fish.

The more I think about it the more I think that he must've set trot lines there - which is illegal. With the recent rains the water is up several feet more than it was last week. Makes sense that he would be trying to get close enough to find those trot lines. Of course, that's MY rational explanation, lol. Might not have anything to do with his reality! But, it ended well so no harm, no foul.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
DH's doc appt. went well. We spent 2 hours there. First with a neurology resident and then the neurologist herself. They were very, very thorough. Best part of the news is that they are really leaning away from a Parkinsons diagnosis and blaming most of his problems on his neuropathy, back pain and sciatica. He will have an EMG on his upper extremities because he's got a lot of atrophy in his hands and arms and a slight hand tremor so that's the reason for the EMG. Ugh...another test.

Going to make that drive to pick up the grands tomorrow. Can't wait to snatch 'em up and bring 'em back here.'ll be the first time I go to DD's house since she passed. Not sure how I'm going to handle that. I get emotional just thinking about it. But, have to do it and get it behind me.