Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas

i got to learn what a trot line is...
A trot line is a long line with a weight at the end. It has a series of short lines tied to it with hooks. The hooks are baited. Typically it is tied at the other end to something on shore or a dock, then the line is stretched out and dropped. Usually accessed from a boat. It is legal, but must be tagged with owners information and the date it is set. All too often, trot lines are abandoned and the fish die on the line. THAT is illegal, the abandonment. The line must be taken up within a certain amount of time. It’s a great way to catch catfish. All fish have catch sizes, small ones must be released. Many fish have catch limits also. Trot lines are legal, but laws must be obeyed.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh my goodness - my butt is tired of sitting in that truck. I spent a bit over 10 hours on the road today. That includes one 10 minute potty break and a breakfast kolache. I left before daylight and it rained on me for a couple hours. I don't think I'll do that again. If it's raining I'm waiting til daylight from now on.

Literally only spent about 10 minutes at DD's house. That was 10 minutes of tears but I kept moving and kids kept me distracted. We stopped for lunch about half-way home and GS drove the rest of the way. Nail biter, lol. Not really - he actually did very well. He was fond of the Hemi, lol.

Grandson is an athlete - he does it all. So tonight, we're watching the Astros game. We'll probably do some fishing in the morning. But not early. I need to sleeeeeeep!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I was up early this morning - before 6. DH is also up - but that's a rarity with him. The reason he's up is not so good because his neuropathy and restless leg challenges haven't let either one of us sleep much last night. Only cure for that is coffee and lots of it. (or sleep, lol)

There has been fishing! Three freshwater trips with lots of cute little bluegills providing most of the entertainment but GS caught a pretty nice bass. He prefers bass fishing above all but he wanted to try salt water fishing too. We headed out yesterday morning and it was an amazing day. Best fishing day that I've ever experienced. We caught the conditions just right and between 4 of us we landed well over 100 fish. I'm curious if the eclipse had anything to do with it.

I've been out and fed the critters and got back in to start a breakfast casserole. The grands and son-in-law are still in bed. They were out late last night at DS's house. I stayed home with DH because he's had some really rough days lately. He's been extremely dizzy and took a hard fall Thursday. I'm giving him benadryl and thank goodness it's helping with his dizziness. He's using a walker now instead of his cane. :(

The weather is beautiful! Low 50's this morning and headed for a high in the mid 70's. I'll probably spend a lot of time outside over the next few days. Need to mow and want to plant more. DDIL and I were planning on going up to GS's baseball game tuesday and spending the night. Not sure I can do that with DH's problems right now. If his dizziness stays away I'll consider it, but might not happen.

I hear stirring around upstairs. Better go get breakfast finished up.