Search results

  1. J

    What animal have you rescued today?

    We have this wonderful dog that we rescued from my father-in-law. He was born blind and would have lived his life rather miserably being bullied by the other dogs and in a small back yard. He's now my sweetie, and has lots of room to roam. The puppies that we couldn't take from him have...
  2. J

    Fort Knox aka The Piggy Bank we're back in business!!

    I never thought I could do it either, or that my children would be so "in" to watching it. I swear I should take them to see someone, but they think of it as a big anatomy lesson, which my husband reinforces. I do make them stay in the house and watch from windows, so it does remove them from...
  3. J

    Fort Knox aka The Piggy Bank we're back in business!!

    We have someone come out to our house who does the actual shooting and field dressing. My kids love this part. They then take the carcass to the meat processor of your choice. I suggest you go to the different packing houses you are considering and purchase different cuts of meat (bacon...
  4. J

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I got a Williams-Sonoma immersion blender at the Goodwill yesterday for $4. I'm rather tickled as I've been looking for one there for several months. Not the one I wanted as the the stick part is rather short, but it will do the trick, and the motor is awesome. And did I mention it was only $4?
  5. J

    Fort Knox aka The Piggy Bank we're back in business!!

    Hey! I do live close to you! If you ever get fed up with him, I'll take him! I've never had pigs escape on me. Well, there was that one time my oldest monster left the gate open, but that wasn't the pig's fault. ;) I'll even trade you a couple of steaks and maybe a roast from the last cow...
  6. J

    What are you doing this weekend?!

    I'm going to spend the weekend chasing down my two year old while simultaneously looking for the cache of eggs I know my chickens are hiding from me. Let's seven acres, my neighbor's six, my other neighbor's five, chasing my kids at the same time, and I have two bad knees. Why do I...
  7. J

    wide scale preparations scenario

    For my part, I'm going to stock pile toilet paper for barter, while barter is still good. People are willing to do without a lot of things, but not their double-ply. I can use old t-shirts and wash them at the creek just fine, but I doubt some of the city-fied lake people down the street...
  8. J

    Hourly Rate

    So cute!
  9. J

    best website for preschooler

    Honestly, I chose my name because I was craving my mom's homemade strawberry jam. So, now I make a LOT of jam every year. Really, my husband sometimes asks if we are going to ever store our fruit trees any other way, and I just ask "why?" The kids all like sandwhiches best anyway. We still...
  10. J

    Check out my new redneck hill-billy chicken coop!

    We got a wide variety of chickens last year and I have to say that the BRs are by far the favorite with my kids and husband. Followed closely by the BSL. Both lay esceptionally well and are just awesome with the kids. Especially the BRs.
  11. J

    Study Links Soda Consumption to Pancreatic Cancer

    Well, I'm currently using root beer to bribe my kids to clean the house. Now, does this put me in the "bad" catagory for giving my kids soda? or the "good" catagory because it happens so rarely that I can use it as a bribe? ;)
  12. J

    best website for preschooler

    Eh, of course it does. Just copy and paste, Should that work?
  13. J

    best website for preschooler

    My favorite is I absolutely love it. Well, I should say my kids do. It's a learning to read site, where they actually sit at the computer to learn the letters and basic reading skills. My kids love it. I used to have a couple more that I went to, but I can't for the life of...
  14. J

    What household product can you do without?

    My favorite cat ever was the son of a feral cat that a friend of mine rescued. We called him Spook. He was the best gopher hunter my parents ever had. I've never wanted another one since. You may call it mean, I just call it Personality. ;)
  15. J

    What household product can you do without?

    I thought I could do without cats, but now I think I want Lupins! :D
  16. J

    questions on several how to's

    This is a great thread! Now we can find all the links in one place. Thanks for starting it. :D
  17. J

    Six Meaningless Claims on Food Lables

    When my brother was in high school he worked in a plant that made fruit punch. It always cracked him up that in really small letters on the label it said "Less than" and in really big letters it said "5% fruit juice." The reality was in a vat the size of my living room filled with corn syrup...
  18. J

    How old are YOU?!

    I actually had to ask my mom how old I was the other day, and I'm only 32. But in my defense my neurologist says I have the brain of a declining 70 year old. ;) Or maybe I just feel like that when my kids ask me "Why?" again and again and again.
  19. J

    A different view of debt

    So, how do I get him in touch with my FIL? There were a couple of laws broken there, and the lawyer "helping" them with their bankruptcy doesn't seem to care. :rolleyes:
  20. J

    Campbell's ruined my soup

    I put savory and thyme in mine. Though I probably shouldn't tell you. Now I have to kill you. Dang it. It's ok, I just won't tell you the rest of what I do. :P