I went through the contortions to get ewes across driveway and in the chute. Doctored Granny and was greatly encouraged. She has new hoof growing in!
I’m still keeping it wrapped so the old hoof doesn’t tear off, exposing the inner hoof. Granny is dressed in orange in the holiday spirit...
Coffee is ready here. Laid out a package of boar steaks to cook tonight. Going to run ewes across the driveway to the working chute so I can put fresh vet wrap on Granny’s foot. I have to unroll wire from their night pen gate, to block off the field. Drag hog panels across driveway on one side...
I got all that meat cut up and done except for about 12 pounds to put through the meat grinder. Went to church this morning, grocery store this afternoon. Meat is in refrigerator and I’ll hit it in the morning. I’m just all hogged out today. LOL
Got one ham processed so far. I cut it in half yesterday and bagged it. Put it in refrigerator overnight, freezer this morning. It weighed 22 pounds. Got to go get the other one, clean it all up and cut it in half. Then have both shoulders to do, then all the ground meat to do. I may not get...
I definitely recommend the hanging wire cages. Easier to clean. I wouldn’t put domestic rabbits on the ground. It sounds all natural and touchy feely, but they dig. Plus they fight.