Things in my life seem to always be in a turmoil. My DH's ALS symptoms are progressing so much faster than I had expected. His right hand is completely useless now and his left is almost gone. Up until a few weeks ago I figured he had 5 to 7 months before we had to try and decide on a place for him to be since he won't be able to stay at home once he can no longer feed or tend to himself. (I have no choice but to work and can not afford around the clock in home care). On top of everything else, my daughter had surgery in October. The Dr. nicked an artery and while trying to continue on with the surgery and stop the bleeding he could not see what he was doing for the blood and damaged the nerve going to her right arm. Now she is paralized from her shoulder to her elbow and has no feeling in her lower arm on the underside and into her thumb. Plus, the Dr decided that he could not finish the surgery. She is on medicaid and has used all her visits and over a month later we are still trying to get through the red tape to get her taken care of. I keep saying that 2011 has to be a better year but I don't think I will hold my breath.
I would like to thank Pam and her family again for all her hard work and the effort she put forth on the pants she reconstructed for my DH. He is so proud to be able to actually dress himself in those.
Outside all the turmoil I still have major things to be thankful for and try to remind myself of those things daily. I miss you all a lot and visit every morning while I drink my coffee to read what it is going on in all your lives. I don't often have time to post but decided to take a few minutes to say hi to everyone who might read this.