2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic


Apr 4, 2009
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Yes, I know those glazed looks :D They just don't know what they are missing. Who cares about the celebrity de jour? I certainly don't, and I don't care who knows I am not in the loop.

I'd love to know how to bead for real. It makes such cool stuff.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Ahhh, those kind of people who can't talk about anything intelligent really irk me! I don't even watch TV...well, yes lately I do...I'm addicted to the cooking channel LOL! But you know, if it isn't going to teach me something, I have no interest in just being entertained...I think most of us on here are alot like that. You simply cannot entertain me unless I am learning something new...
these people who are into what the stars are doing simply don't have the gossip on *you* yet to spread...don't give them anything you don't want spread...;)


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Yeah, but I've discovered that if you push through the glazed looks a bit...well, that is how I've gotten a lot of free stuff. Some of those glazed people come back to me with canning jars and other stuff that Aunt Gladys needed to get rid of and was thrilled to find someone who is canning. Keep talking, you never know!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
2dream said:
I am losing it. I can't believe I forgot to tell ya'll. They are filming the movie "The Help" here in Mississippi. They filmed for several days here in Jackson in what is called the Fondren area. For days I had a horrible time getting to work because I drive right through Fondren to get to work. It was so cool though. They had all these old 50's and 60's cars from the local Antique Cars Club, they shipped a bus in from Hollywood. They refaced a whole streets worth of buildings.
Where I took my class yesterday is across the street from where they did part of the filming. All the store owners got to choose which changes they wanted to keep, if any. I was so hoping they would choose to keep most of them because Fondren is a historical district anyway and the changes were so appropriate for the area.
Alma, who owns the beading store, told me that what I see is what is staying now. Most of the owners kept the majority of changes. Some of the signs had to come down since the movie company made a professional nursing staff place a delicatesin. But all the awnings and paint jobs will still be there. And several places kept the old looking signs.
The movie company has now moved to Greenwood MS to film some more. I can't wait til the movie next year.


Yup, they've been disturbing our peace for a while now :lol:

But seriously, the folks around town who have met them all say they are quite nice and seem to enjoy the small town atmosphere and it really hasn't intruded much on the daily lives. Most of the streets they've been blocking off aren't business streets.
Got a friend who works the bar at the local swank hotel (which is where everyone is staying) he's met most of the "big wigs" who pass through. He was especially impressed with Emma Stone, said she was the most real of all the actors he's met. Other than Morgan Freeman who is often in the area.
I'm not a star chaser, but I'm tempted to go have a $5 cocktail the next time they all pile into the bar :D

Anyways, yeah... glazed over eyes. And oh the disgust if you should happen to have chicken poop on your person. I agree, make up some goodies to bring. Some of them will be won over or intrigued, others... well, you've given them good conversation with their bridge partners. "Honey, you just wouldn't beLIEVE the woman I met the other day. She keeps chickens! Can you imagine?!?" :lol:


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
There was a segment on one of the national news shows last night...or was it the night before....on the current popularity of keeping a few backyard hens. It was awesome! Very well done, very positive, and even showed how some towns don't allow it but when people go to the officials, the ones currently in charge don't know why it is outlawed and are very inclined to change the rules. Lots of people with hens interviewed, talking about how they know where their food comes from and how safe it is, and their neighbors saying how much they love having the hens and eggs available right next door. Lovely segment. Wonder if it is online....I think maybe it was CBS Nightly News. DH was watching and called me over to see it.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Good Lord, I am tired. I decided yesterday that today would be the day to finally reduce the flock. You know when you pile apple pie on your plate and think, I can eat this cause your eyes were bigger than your stomach. Well, I decided I could easily process 8 chickens in a day. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

So last night after dark, DH and I went to the chicken house. He operated the light while I stalked roosters. I caught them all and caged them up in an old rabbit cage. At 8 o'clock this morning we head down the hill. I got the first rooster, zip tied his legs and hung him up outside. Same thing for 2 more. Slit their throats, start the water to boil, etc, etc.

Everything is ready, so I dip and pluck. Got those three done and go back for 3 more. Zip, hang, slit, take a brake. About half way through the 5th chicken I am tired, but figure I will be ok. I finish up #5 and decide to go ahead and kill 6, 7 and 8. Well, 6 and 7 were cornish banty roosters. Never ever again will I kill and clean a cornish banty. Never.

Finally at 7 oclock tonight I finish up all the chickens but the last cornish. I gave him to my neighbor. Said he is your if you want him, if not, just throw him away. I have never run across a chicken I could not pluck or skin. That is until today.

Bone tired but full of chicken and dumplins and the rest are in the freezer.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Oh you poor thing! We have discovered that our refridgerator will only hold 6 at a time to soak and rest. We can only do 6 every other day. Gonna take a long time to do the 61 in the back yard right now....:lol:

Glad you got it done, though! :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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lorihadams said:
Oh you poor thing! We have discovered that our refridgerator will only hold 6 at a time to soak and rest. We can only do 6 every other day. Gonna take a long time to do the 61 in the back yard right now....:lol:

Glad you got it done, though! :hugs
Well you can always do what we used to before we had power to the farm. We would let them 'rest' in a tub with a cake of ice before we wrapped them and rushed them to our freezer locker in town. Six is a good number though, we would do 5 or 6 and then take a break for breakfast.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Just how tough is a Cornish Banty Rooster? Well let me tell you.

Saturday when I hung up the two I had chosen to kill, slit their throats, made sure I did a proper job of that and walked away. Plucked and cleaned 2 RIR and came back for one of the Cornish. :ep Not bleeding anymore and both still alive. I feel horrible, I have done something wrong, missed the artery. So I look and low and behold, they have self healed. I am like what the ..... So I pop out the exacto knife and make another slice. Take a break and watch. One dies the other just keeps looking at me. I walk over and poke him. He is no longer bleeding and still ready to kick my butt. I call DH over and and say, would you look at this. I cut him down and this little bugger is still trying to fight me. I use the hatchet to make sure there is no more self healing.

Dip in the hot water and start trying to pluck, a few feathers come out but it was really tough. So we decided another dip in the hot water was in order. In he goes, count to 3, pull him out and try again. NOPE - still stuck tight. I just man handle as best I can pulling as many as possible out. Then decide skinning is the way to go on this bird. :gig So I split the skin a little and start trying to pull it off..... NOTHING. It don't budge. I am by now using language that is not appropriate to post here. And lots of it. After about 10 minutes of fooling with this bird I throw him in the cooler and move on.

Finally after I get all the birds done except for the two cornish banties, I pull one out and say ok buster brown, you and I are going to go for round 2. I finally figured out the only way to get the skin off this bird is to cut it off. It takes forever but he was dumplings. The other one is the one I gave to my neighbor, with a snicker.

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