since it is for freezer, I would definitely research BEST meatmakers. and for sale of one beef, a good beef breed also is best cause customers are looking for that and it will be a quick sale.
we raise black angus. yum in the freezer.
all beef is mainly easy maintenance truly. since they aren't being bred and kept til 'biggest size' etc. and due for processing and sale at a reasonable size, then you can truly have your pick on the best beef meat for your area.
longhorns are around here. I don't know their meat quality tho. many are raised for local rodeo shows etc for those horns for roping.
florida cracker?? LOL never heard of that one truly LOL
sometimes smaller is better, just easier to handle overall and if properly managed can be just as productive as a larger space.
I like those florida crackers cool a fan of dexters myself but i dont know how theyd do in florida, i think going with a breed designed for the area is a realy good idea!
cant wait to see your bunny set up