Are you poor? I just gotta get this out....


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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JRmom said:
I've had some comments directed at me before, so I understand the frustration. But I finally realized that it's really not their fault. My friends and I were all raised with the mindset that you need to work, work, work and buy, buy, buy. It's been shoved down our throats from a very early age that you must work for money then spend that money, then get up the next morning and do it all over again. I chose to get off that merry-go-round and I'm much happier. At the end of the day, that's all that counts, how you feel.
Yes THIS is why I feel for them. They aren't happy, and have by their own words said so, but they just can not wrap their brain around why I AM happy without their "stuff." It is very frustrating. While I feel they are ignorant, they think I am poor, and feel sorry for me, when all I would ever want for them is what I have...peace, no matter how they choose to attain it. They just aren't getting that peace from the way they live, and can't figure it out when it is as plain as the nose on their face. WHY can't they SEE it. Comments made about our "poor" state, while same folks make comments about how wonderful it would be to be a really isn't their fault, but at the same time, I just want to shake them till they WAKE UP :lol: I wish they'd stop feeling sorry for me and focus on why they sometimes are feeling sorry for themselves for the same reasons I got out of the rat race, and then get out themselves. It is very very liberating to not have to worry so much. I may not be able to make every single payment on time right now, but I don't worry near as much as I did when we relied on conventional employment means to make those same payments. I know how to make money if I need it, and how to do it while doing all of the other things I want at the same time.

Snapshot~Consuming does get very tiring doesn't it :lol: I much prefer producing to consume, rather than just consuming because just consuming means relying on someone else ALL the time. It all boils down to making a living, and anything you can produce cuts your consumption, which IS income, I just can't stack my produce in a bank account and call all my friends over to say "lookie here what I have" :rolleyes: I don't NEED their approval and I often think that is the whole hang up for folks...the NEED of someone else's "approval" and what's that really worth?!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I love money! :lol:

gee I was raised work work work hard and bank. My parents spent on only quality good things when needed and no debt (CC) to acquire their purchases. I was raised with you can live a wonderful life if you have no serious extra debt. Well for me it means having no serious debt, but I want a big income also. :lol:

I cut down on spending alot and put my money towards vacations I love so much.

Alot of people are out there making great money and living fine and smiling. not everyone is blowing their money and in the debt cycle. there are tons of upper middle class living wonderful and enjoying every second of their income!

it will be intersting to see tho how all this mess comes around in, say 5-10 yrs down the road. who knows what darn economy crappola will be happening...ugh


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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North Central Florida
FarmerChick said:
I love money! :lol:

gee I was raised work work work hard and bank. My parents spent on only quality good things when needed and no debt (CC) to acquire their purchases. I was raised with you can live a wonderful life if you have no serious extra debt. Well for me it means having no serious debt, but I want a big income also. :lol:

I cut down on spending alot and put my money towards vacations I love so much.

Alot of people are out there making great money and living fine and smiling. not everyone is blowing their money and in the debt cycle. there are tons of upper middle class living wonderful and enjoying every second of their income!

it will be intersting to see tho how all this mess comes around in, say 5-10 yrs down the road. who knows what darn economy crappola will be happening...ugh
I don't think anyone on this thread is saying it's bad to work, earn money, and enjoy yourself. But for those of us who DO live a simpler life, whether through circumstances or an actual choice, it's frustrating when family and friends perceive us as "poor" and attach a dollar value to every aspect of life, when in actuality we are living full, happy, contented lives. Money does not equal happiness or contentment (well, that's true for me and I imagine true for a whole lot of folks on this forum). I have nothing whatsoever against the "tons of upper middle class living wonderful and enjoying every second of their income". I don't think that's what this thread is talking about.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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JRmom said:
FarmerChick said:
I love money! :lol:

gee I was raised work work work hard and bank. My parents spent on only quality good things when needed and no debt (CC) to acquire their purchases. I was raised with you can live a wonderful life if you have no serious extra debt. Well for me it means having no serious debt, but I want a big income also. :lol:

I cut down on spending alot and put my money towards vacations I love so much.

Alot of people are out there making great money and living fine and smiling. not everyone is blowing their money and in the debt cycle. there are tons of upper middle class living wonderful and enjoying every second of their income!

it will be intersting to see tho how all this mess comes around in, say 5-10 yrs down the road. who knows what darn economy crappola will be happening...ugh
I don't think anyone on this thread is saying it's bad to work, earn money, and enjoy yourself. But for those of us who DO live a simpler life, whether through circumstances or an actual choice, it's frustrating when family and friends perceive us as "poor" and attach a dollar value to every aspect of life, when in actuality we are living full, happy, contented lives. Money does not equal happiness or contentment (well, that's true for me and I imagine true for a whole lot of folks on this forum). I have nothing whatsoever against the "tons of upper middle class living wonderful and enjoying every second of their income". I don't think that's what this thread is talking about.
And the more opinions the merrier!! One man is not an island....right?:p


Power Conserver
Feb 22, 2010
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E. TN/Cocke County 37727
WBf, my family does not understand my choices either. I've always been just a little off, but since buying this place, they think we've gone off the deep end. Raising our own food, eating our own farmed meat, not allowing our daughter to have everything digital and electronic at her disposal. My sis ACTUALLY says how awful I am for not giving my kis unlimited text messaging for her phone because she's missing out on being just like all the other kids. My parents wont visit because we butcher here once or twice per year. they also think that we are money poor, which I suppose maybe we are, but, like most of these posts, I have to remember that its all relative. I may not have much disposable cash, but I also do not have any real debt. Our home, which is good enogh for forever, should be paid off in just a few years more, even with the current econ crisis and our lifestyle.

I try to consider the source, and while I get really frustrated at being judged and sort of rejected by them, I have to remember that they, those treating me this way, are just deflecting. Additionally, they are clearly confused in regards to what is important in life, and most of them are likely either jealous or mad that I refuse the rat race! That I'm breaking all the rules they thought you had to live by. They just would feel more comfortable being around people like themselves, because I maybe remind them that they HAVE a choice, but are just to afraid to live any other way.

I live in E. TN now in the mountains almost to the state line. I live among like-minded individuals for the most part now and that helps. Just recently I refused to give my daughter full time access to the new iPhone my sister bought her, and now, she my sis isn't much speaking to me because I am unreasonable. I dont know if its easier because my fam seems off their rockers completely or not, but I know that I will have no regrets later and that I have found the keys to happiness.

I remind them all that LIFE IS LONG
and if that isn't their experience, they should probably slow their lives down.
Don't just stop and smell the roses, GROW the roses!

Sorry for MY ramble! I haven't been on here, SS, in almost a year now... nice to see so much activity around!


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
DawnSuiter said:
WBf, my family does not understand my choices either. I've always been just a little off, but since buying this place, they think we've gone off the deep end. Raising our own food, eating our own farmed meat, not allowing our daughter to have everything digital and electronic at her disposal. My sis ACTUALLY says how awful I am for not giving my kis unlimited text messaging for her phone because she's missing out on being just like all the other kids. My parents wont visit because we butcher here once or twice per year. they also think that we are money poor, which I suppose maybe we are, but, like most of these posts, I have to remember that its all relative. I may not have much disposable cash, but I also do not have any real debt. Our home, which is good enogh for forever, should be paid off in just a few years more, even with the current econ crisis and our lifestyle.

I try to consider the source, and while I get really frustrated at being judged and sort of rejected by them, I have to remember that they, those treating me this way, are just deflecting. Additionally, they are clearly confused in regards to what is important in life, and most of them are likely either jealous or mad that I refuse the rat race! That I'm breaking all the rules they thought you had to live by. They just would feel more comfortable being around people like themselves, because I maybe remind them that they HAVE a choice, but are just to afraid to live any other way.

I live in E. TN now in the mountains almost to the state line. I live among like-minded individuals for the most part now and that helps. Just recently I refused to give my daughter full time access to the new iPhone my sister bought her, and now, she my sis isn't much speaking to me because I am unreasonable. I dont know if its easier because my fam seems off their rockers completely or not, but I know that I will have no regrets later and that I have found the keys to happiness.

I remind them all that LIFE IS LONG
and if that isn't their experience, they should probably slow their lives down.
Don't just stop and smell the roses, GROW the roses!

Sorry for MY ramble! I haven't been on here, SS, in almost a year now... nice to see so much activity around!
Good morning Dawn!! Newbie here. I hadn't really looked for forums like this till I ended up with chickens. Found SS in there...BYC. It is tough to be different...but if you are happy, and like yourself...that is what matters. You are the parent, of your daughter...and it is your decisions she has to abide by. My family does not understand me either. hey never did, never wanted to. I am the so-called "Black Sheep"..because I choose to do stuff differently. Even though I am square...and I like me this way. :D


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Money does not equal happiness or contentment

Nothing WRONG with money, but when your focus becomes just the stuff that money can buy and you miss that money can mean security, freedom, etc... well, I think that is off focus.